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¦ BtaaaiA ^ HwAM MMMaiMMiMaiMiaMaiiMmMMwMMMiwiMMwawMM ^^ ¦ ¦ ¦ . <¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : v '/ - - 594 The Publishers' Oscular . l : . ¦¦ Iw ^ « ? V ?* biI ' ^—»——_¦—__—___—___^_ ¦— .. _ . ¦¦¦¦ - _ .- _ . . . . ¦ — — ~^— ill
MR . UNWIN'S LIST . 1 EUPBEOB . ION : Studies of the WOBK Antique BY and VEBNON the Mediaeval LBE .-Kow in ready the Renaissance , . By Vernon Lee Author of * Ottilie' & c . 2 vols . demy 8 vo . cloth extra , 21 * . , to what ' Two Matthew very beautifully Arnold names produced the grand volumes . '— of Western essays Morning The News style . is dear , eloquent , picturesque , and at times rises NEW NOVEL FROM THE DUTCH . —Now ready . THE AMAZON : an Art Novel . By Cabl Vosmabr . With Preface by Professor George Ebbbs I and Frontispiece drawn specially fox the original Dutch Edition , by L . Alma Tadema , R . A . Crown 8 vo . olota , «« , , * Cannot fail to attract attention among all those who value art or are grateful to artists . '—Liverpool . Mkrcuby . IHEimY IBVING- IN ENGLAND AND ready . AMERICA 1838-1884 . By Fbederic j Daly . With Etched Portrait by Ialauze . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 5 « . , * * Mr Mr . . Daly Daly ' writes s book with is admirable judicious . '— moderation Saturday Review and without . excessive adulation . '—Athkx-eum . JOHN WICLIFPATRIOT WICLIF QUINCENTENARY REFORMER COMMEMORATION : His Life 1884 and Writings . By Rudolf Buddensieg , Lie . TheoL , Iieipsic . Parchment covers , antique printing . Uniform with . ' Table-Talk . ' 2 « . I Wyclifs c A charming life . *—Nonconformist book , got up . in the old style , bound in parchment , containing a scholarly and appropriate account of I I TWO VOLUMES OF NEW POETRY . A MINOR POET : and other Verse . By i MEASURED STEPS . By Ernest Kad-Amy Levy . Crown 8 vo . paper boards , antique , 3 s . 6 d . [ ford . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 4 a I NEW EDITIONS . I ARMINIUS Adventures Fourth , Written VAMB and Popudajr by Himself ^ EY Edition . : With His . Portrait Lifo and and G-LADYS Lives . By Fourth T FANE . W and iemyss Popthlar B : the . Edition In Story 1 vol . . crown of Two 8 vo . I I I * A Fourteen . most fascinating Illustrations work . , full Crown of curious 8 vo . cloth and extra interesting , Gs . cloth extra , 6 * . I I life experiences . *—Contemporary in the most Review varied . countries and conditions of wonderful * A brilliant vigour series . ' — of Guardian scenes and . characters , sketched "with I I T . FISHER UNWIN , 26 Paternoster Square , E . C . I
Royal 8 vo . 14 s . I Catalogue titles and index entries . I HINTS BY I CHARLES F . BLACKBURN . 1 reader 'A very that Mr alig . ht Blackburn Bibliographer survey of writes this out book . will the sh fulness ow the of the * boo As k a is record interesting Library of personal , but Chronicle ¦ ¦ we ¦ op are inion bound and . expe to add rience that * I points experience on which , and ho that essay he s has to teach thought us . out A further the various study Mr to . harmonise Blackburn with ' s views those and of our sympathies leading librarians do not appear . ' ? of the book will show that the author baa the art of II making subject naturally very what read interesting it may throug bo . considered h with The pleasure bibliograp a somewhat , but her we will can dry to all « Mr lovers . Blackburn of IN books " ote ¦ ' s 8 . volume and There . is Queries are ¦ likely few of to commend these . who itwlf b « v « II amusing promise the notes general and apposite reader instan that lie ces will to beguile find m him any not of their dreamed shelves of some shall time be ¦ catalogued of leisure , , when and . tho . . cont hunting of tow « nw m I generally into has end will also reading be been that found it tho produced throug book very h . is usfcful . with . full . The , of much and valuable vocabulary it care may and hints be at taste . said the It O o Titles o ut f f its a volume " difficulties will probab not the . in task l A y ¦ daily ¦ induce perusal ¦ themselves use them shal of «* l H to be and ints abandon robbe lead on d CaUW th the « fl >> w * « » J M and looks what it is—a book very much out of the , seek performing duly qualified assistance ¦ . How , much 8 tu ^[ f " . common run . ' Saturday « j . j Review -n . preparation Blackburn to the arrangement shows , what . industry Very and ¦ ¦ far and cataloguing from what arduous care of , are w . , ^ ? bow " ** % « £ . J ' Mr is volume . not * Blackburn Hints a on very on the has enticing Catalogue contrived ect . nam It Titles e to is for turn not a and book out exactl a Index . very Not a amusing book Entries the less to the Library In a ¦ the task portion and of . reading raisonn the ¦ ¦ Society in ¦ , 4 and which of the of even Books ho contents of describes studying , " g iving of , m in A » . . u * j . L ^ ^ u subj y catalogue ^ J es itiljr read illustrates how , but to catalogue it both ia a by book , amu and to sing also dip examples into how . not The . ' to author do it shows , and commend tbe are few author bibliop the is hile volume positivel s who to y wfll general entertaining not bo circulfltl glad . to yf ® p 7 ** l ac " ^ Th ^ it ef . ' « H H H London : SAMPSON LOWMARSTONSBARLE & BIVlNQTOSM , , , ^^ 1
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 16, 1884, page 594, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_16061884/page/34/