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| BEsJ P£ * 7 ; . . - : . •¦ ¦ „ - ... ¦...
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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| Besj P£ * 7 ; . . - : . •¦ ¦ „ - ... ¦...
| BEsJ P £ ; . . - . •¦ ¦ „ ... . , .: ' ¦ . -: , v ¦¦ - - . ¦ ' ¦ ' : .. . ' , . - ¦¦ . ¦' . ; ¦ ¦ .-.: ¦ - ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦;* " ' ;¦' ¦ ' . - ¦*¦' ¦ ¦ ¦• ;¦ , ¦ . ¦ -: <• ^ ¦¦ ,: ' ¦ ' ' ~ : * " A ' i . ; - ^ ' - «^ -s - > ~ ? iKf - - -3 : < :. ^ ^ I * . 15 , 1880 The Publishers' Circular 13 * 9 !
BAGSTERS' LIST . < $ ni ( $ mfi zsrow- } t e ^ lzdy £ mim FOR MARRIAGES , BURIALS , B APT 18 MS , AND THELORD'SSUPPER , Adapted from tlie Book of Common Prayer for Nonconforming Congregations . Crown 8 vo . French morocco , gilt edges , price 2 » . THE BLANK-PAGED BIBLE . The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments , with copious References to Parallel and Illustrative Passages * and the alternate pages ruled for MS . Notes . The feature of this book is that the ruled page is always on the right hand side , thus facilitating the entry of MS . Notes . In a new strong Persian Morocco binding , with red edges . 8 vo . To sell at 21 s . THE INVALID'S BIBLE . A Series of the Separate Books of the Bible , in very convenient form , in large ( Pica ) type , printed in paragraphs , and weighing only a few ounces each . With Maps , Indexes , & c . Prices from Is . 6 d . to 2 s . This may also be had in Four Volumes , prices from 30 s ., or any Volume separately , price 7 s . Gd . A new strong Persian Morocco binding to eell at £ 2 . 2 s . DAILY LIGHT OH THE DAILY PATH . In various new and attractive bindings for Christmas Sales . French calf , limp i and circuit , with and without hand-tainted flowers . Also in plush . them ' These to the two fact Text that Books they are have devotional long been text favourites -books containing , bat we on would ly the call words the attention of Scripture of . those The who text chosen may not as hare keynote seen suitable heads the gifts page could , and be other found texts . ' -r- bearing CnitiHTiAN on . the same subject follow . They are very precious little books , and few more that ' Many there have seem borne no circumstances testimony to the in which " word something in season " may which not the be short found page appropriate has proved to . the So well day ' are s needs the , texts conveying chosen a , message ' Instead from of God the to mere the scraps waiting of heart Scripture . '—Word , so brief and as Work to be . unintelligible , which are usually found in this kind ot book , we have here paragraphs , generally two , and very well selected . This is a book we can recommend Church . and ' Fortnightly . ' These works are well calculated to refresh the Christian reader ,, and to stimulate religions thought in the best possible 4 These way are . '— two Bock beautiful . pocket volumes , furnishing the reader with a devotional text , supplemented with a page of dear corresponding and large and , the illustrative workmanship Scripture , in production ; and the of references binding and for paper every , all morning that can and be evening desired . '— in Christian the year . Aqb The . type la , TRADE PRICES ON APPLICATION . I * London : S . BAGSTER & SONS , 15 Paternoster Kow . ( 746 )
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 15, 1880, page 1329, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15121880/page/25/