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^"' " * " " ' " ' * " '" J ' ' " ' " ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ i < T- ¦ j " ¦ ¦ ' •¦ ¦ ¦ ^***~^ pr . . a ^ B 26 The Publishers' Circular jin . l 6 lggJH
BLACKWOOD'S STANDARD CLASS-BOOKS I FOB COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS . I A MAN and Critical UAL ; designed of ENGLISH mainly to sbow Characteristics PROSE St LITERATURE yle . By \ V . Minto , M . A ., , Professor Biographical of Logic in the I * ¦ A University masterly ¦ manual of Aberdeen of English . Second Prose Edition Literature . Crown . '—Standard 8 vo . 7 s . 6 d . . ' It is the "be 3 ¦ t Englislx book on the subject . '—Observer . Etymological ¦ LANGUAGE Boole of General ; Including Reference and . very Pronouncing By the Copious Rev . Selection James Stormoxth of DICTIONARY Scientific . The Terms Pronunciation . For Use in of carefully Schools the Revised ENGLISH Colleges by , the and Her as a . I I ¦ ¦ « Should P . H . Phelp find a , pl M ace . A .. on Cantab every . library Sixth table Edition . '— , Notes carefully and revised Queries . Crown . 8 vo . pp . 800 , 7 s . 6 d . , ' ¦ ' The new edition is altogether a marvel of comprehensiveness and accuracy . *—Harper's Magazine , ADVANCED TEXT-BOOK of PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY . I Second By Dayid Edition Page . , With LL-. D Engravings ., & c ., Professor . 5 * . of Geology in tlie Durham University of Physical Science , Newcastle , fl fl ¦ ' A thoroughly good . Text-book of Physical Geography . *—Saturday Review . INTRODUCTORY TEXT-BOOK of PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY . I ¦ ¦ Geology With Sketch and - Mineralogy Maps and in Illustrations the Mason . Science By the College Same , . Birmingham Edited by Charles . Tenth Edition IiAPWcsth . 2 s , . 6 F d . G . . S . & c , Professor of INTRODUCTORY TEXT-BOOK of GEOLOGY . By David Page I and LL . D Glossarial ., Professor Index of Geology . Eleventh in the Edition Durham -. 2 University s . 6 d . of Physical Science , Newcastle . With Engravings on Wood IH 8 H ADVANCED TEXT-BOOK of GEOLOGY , Descriptive and Enlarged Industrial . . 7 s With . 6 ct . Engravings and Glossary of Scientific Terms . By the Same . Sixth Edition , Eevised and H | H 'As a school-book , nothing can mntch the Advanced Text-Book of Geology by Professor Page Mechanics of Newcastle ' Magazine ' . IH | H cordially * We recommend know of no introduction to the geologica con l taining ttudent a . *—• larger Athenaeum amount . of information in the same space , and which we could mow [ IH H ELEMENTS of PHYSIOGRAPHY and PHYSICAL GEO-1 the GRAPHY Rev . Alexa . With ^ deji express Mackay reference , LL . D to ., F the . B . G Instruction . S . 19 th Thousand s recently . issued Crown by 8 vo the . Is . Sc 6 rf ience . and . Art Department . By [ IH H A MANUAL of MODERN GEOGRAPHY ; Mathematical , Physical , and Political . By the Same . 10 th Thousand . Crown 8 \ o . pp . 688 , 7 * . 6 d . ^ ELEMENTS of MODERN GEOGRAPHY ¦ . By the Same . 46 th Thousand . Revised to the Present Time . Crown 8 vo . pp . 300 , 3 * . ^ The INTERMEDIATE GEOGRAPHY ¦ . Intended as an Intermediate - % Book between the Author's ' Outlines of Geography » and * Elements of Geography / By th « Same . Eighth Edition . ^ M Crown 8 vo . pp . 224 , 2 t . ^ M i OUTLINES of MODERN GEOGRAPHY . Bj the Same . UUM Thousand , llevised to the Present Time . 18 mo . pp . 112 , Is . ^ H FIRST STEPS in GEOGRAPHY . By the Same . 79 th Thousand-B Revised . Pp . $ 0 , sewed , 4 < f . ; in cloth , 6 tf . ^ H A MANUAL of ZOOLOGY , for the Use of Students . Witt « H pp Professor General . 865 , - Introduction with of Natural 454 Engravings History on tho Principles on in the Wood University , 14 of * . Zoology of St . . Andrews By Henry . Sixth Aixeynk Edition Nicholson , Revised , M and " . D . Enlarged , F . H . 8 . E . ., F Crown . G . S ., « Bvo c > . ^ ^ ^ H m H ' It Tho is best the be treatise 3 t manual on zoology of zoology in modern yet published compass , not that merely we possess in England . '—X » , ancet but in . Europe . '—Pall Mall Oazette . ^ ^ H H i ADVANCED TEXT-BOOK of ZOOLOGY , for the Use ofH INTRODU Schools . By tho CTOR Same . Third Y Edition TEXT , Enl - arged BOOK . Crown ¦ of 8 vo . vith ZOOLOGY 22 tt Engravings on for Wood , the 6 a . Use of )| Junior Classes . By the Same . Fifth Edition , Revised and Enlarged , with 150 Kngravinga , , 3 « . ^ M OUTLINES of NATURAL HISTO ¦ RY , for Beginners ; *» $ l > eacrlptiona ot a Progreselvo Series of Zoological Type * . By the Same . Second Edition , with Engravings . ** ^ M A MANUAL With a General Introduction . 2 vols of . 8 vo PALAEONTOLOGY . on with the 722 Principles of PnUeontology £ -2 . 2 s . , for By the the Same . Use Second of Edition Stud , Jtevto ^ t * B ^ M greatly BnlaTged Engravings , ^ M revised * Tho , and most to complete a great extent and systematic rewritten , trcaUso but ao much on tho en eubjeot larged by In the the English addition language of new mattor . It boa that not it only may be daim en to 01 j ** ° JjLj ? Sj ^ . ^ ^ M Bldorod to all intenta and purposes a new book . —Saturday Bbvibw . \^ H Mttw I —— —» ' ¦ ' »» ' ¦ i" > ' »¦'¦""¦ . - ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦¦ ..,.. ¦ . ¦ - ¦ I ¦¦ - ~~~* ^^ , ^^ B
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 16, 1882, page 26, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_16011882/page/26/