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E> - *~ ^^l 808 The Publishers ^ Circula...
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Messrs. Hildesrieixxier & Paulkaer*s boo...
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E> - *~ ^^L 808 The Publishers ^ Circula...
E > - *~ ^^ l 808 The Publishers ^ Circular juiy i & , 1888
Ti^Ad^ Change
Ti ^ ad ^ Change
Mr . James Watson , bookseller ,, Elgin , N . B . has taken his son into partnershipand
, , the business will henceforth be conducted
under the sign J . & J . A . Watson .
Edinburgh Publishers And The
CHACE BILL . To the Editor of the Publishers' Circular .
Dear Sir , —In your article on the American Copyright questionas taken up by the
X •/ 0 X , 7 J . Edinburg 4 Publishers h , Chamber of whom of there Commerc are a e , good you num say - :
ber in Edinburgh , -were conspicuous hy their absencebut the printing and paper-making
, 7 X n X X < ~ > trades were very ably and responsibly represented . ' This is . not correctfor there was a . ,
good representatioxi of the trade at the meeting , and at least two took a prominent part in the proceedings . Mr . A . W . Black ( of A . &
C . Black ) made an effective speech , and I had the satisfaction of seconding the first motion ,
'which was carried unanimously . —I am , yours faithfully ,
Robert Anderson ( Of Oliphant , Anderson & Ferrier ) .
Edinburgh , July 3 , 1888 .
Books And Booklets, With
COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS . Messrs . G-riffith ., Farran , Okeden & "Welsh ..
There is probably not one series of monotint books out of the many in the market this year that will so challenge criticism as those issued by the firm at St . Paul ' s Churchj ^ ardwho claim to
have inaugurated three years ago a , new departure in books by the publication of ' The Season's and Sketches
Songs . ' These , like the * Day Songs ' of last year , were printed in Germany , but this year Messrs . Griffith , Farran & Co . have produced
a series of books and booklets in monotints , designed and illustrated by English artists of repute ( as the list below will show ) , under the editorshiof Mr . George C . HaiteFLS ( Member
of * " " *^» ^ Council ¦•* ' - **^ ^— - " *^ - — — " »^ p MSi ^ * - of ^ ^^ ^»"" the - ^ " - - ^ w - ^— ¦ Society ' x *^ ^ fcnT - *^ ^ H ^ h ¦ x ^ ^ fc . ^ for JL . ^^ ^ k ^^^ the ^ k ^^ m , ^ , a Enco n . . *&—^ . B r * - \ uragement _\ . w % " ^ ,, J 4 k » A ^^ h rV ^ ^ , -J ^^ of the Fine Arts ) , author of * Plant Studies , ' 4 ^^ F ^ ^ 1 % 4 \ ^ ft *^ M ¦ _ .
* Tendencies of Modern ^^ Art , ' & c , which ^ ^ ^ are entirel ^ ^ y home productions , printed in England , on Englishmade paper , and bound by English binders . We
are glad to be able to say that these books will take rank in every way with the finest productions of foreign workshops , and we congratulate
very heartily Messrs . Griffith , Farran & Co . on the result of their effort to show the English public what English art and English industries can produce .
The following is a brief description of the various books in the different series . In the eighteenpenny series are four books , 32 pp . each , small
quarto quarto , , in in attractive attractive coloured coloured cover cover and and wrapper wranrtfir ., with gilt edges and round corners . ' Seven of Us' the —— history — » of -W - * seven l"V f W ^ - * k / K /& ies WM and V * seven kittens /
— — , y vv — _ w . « ^ . pupp £ S « A **** . > . fcj \_/ » VIA X * . A U I- / \ * JL * » J as illustrated lllustrated described by bv by Fannie Fannie themselves Mood Moodv . , Christine Ohrisfcino by Howe Lingston and nnrl Ger a & r-- ,
to- trude Demain Hammond . y , The — Stpry of the
Books And Booklets, With
Monr Cross TVTnnrrt , 6 ' . with Ulnsfrratpcl illustrated Scriptural b bv extract F F . . Hamilfon Hamilton s and the JJackson verse ackseri by .. y
' Lasses , and Lads ' is a story in prose of rustic child lifebTheoGiftillustrated by Edith
, y . , selection Kft Stanley l < = »/» t , ion Berkeley of of Scri Sn . rintnrfi . ture ' The texts tfi ^ r Message t . s . illustrated illustrated of Love bv by , ' John John is a
Fullwood . In the p shilling , series are also four books , 24 pp . each , small quarto , in attractive
coloured r \ r » lrmTP > . rl Oj cover nve > - r and a . Ti (\ wrapper wrarvnfir . , with with gilt pilfc edges ed . Q'es and anrl round ^ n \ l scenes corners of . child * Playmates life in ' verse consists bTheo of studies . Gift
, y , illustrated by Florence Maplestone . 'HeLoveth AH XXll , , ' a C % selection UL / lUVViV / ll of \~ TJ- extract V / UJkVXCVV / UOA s , illustrated XAJH * UUJ . Miwwfc by Rosa . ^ . ^ v ^ kj *^)
Jameson and Alfred W . Strutt , E . B . A . * -The Traveller' is a series of scenes of Old England .
by 1 Our G . Manville Father ' s Fenn Promises , illustrated , ' Scriptural by J . Finnimore selections . , * Ricketts
illustrated by George C . Harteand C . . In the sixpenny series there are four books of 16 pages each , small 8 vo ., in attractive-coloured cover f . nvf > r and a . r \ c { \ xrra . r > r > er pr . "with with gilt P"ilh edges fid ^ es and and round round
wrapp , corners : — ' Golden Love , ' illustrated by Chas . Hards ; < A Chaplet of Gems , 'illustrated by Edith Maplestone * A Summer ' s Day' illustrated by
; , Annie and Louisa Manville Fenn ; Art Thou Weary ? ' illustrated by Eveline and William Lance . In addition to the above series Messrs .
Griffith , Parran & Co . have in preparation * Brave Deeds of the British Army ; ' illustrations of some of the famous scenes from English battles ,
with descriptive extracts from popular and authentic sources , edited and illustrated by Lieut .-Col . J . Marshman , large oblong quarto . ' Seven of us' * Lasses and Lads' * Playmates '
, ,, and * He Loveth All ' are printed in an effective shade 1 The Story of warm of the green Cross tints ' and by < The Ben Message George ;
of Love , ' in a series of greys , by Riddle k . Couch man ; The Traveller ' and * Our Father's
Promises , in greys and browns .
Messrs. Hildesrieixxier & Paulkaer*S Boo...
Messrs . Hildesrieixxier & Paulkaer * s
booklets are a very dainty series . Among those in crown octavo , or 7 J by 5 , we find , in quasi-crayon , ' Honey maid ' s Garden' verseswith children and
,, birds , and the * Honeymoon , ' suitable figures , with verses , and birds opposite , couples in corresponding- attitudes . These are effective .
J . d ? very •/ In semi-tint or sepia we find the * Moonlighters , ' - humorous *¦ - " . * - * ** . * . i * . _ r m ~ \ y ^ "fc . + ~ . r ¦^ Irish k jk . s ^ f A- » L groups . -fc i _ r *»« f ""^ ^ " ^ , 9 and «^ f > -A >^^ ' What V f . A . - *» - ^* W became ft _^ V- * V «/ \ ^ ' r " ^ - * ' of ^ - ¦""
them ? ' comical animals , also songs of the fields , * Guardian Angels ' and ' Winter , a Dirge / very pretty . Also in the size 7 £ b 5 inches * The
Harvest "V "W * i Moon tb tr ' •• and ' The m 1 Saviour s" **« y of the v World -vv , - ^ « T * ' are examples in colour and tint , while « Borne on the Breeze ' is a series of delicately-painted
paper flowers . , * accompanied A Land of Flowers by lines ' is , a on booklet tinted , 7 crayon by 6 , 11 illustrated of pieces from crayonwise English with poets ilt , ed most and delicately a cover [ [ I I
like vellum , on which , are g designs ges in tint and gold . * Here ' s to the maiden of bashf ul fifteen '
is a booklet 10 by 7 ^ very artistically illustrated with figures and spray , s of flowers in colour and tint . * TheGood Shepherd' same sizeis not
coloured ~* ¦ " — ^ ¦ " *^ " ^ B ^~* , and ^ " ^ k . ^^ % >^ 1 V ' ' ^ Sunbeams - ^ ^> - « . ^ B rs _¦ x . A » - ^ l >^ AA , X- ' ¦* . ^ b " * , y y b' F ^ S ^ V . " " ' " E » i , ^ B . Weatherly ^ *¦ ^> * J Kjl , A JL K-T * - * *—' , with monotints , by Ernest Wilson , is a book rather than a bookletin colour as well as tint .
, In Messrs . Hildesheimer & Faulkner ' s samplebook we find a great array of minor booklets , in crayon , tint , and colour . In colour there are « ea
pieces , combinations of flowers , sea-scape and landscape combined , mingled flowers and bells , < fcc . In tint we find the English LakesScenes in
Wales , London and its suburbs , & c . , L
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 16, 1888, page 808, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_16071888/page/10/