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April 16, 1886 The Publishers' Circular ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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April 16, 1886 The Publishers' Circular ...
April 16 , 1886 The Publishers' Circular 4 n
ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA . VOLUME XX . of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA ( Pru—Mos ) will shortly be published , Edinburgh : ADAM & CHARLES BLACK .
MR . ANDREW CARNEGIE'S NEW BOOK will be ready on the 20 th instant . TRIUMPHANT DEMOCRACY ; OK , ^ fiffp gears' f ^ Tai rdj of tfte ^ public . By ANDREW CARNEGIE , Author of ' Fowr-in-Hand Through Great JBritavn' $ c . $ c * CO 3 TTBUTS . CHAPTER CHAPTER I . The Republic . XI . Twining . II . The American People . XII . Trade asd Comb ^ erce . III , Cities and Towns . XIII . Hail ways and Waterways . IV . Conditions of Life . XIV . Art and Musjc . V . Occupations . XV . Literature . VI . Education . ' * XVI . The Federax Constblultion . VII . Religion . XVII . Foreign Affairs . VIII . Pauperism and Crime . XVIII . The Government ' s Non-Political Work . IX . Agriculture . XIX . The National Balance Sheet . X . Manufactures . XX . General Reflections . London : SAMPSON LOW , MABSTON , SEARLE , & RIVINGTON , Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet St ., E . C .
^ ^ ra ^^ |§ SW 3 (|| | RINTING CHIS WICK - — PRESS CHARLES ( Established WHITTTNGHA 1789 )^ 21 , Tooks M AND Court , Chancery CO ., OF Lane THE , ffj 3 | w < 3 ) fo London , have large pleasure i ? i offering their services as General Letterpress JPrinte 7 'S . jjJ ^ T ^ oi /^^ Ha ving a and experienced staff , and also a unique and beautiful collection of initial command modern and they old letters are style a , ble , and head to an unde and assortm rta tailpieces ke en the t of ; best and foreign class orna and of menta bookwo Eng l borders lish rk and hand , in editions addition and machine to de large luxe -made . founts Special papers of type facilities at , their both 1 are orna ?? offered ients , for are available Catalogues for { illustrated inspection or at otherwise their office ) , , legal and , and advice other is respectfully work , Samples offered of as types to the ; initials printing , and cf catalogues of libraries or private collections . Telephone No . 2704 ; telegram , " Whittingham , London . "
< BT TO PROPRIETORS OF ILLUSTRATED PERIODICALS , BOOKS , & c . For Sale . —Electrotypes of upwards of 150 , 000 Wood Engravings . Specimens and Terms upon application to CASSELL & COMPANY ( Limited ) , La Belle Sauvage Yard , Ludgate Hill , London , E . C . N , B . —Examine this Stock be ^ pre ordering new subjects .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 16, 1886, page 411, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_16041886/page/37/