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Mgggg i ' "'¦'". , '," _ " ' " ' " ¦ ' '...
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Mgggg I ' "'¦'". , '," _ " ' " ' " ¦ ' '...
Mgggg i ' " ' ¦'" . , ' , " _ " ' " ' " ¦ ' ' " - iirn - M - . ii < . fin i ¦" . ' ,. " ' , ' ' " . " ' ¦ ' ' ' '' " ; ' " ¦ ; " '! ' 1 ' , .. " , T' ., T ~)» jM Ipee . 15 , ** s ° ' ^ he Publishers " ' Circular r $$ 5 ti ¦ — 11 ., — — i i .
IB — C ^ ' p !> - fl Westleys & Co . M I BOOKBINDERS" ! lES Sk : London : 10 FRIAR STREET , DOCTOHB' COMMONS , E . O . « ril II ... l ...., l ..- — .-UL- «| .. L . .. , _ ,. „ . ., ,...,. | , ,. u . iSL M | im . I . IIMHIL . I . II 11 _ ll | IJ . IML . _| ... ^ L ,. H | . |«¦ M-l- ¦•¦ - ¦¦¦ I Ull I LLJ IM LJ I U I II ¦ H >¦ 1 ' « £ Ml If * "
FOREIGN LITERATURE . Colonial SAMPSON Booksellers ' LOW and , MARSTON Publishers , & Fleet CO ., Street English London , American will , forward Foreign , and t free , to any address , a List of French , , German , and , American , Newspapers , pos and Foreign Periodicals Books , with alw Rates ays kept of Sub in s sto cription ck . Books ; also not Catalogues in stock , of or a Rare large Books variety , pro of - cured with the least delay . Express parcels from the ^ Continent Twice a Week ! Six Copies of Catalogues of Old and Rare Books sent , free of expense , to the addressed most likely Foreign Foreign Department Purchasers . . Catalogues They must of be Old delivere and d Rare ( free Foreign of exp Books ense ) , can also be had . Agents in all the princi pal Cities of the World . Commissions at Home execu and ted Abroad in all . matters connected with International Copyright , both
PARLIAMENTARY REPORTS : an •*¦ assorted Stock of all interesting subjects . Olyett , 5 Endell Street , Long Acre , London , W . C .
TRADE VALUATION . MR . ADAM HOLDEN , Bookseller & c , " ***• 48 Church Street , Liverpool , having had a long of the and Trade varied of a experience Bookseller in the and different Stationee branches offers to undertake the Valuation of any Business , for of Probate the Country Duty , . or for Sale or Transfer , in any part I Terms { moderate ") on application . 48 Church Street , Liverpool .
JfR . GEO . NEWMAN , Auctioneer and matters " ^ Valuer of Sale to , Transfer the Trade , or , offers Valuations his services for Partner in all - knowled jhip or Probate of the ; his various long branches experience enable and thoroug him to h render very ge valuable assistance to either Vendor or 111 fttrchaser placing on particulars very moderate on this terms Reg . ister No . expense Offices : tt fcmdon Wall , K . C . — :
gOOKSELLING ckrgy and laity in and BUSINESS around a large . —Som town e 1 md Sl on a - ^ fide main y Church < * line vanta in £ Bookseller the es » are Midlands desirous into , their and of with town introduci . first Excel -class ng a - l I * ie r t ? « opening A . B ., 188 at the Fleet present Street moment , E . C . . —Communicate
FOR SALE—Illustrated London News , Vols . 1 to 52 ( excepting Vol . 4 ) , nearly all half-bound in double volumes . —Gerardi Mercatoris Atlas eive Cosmographies Meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati figura . Amsterodami , datis 1613 .
TO LET . —Extensive Premises , No . 11 feet b Ivy y 15 L , good , P . li atern ght , o with ster ground Row . floor Four and floors cellar , 36 , no shop ; suitable for manufacturing or storage purposes . Rent , £ 150 . —Apply , Mr . Riley , No . 12 .
LADY , holding two years' ( 77 and 78 ) A Certificates from Dublin University , in English , Latin , French , & c , & c , and having had two years ' technical and practical experience of correcting and proofs Celtic for ] press in a Government [ in Latin , Gre office ek , — French being , the German only , lad similar y ever emp emp loyment loyed , on or would the Staff undertake —wishes translations to obtain from the French . —Address , Mrs . Johnstone , 278 Kennington Road , London , S . E .
Booksellers Wantin8 Assistants.
T 3 OOKSELLING TRADE . —Wamted , for full JLJ the conversant SUNDAY with SCHOOL the details UNION of th , a ^ gentaeman wh olesale ' t and tendence retail of bookselling the business t . rade A , liberal to take salary the superin will , b © - j letter given onl to y a , thoroug stating hl y , competent qualifications man , . — and Apply salary by j expected , to Mr . Benham , 66 Old ; Bailey , j London , E . C . : Jl
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 15, 1880, page 1335, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15121880/page/31/