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' ¦>• .... ' "'" ' ; , . _ ¦ ¦ " ¦ . '' ¦ ¦ "''¦ ¦ - " > v '^& ' * June iG , 1884 The Publi shers ' Circular 587 ; ! '
CHATTO AND WIN PUS'S ANNOUNCEMENTS , NEW THREE-VOLUME NOVELS . PRINCESS NAPEAXINE . By Ouida . DOROTHY FORSTER . By Walter Besjlnt . ST . MTJNGKVS CITY . By Sahah Tytler . [ Shortly . BY THE STONE EZEL , & c « By Mrs . Cooper ( Katitbbine Saunders ) . [ Shortly . A DRAWN GAME . By Basil . [ Shortly . NEW VOLUMES OF THE ' PICCADILLY NOVELS . ' Crown 8 vo . cloth extra , 3 s . 6 d . each . BEATRIX RANDOLPH . By J . Hawthooe . GIDEON'S ROCK . By K . Saundf . rs . i THE FOREIGNERS . By Eleanor C . Piuce . THE HIGH MILLS . By X . Saundjsrs . [ Shortly . THE LAND-LEAGUERS . By A . Trollope . IONE . By E . Lynn Listok . { Shortly . JOAN MERRY WKATHEB . By K . Saunders . ANNAN "WATER . By K . Buchanan . [ Shortly . MARGARET AND ELIZABETH . Ditto . TWO-SHILLING POPULAR NOVELS—Post 8 vo . illustrated covers . New Volumes now Publishing : — By ROBERT BUCHANAN . By HENBY W . LUCY . By F . W . BOBIiNSON . GOD AND THE MAN . GIDEON PLBYOE . "WOMEN ARE STRANGE . B LOVE ONEO ™ ME POE o : EVER . By HALP j MASTERMAN - A l £ ^ ggTEBS . By A * 1 OH Y TH * F ° LIFE - By CHARLES GIBBON . By D . CHRISTIE MURRAY . B ^ ANTHONY TROLLOPE . THE FLOWER OF THE JOSEPH'S COAT FRATJ FROHMANN . FOREST . COALS OF FIRE . MARION FAY . By CALIFORTSTTATST BRET HARTB . By JTJST 1 N MCCARTHY , M . P . By _ MARK _ , . __ TWAIN _ ,, y . ___ . STORIES . The COMET of a SEASON . A TRAMP ABROAD . By JULIAN HAWTHORNE . By OUIDA . THE STOLEN 'WHITE PRINCE SABONPS I » T MAKEMMA . ELEPHANT . By iin . QEORGB HOOPER WIFE . . . By FOR JAMES CASH PAYN . ONLY . B ^ J 5 £ Sf '«^ SSS 5 : * . «« Thui TroTTflin nw -R . A . Trv- THE BRIDE ' S PASS . By Mrs . ALFRED HUNT . THE PRINCE of WALES' By J - s - WINTER . SELF-CONDEMNED . GARDEN PARTY .. CAVALRY LIFE . THE Home LIFE . ' Crown OF 8 vo THE . cloth extra FIELDS , 6 * . . By Richard Jeffebies , Author of ' The Gamokoeper at ENGLAND extra , 6 * . UNDER GLADSTONE . By Justin H . McCarthy . Crown 8 vo . cloth LORD Additions BEACONSFIELD . Crown 8 vo . cloth extra . Is A . 6 * i Biog . raphy . By T . P . O'Connor , 31 . P . Sixth Edition , with I 1 ST Cummikg THE , HIMALAYAS Author of * In the Hebrides AND . * With ON numerous THE Illustrations INDIAN . Denay PLAINS 8 vo . cloth . extra B y C . F . GoimoN [/ n j rt'jwration . I ENGLISH John Ahuto CARICATURE n " , Author of * Social Life in and the Reign SATIRE of Queen on Anne . NAPOLEON ' With 120 Illustrations the from FIRST th « Originals . By j " 2 vols . Demy 8 vo . cloth extra , 285 . [ Fu th < press . | THOMAS tratlona . Stiuare BEWICK 8 vo . cloth AND extra , 10 * HIS . Otl . PUPILS . By Austin Dobson . With ubout 100 lllus prus - i A . DICTIONAR liHKWKit , LL . D . { Uniform Y OF icith MIRACLES the Heater ' s Handb : ImiUtivo . ') With , Illustrutior Kealie tic s . , Crown and Dogmatic Svo . cloth . extra h Is y K >«/ . . C . j AUTHORS Heftder * 8 Handbook AND ' separately THEIR printed WORKS . By Hev . , with . C . Biuc the vrrcit , Dates LL . U . . Crown Boing 8 vo . tho chjtlj A limp ppendices , is . to ' Th © THE William PATIENT and Edward 'S VADE j iit . Crown MECUM 8 ro . Is . : clotb How . to < ld . get most Benefit from Modical Advice , hy ; , THE OP FICTION . B / Waltek Besant , Author of ' All Sorts and Condition . * of Men . ' I Demy 8 vo . 1 * . 1 THE SAGACITY AND MORALITY OF PLANTS : A Sketch of tho Life and U I ] Conduct tratiox \ 8 . of Crown the Vegetable 8 vo . cloth Kingdom extra , Is . . Hd By . J . li . Ta y lor , F . L . S ., Ac . With coloured Frontispiece ui . d 100 IIU 13-I ^ SYNOPSIS SPECIES . By W . B of . Giiovk the B . A BACTERIA .. With over 100 I lkmtrationa and . YE Crown AST -FUNGI . cloth extra , 3 * and . G . ALLIED I * B * * B ROYAL U . 6 d . aUIDE TO THE LONDON CHARITIES , 1884-5 . Crown [ Sho 8 rtly vo . i ^ ^^ London : CHATTO ¦ & W 1 NDUS , Piccadilly , W . m ~
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 16, 1884, page 587, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_16061884/page/27/