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f —' — ' -^ s a The PublishersCircular j...
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F —' — ' -^ S A The Publisherscircular J...
f — ' — ' - ^ s The PublishersCircular jan % l | 6 l 8 || 1
DR . DE FIVA 8 ' FRENCH EDUCATIONAL WORKS . ' We have previously expressed a very favourable opittion of the works written I for learners of French by Dr . de Fivas , a ? id need now only to call attention to I tJie new editions recently issued . Their great popularity is evidenced by t / u 11 fact tJuit tliey have all passed through several editionsy the grammar having I reacfied the forty-fourth . There are many excellent French grammars in t / u I market \ but ? ve know of few equal to De Fivas \ The extracts from French I authors contained in the u BeautlSs" are well chosen . The "New Guide to I Fretich Conversation " will be found extremely useful to tourists . " Le Trtsor I Natioftal " contains graduated exercises , ifitcnded to facilitate the acquisition of I tlie power of tra ? islating E ? iglish into French ^ while the " Introduction " provides I II a good selection of easy French passages , affording suitable reading for beginners ! I The Schoolmaster , Dec 4 , 1880 . DE FIVAS' NEW GRAMMAR OF FRENCH GRAMMARS ; I comprising the substance of all the moat approved French Grammars extant , but more especially of JI the standard work , ' L » a Grammaire des Grammaires , ' sanctioned by tho French Academy and th « I University of Paris . With numerous Exercises and Examples illustrative of every Rule . Bj I Dr . V . de Fivas , 3 f . A ., F . E . I . S ., Member of the Grammatical Society of Paris , & c . 44 th Edition , J enlarged and improved , 3 s . 6 d . strongly bound . ? Note . — The Academic Francaise having , in 1877 , issued a New Edition of their Dictionary , tntro- m dttcing many innovations , the opportunity has been taken to thoroughly revise this Grammar in accordant m therewith . M ' Many other improvements and amplifications have at the same time been effected , with a view to I maintaining the long-established reputation of the New Grammar of French Grammars as a thoroughly I I reliable modern class-book , acceptable to Teachers and Masters throughout the British Empire , I Opinions of the Press . written 'Th . e " It Grammaire claim ** to contain des Oraromaire ** everything s " Ion Ubeful /? ago and approval nothing itself superfluous to the , " public and we as one believe of the the mos claim t pra fairly ¦ ¦ ctical justified book » . ere to name More a grammar than 350 paflre better ? of suited most for accurate instillin French g a souud prrammatical knowledge work of tte leaves French the pupil langu little age . '— to Schoolmaster learn . ¦ It ¦ would . b « difficult The be » t and most complete grammar of the French language ever prepared for the use of English ¦ studenta . ' * We can confidently say that thla capital book can stand comparison with any rival . It is an Christian admira ¦ ¦ ble gramm Would * . ' I * A book that has stood the teat of years , like thnt before nil , moat be possessed of intrinsic merits ¦ of the very Wgb «* order * . One The of the book simplest may be and accepted most as complete one of the French best Grammars of its kind/— tbafc Educational have »> een yet News published . . *—National . Schooulabtp to ! ! - « ThU French Grammar ha * for a long time been recognised as the best we have in England , and it seema rapidly of the The French uperseding rery Language best of most the — others in many other . ' able — words Educational works , of which all . who Ti tho > i aim rs pre . at sent belonging day has to produced the educated to mee classes t the . requirements '—Public Opinion of the . 8 tud « ! o am ( I We speak with penonal knowledge of it * terseness , clearness , and good arrangement , and strongly recomnQ ® J ^ ^ . II I * examination Of the , many to be the French fullest Grammar , clearest ! , and which most I exact have , is consulted tho " Grammaire , the one des that Orammaires I consider " of , upon Dr . V close . de FlvW and - ft « Q H H Bev . J . D . Collib , Head Master of tho Grammar School of King Edward tho Sixth , Brom **"" * M A Key tO the Grammar . Containing , besides ¦ a Translation of v * ¦ Exerci ««« , numerous Grammatical and Critical Remarks , not to be found in other Gi » m % s . 6 d . bound . , «~\ I I London : CROSBY LOCK WOOD A CO ., 7 Stationers ' -Hall Court , Ludgate HiM ^ J
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 16, 1882, page 52, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_16011882/page/52/