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The Publishers* Circular June *69 #$4 ]|
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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The Publishers* Circular June *69 #$4 ]|
The Publishers * Circular June * 69 #$ 4 ]|
Lett ' s Time-paving publications-cnn LETTS S GENEALOGICAL . ALBUM AND FAMILY REGISTER . —New edition . —Containing p of age each s for individual making , out whe the n and pedi where gree , space born , for bap reg tized istering , & c , and the name for for famil memoranda y photos as , to at d hei ifferent htwei ages ht . color A second of hai part r and is arranged pages and peculiar characteristics ; g also , for g noting , illnesses , accidents eyes , , or special incidents affecting each life , and at the end are blank pages for every day of the year , wherein to chronicle important famil extra y g events ilt , 45 . / - ; Cloth or without , 15 / - ; the morocco blank , p extra ages , cloth gilt , 40 , 1 / 0 - / ; 6 . vellum , LETTS'S LIBRARY CATALOGUE . For the proper arrangement of libraries , large or small , specifying the title , author ' s , editor ' s , and translator ' s names , publisher , when and where published , size , number of volumes , cost ; and for taking register of books lent 3 to whom , & c . ( as adopted by some i of the principal librarians ) . Royal quarto , cloth , 25 / - ; morocco or morocco cloth russia , 5 / , " or h 5 andsome russia morocco , handsomel ly tooled or russia , y 45 , tooled / handsomel - « Ro , 21 yal / -. octavo tooled Large , cloth post 12 / - ; octavo , 10 extra / 6 ; , j substance do ., 8 / - ; morocco or russia , I 5 / - y * , LETTS'S CORRESPONDENCE REGISTER For registering the date of despatch of a letter or parcel , and J particulars regarding it , and of letters received , money remitted , I & c . Cloth , 5 / - ; calf , 8 / -. ! LETTS'S PERPETUAL DIARIES j Can be commenced on any day in any year , and are well adapted for Diary series the ; w use they herein of are to travellers also collect of much and others after utility not as auxiliaries reminders requiring to of an the ordinary annual iodical duties , , or perpetual records , year of important year , engagements p . Cloth , foolscap IO / 6 . Cloth folio , i letter day - on a p size age , 14 1 / da - ; d on itto ; a a days IO on / - ; a ditto pagc , > , 1 , paper , y page , 6 Lock 2 , / d 6 ays ; - ditto on cove , a a page days rs for , 7 on / same 6 . a page Cloth fro , m 5 , / note 7 - / ; - ditto - or paper locks , 3 size da from y , 1 day l / 6 . on pag a , P 4 6 / & £ ! j up , , ________^__ - —5—» — * Cj ? - » * * " ** J * KETTS , SON & GO . LIMITE D , 33 , KINO WILLIAM STREET , LONDON BRIDGE . I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 16, 1884, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_16061884/page/24/