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iv The Publishers' Circular nov. is,r|8i...
XXJ __>__™——— > ' . . _____—. . i. .— «*...
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Iv The Publishers' Circular Nov. Is,R|8i...
iv The Publishers' Circular nov . is , r | 8 i 8 <
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f ^ ¦¦¦ "™™ " ^ 1 . THREE TlfflUST TRIED . By B . L . P 11 - ^^ --- ^^ ¦ ¦ JH'AI S I 2 . THe AUTHOR DICK ' gOLDEN OF 'S ' SAKE MBHALAH FEATHER . By . ' ¦¦ Mrs . Riddelt By the ,. I DENNV L ^ N II I I IDDAD DOM ' ! " lYI % ^ W I ¦ | _________ _________ ____¦ , ___¦ I I 4 - . SLIPPING SAVED ' victa BY vk AWAY THE tbix . SKIN ' . B OF y the HIS Author TEETH of . Ur flC ¦ ¦ i FinTlllM lullUm I ¦ ¦ ^^^ ^^ __ H H -3 'W ^^^ ____ m I 6 . LORD ByHBLBN JOHN SHiPTON : or , . a Search for Gold . P EACH . OMPI NUMBER FTF RTHRY contains hu ' al ¦ ¦ ^ ^ ^ M H ¦ ' . i I 8 7 . . PAYING GOJIE gibbon . By THE . Katherine PENALTY S . . Macquoid By Charles . ¦ WELL WELL Price -KNOW PRINTED Id ¦ . N 32 ifOV on E GOOD LI G STj ES . ^ I 9 'A IN g MARINE b SOLDIER 5 ? ta ?^ ARMOUR INHERITANCE . By George . By PICTORIAL PAPER ¦ , in WRAPPER COLOURED . I ¦ ^^^^^^^^^^_ Manvillb Fbnn . ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ I ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ H 11 . MY PHILMPP 8 WOLLBY KEEPER . . By Clive ton ^ don UUi \ - . II ¦ LlDi T iKdohit aiY 01 nf T r lCllUO inliAn . I - BY c ° TELEGRAPH bban - | . By j . Maclaren 3 Northumberland chafing cross , Avenue s . w . , * JB OTHERS TO FOLLOW . M ^^^^^^ •^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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Xxj __>__™——— > ' . . _____—. . I. .— «*...
XXJ __>__™——— > ' . . _____— . . i . . — «* Spottiswoode & Co . Printers * New-street / Square , London .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Nov. 15, 1889, page iv, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15111889/page/68/