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jane i6,1884 The Publishers' Circular I ...
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Jane I6,1884 The Publishers' Circular I ...
jane i 6 , 1884 The Publishers' Circular I ^
READY ON JUNE 19 , L AN EXTRA SUMMER NUMBER OF THE ARGOSY MAGAZINE . PRICE SIXPENCE . The Summer Kumber wil ] be entirely distinct and separate from the ordinary 1 Monthly Number of the Argosy , and will contain a long and Complete Story by i Mrs . HENRY WOOD , Author of 'East Lynne , ' entitled THE SURGEONS DAUGHTERS , TT / TiUSTRATEP BY M . ELIiEN EDWARDS . It will also contain an Illustrated Paper on The Homes of the Princess Louise in Canada ., and various other contributions of interest and amusement . RICHARD BENTLEY & SON , 8 New Burlington Street , W . Publishers in Ordinary to the Queen .
THE PAPER MAKERS' CIRCUUR , Published on the 10 th . of each month . The Oldest Established and the Recognised Britain Representative . of the Paper Trade in Great 19 Offices a Corsitor : 160 Street a fleet , Chancery Street ,. London Lane , London , £ . 0 . ; , and E . C at .
TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR . THE STATIONER , ® j ) c |) rintcr anb ^ aiug Srabt * ' gUgtstcr . Tebhs of Subscription : Home , Colonial , and f Foreign , 6 s . 6 < 2 . per annum , post-free . r For Advertising Bates , & c , address I Mr . S . Chas . Phiixips , 160 a Fleet Street , K . CT . [ j
The ART AMATEUR for July . PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED . Forty large folio pages . This superb monthly practical and helpful Art Magazine , which has I attained in America extraordinary success , is now for sale throughout the United Kingdom , I price Is . 6 d . I xontagne The A Marks rtist « , ay Its « : editor 'Wo and gladly proprietor welcome , evidently it ; for there understands is no ftich the needs importan of those t publication who practise of iti Art claoa for amusement in England . . The Mr . . ttJe jjv no number t only abounds to amateurs in artistic , but also and to useful professional designs decorators for almost and every designers kind of . * deoorative art work , and most of these are valu- i I American . The Academy contemporary says : , * the It' Art (< . « . A an mateur English , wliich Decorative is a marvel Art ot Magazine variety , beauty ) ' is not , and , cheapness however , . nearly Iho Art up A to mateur the level however of its \ ? I "" Q , <** iwtance L net 'Art confine t the et de great itself ce bon Art to naarohe Journal decoration . ' of , Prance and is , ably says written : * Nous ¦ and ne possedons edited . ' en France aaotut organ © do vulgarisation , de cotte , I I jj II II a Subsci Charing > lptions Cross received , S . W . at the London Office , MACFARLANE & CO ., Publishers ,
I ] «^ TO PROPRIETORS OF ILLUSTRATED PERIODICALS , BOOKS , fto . ) I ELECTROTYPES of upwards of 140 , 000 WOOD ENGRAVINGS . \ B Specimens and La Terms Belle upon Sauvage application Yard , Lud to gate CASSELL Hill , London 8 c COMPANY , E . C . ( Limited ) , f ¦ K " ^^^ 1 T . B . — -Bxamino ' this Stock before ¦ ordering new aubjeota . jfck
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 16, 1884, page 597, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_16061884/page/37/