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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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¦¦¦ RyiJS r ^^ ST ^?;!?^^*'?^ ' . ' ¦•^'¦^¦ : ^^ WV ¦• V ; : ^/ ¦ :. ¦^^ 5 ?^^> . •^?>*'¦^^ v ^^^; ' ^ « :. ¦> - -. ;¦ ¦¦ - / -v-- . v" . . ¦'¦ - ¦ ' :: ¦ ¦'•'¦ ' ¦ ; ¦ ¦ . ;¦ n : .. •" ' ¦ : vv . . " ;¦ .: yp .- . ?¦ : ¦ :- - : ¦ . ^ : v ; ¦ v : r *> v ^^ ' . June 16 , 1884 The Publishers' Circular S 9 t
LIBRAIRIE DE FIRMIN-DIDOT ET C , IMPRIMEUBS DE L'INSTITUT , RUE JACOB , 56 . . TO BE PXJBH . ISHEI 3 IN" NOVEMBER 1884 . Intending Subscribers are requested to send their names as early as possible . LA RENAISSANCE EN ITALIE ET EN PRANCE A L ^ PO QUE DE CHARLES VIII . I PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF AND EDITED BY M . PAUL D'ALBERT BE I LUYNES ET DE CHEVREUSE , DUC DE CIIAULNES . I BV I M . EUOfiNE MUNTZ . I And Illustrated by more than 350 Engravings " in the text and 30 Plates after I Original Monuments , Price : sewed , 3 O ih ; lioJ . Ol > oii . iicl , 4 O ir . I MODES ET USAGES I AU TEMPS DE I MAPIE-ANTOINETTE . I DIAET OF MADAItE ELOPFE , Softies' @ ostumtcr anb Qcnxpstteos in i & rbinarn to tfyc <& uecn ant > I f ^ cr gourf , 1787-1793 . UY ^ H THE COMTE IDE REISET . ith ^ 1 W near ly 200 Illustrations 6 OO , of which 110 are large Plates and 08 Coloured . ^¦ ^ o stout vole . 4 to . of pages each . Sewed , 6 O fr . ; half-bound , 8 Ofr . , I ' > *' ^ .... ¦ .. ^« HH- ? HPS 5 *» ^ , .....- ^ P ^^» ^