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June 16.1884 The Publishers' Circular eo...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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June 16.1884 The Publishers' Circular Eo...
June 16 . 1884 The Publishers' Circular eor | I 1 i
SEALING WAX . w bband .-''BOTTLING WAX . beebrand . ^^ g ^^ j ^ m lm Strn Kf J 5 BHJH ^ HmIBh ( lKlJ * HI ^ B ^ vers , Iok Makers , Tobacconists , & c . | iKBSSBSI &^ aS ^ nff ^& ^ WBffi ^^ r ^ vv \^ : r ,: r ^ : £ T'x 1 PREPARED je : d : fo : BY r , expoh t . - ! ^^^ BC ^ B ^? Jrff ^ S" * ffS ?^ fflyy ^ jBJ ^ r established ^^^^^( jK ^ 1752 SS . ^^ StationeryEnvelop WHOLESALE e , & SeaHofWax ManfflacturersT \ , LONDON AND EDINBURGH .
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. TRADE VALUATION . MR . ADAM HOLDEN , Bookseller < fec , 48 Church Street , Liverpool , hairing had a of long the and Trade varied of a experience Bookexiahr in the and differen Statioitbb t branches offers . to undertake the Vju-itatiow of any Business , for Probate Duty , or fox Sale ox Transfer , in any part of the Country Terms . { moderate ) en application . I 48 Church Street , Liverpool . |
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 16, 1884, page 601, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_16061884/page/41/