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W- : -— ¦ > > • ; R^R- ¦ • ¦ ¦ R . . :—'...
w- : - —; r ^ r- ¦ r . . : — ' . ¦ ¦ ., _ , \¦ '¦ _ - j
¦ > > ¦ " ¦•¦ . r • > ii The Publishers' Circular Jul y 1 : ^ 1888
The Li! Bbs Mercury.
ESTABLISHED 1718 . A HIGH-CLASS LIBERAL DAILY PAPER WITH AN EXTENSIVE CIRCULATION . THE manufacturing LEEDS and MEBCXTBY agricultural distric is the ts principal of YORKSHIRE medium and for the News NORTH and Advertisements -EASTERN COUNTIES in the great . and populous s The latest Foreign , Parliamentary , Commercial , and General News appears . in the IjEEDS MEBC Uit ^ Y simultaneousl SPECIAJLi y with AT the TENTION London morning is papers given . to EEVifclWS OF BOOKS AND MTJSIO , aswell as to the general same PIJBLISHEES Literary page as Intelligence Reviews ' and COLTTMNS . Notices of Boo are ^ s , inserted thus giving every to Publishers week , and Advertisements the announcements exceptional under prominence this head appear ¦ . on Books inc . for review may be sent to the London Office . > > THE WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT ( Saturday ) , Id ., is a POPULAR HIGH-CLASS FAMILY JOURNALand contains a Week ' s Home and Foreign News , with many original features « A sheet , both that literary has , and as it antiquarian deserves , an , forming extraordinary a miscellany , circulation of useful . *— Litjsrahy , pleasant , Worm and entertaining ) . reading . In the Weekly Supplement Advertisements appear principally in the Leader page . Published by EDWARD BAINES & SONS , Leeds . LoDdon Office , 65 Fleet Street , E . C .
THE PALL . MALL . BUDGET . PRJCE THREEPENCE . EVERY THURSDAY . It Is ,, should the ,, most , be in . readable H _ paper ome and in , Eng „ Household land , . ' ., . It contains each issue from . forty to fifty Illustrations A «« in It contains the every Freshest and Strongest Dis- It offers Reader constant . variety * x __ to * the _ Satiated * ^ , writers cussions . of Current Topi cs by competent u £ s reading & storehouse matter . Suable and interesting It contain tion of s a Weekly Hour . Cartoon upon the Ques- Once _ Purchased J * .. is not , likel f . y to , be . given up . It summarises News of the and World Interprets . each week the It is World the most . widely-circulated Paper in the Offices : 2 NORTHUMBERLAND STREET , STRAND , LONDON , W . C .
JAMES CLARKE & CO . 'S PERIODICALS . PRICE ONE PENNY . PRICE ONE PENNY . PRICE ONE PENNY . I THE FAMILY CIRCLE . THE CHRISTIAN WORLD . THE CHRISTIAN WORLD TUESOAY EDITION OF T «* "SSS ^ rSSSS * **** PULPIT . " THE CHRISTIAN WORLD , " from so to i » columns . One or original more Comp Tales lete Tales . in Re Half J -a £ -Million SgV People ^ - * r BEST o ? S ° each Number . Representing all Protestant BEST PREACHERS Household Literature . Denominations . OF Pictures , Stories , and Poetry Cam *" aS £ JS £ . pa"s " ALL DENOMINATIONS . for the Children . Circulated Universallin Gems from Transatlantic Journals . Christian Households y . Three or more Amusing and Instructive . BEST MEDIUM FOR DOMESTIC COMPLETE SERMONS Stray Qiie Leaves 8 tlon . and Grave Answer and Gay . . Advertisements to Wednes and day News at Noon received , up in each Number . Young , People _ , . , s Pastime _ , & „ c . & _ c . PUBLISHED papers WITH on LONDON Thursday MORNING . PnDlialied «„„ , , , every Wednesday -- , - . PRICE ONE HALFPENNY . PRICE ONE PENNY . I PRICE THREEPENCE . g SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES THE LITERARY WORLD . I THE ROSEBUD . The Cheapest Sunday-School The only Popular Literary % ffflUmtfjI j lftftaga ^ ine Journal . Journal . OF EDITED RniTFn BY w Aims Reader at Guiding in Choosing the Student among and NURSERY AMUSEMENT NURTURE . AND MARIANNE FARNINGHAM . **** Current * the Literature Best fioo ]^ Aspects s . of with Choioe niustratlona . ^^ Model —~~—— Lessons - . Selected Leading L ^ iNW vorkL , orks . . " ' ** * ¦* . * A ar * ckarfning charrnin tiny maidens ^ " magazine ~ T » MES small - ;'Original ., Tales m . . Essays * . Table Talk . Book Exchange . Illustrated London News . Reading for School te Home . Forthcoming New Books . *^^ %% TZ £ Z £ Z . I Published every Wednesday . Published every Thursday- Published every Month . fljft ^ I , ii
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 16, 1888, page ii, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_16071888/page/2/