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July 16 , 188 S . The Publishers' Circular 823
WALTER SCOTT'S LIST . MONTHLY SHILLING VOLUMES . GREAT WRITERS . A . ZFeto Series of Critical JBiographies . Latest Volumes—Life of Einerson , By Richabd Gaknett , ll . D . Life of GrOBtlie . By Jame s Sime ready , . JULY Volume . Life Of Congreve . By Edmund To be followed Gosse by . iReadyju ^ 25 . Volumes in preparation by W . L .. Courtney , Oscar Browning , & c . LIBRARY EDITION OF ' GREAT WRITERS . ' An issue of all the V " olumea in this Series will be published , printed on Large Paper of extra quality , in handsome binding , demy 8 vo . 2 s . 6 d . per volume . Each volume contains a complete Bibliography , compiled by J . P . Anderson , of the British Museum . THE CANTERBURY POETS . Edited by WILLIAM SHARP . Odes Of Horace In SHILLING . Translated MONTHLY and VOLUMES Edited , square by Sir vo . Stephen Latest Volumes de Yebe , Bart . | The Poems Of Ossian . JULY With Volume an In troduc ready . tion by Geobge Eybe-Todd . Elfin Music : . an Anthology of Fairy be followed Poetry by . Edited by Aethue Edward Well Waite printed . on fine toned paper , with red-line border , and strongly bound in cloth . Each volume contains [ Ready July from 25 300 . to edges 350 , pages 5 * . ; and . Bindings in half-morocco : Cloth , , red gilt edges top , anti , 1 $ . que ; cloth ( in , a uncut variety edges of new , Is . reproductions ; red roan , gilt of edges old tints , 25 . ) Qd . . ; padded morocco , giit THE ! C 5 ATMLEXL . OT SEXfeXiESS . JSTetv Comprehensive Edition of Favourite JProse Works . Edited by ERNEST RHYS . Democratic In Vistas SHILLING and MONTHLY other VOLUMES Papers . crown By Walt . Latest Whitman Tolumes— . The Life of Lord , H ^^ erb JULY ert Volume of Cherbur now ready . y . With an Introduction by English Will H . . Dircks Prose . from Maundevile To be followed to Thackeray . Chosen and Edited Bindings By Arth . — ue Red Galton cloth , cut . edges , and dark blue cloth , uncut edges , either style , Is . ; red roan , gilt ed [ ges Ready , 3 s . July ; and 25 . in half-morocco , gilt top , antique ( in a variety of new reproductions of old tints ) . _ NEW PRESENTATION VOLUMES . The TVind & or Series of Poetical JLnthologies . Printed on antique paper , crown 8 vo . bound in blue cloth , emblematic design on cover , price 3 , s . Qd . WOME SONNETS 3 SPS OF "VOICES THIS : CENTURY an Anthology of . Poem With s an by Exhaustive Women . Edite Critica d by l Eseay Mrs . Weloam on the Sonnet Sharp . . Edited by William fcJHARP . SACRE THE CHILDREN D SONG . Selected OF THE and Arranged POETS , with : an Notes Anthology , by Samuel . Edited Waddingto by Emo x . S . Robertson , M . A . A . CENTURY OF AUSTRALIAN SONG . Selected and Edited by Douglas B . W . Sladex , B . A . Oxon . IRISH JACOBITE MINSTEBLSY SONGS AND . Edited BALLADS ^ with Notes . and Selected Introduction and Edited , by , H wit . H h . Notes Spablexg , by G . . S . Macquoid . THE SONNETS OF EUROPE : a Volume of Translations . Edited by Samuel Waddington . BALLADS EARLY ENGLISH OF THE POETRY NORTH . COUNTRIE Selected and Edited . Edited by H . , with Macaulay Introduction Fitzgibbox , by Graham . B . Tomson . SONGS SONGS AND AND POEMS POEMS OF OF THE FAIRYLAND SEA . Edited . Edited by Mrs by . William Authuh Edward Sharp . W ... aitk . The above may also be had in various calf and morocco bindings . Lays of the Highlands and Islands * By John Stuart Blackie . Square 8 vo . blue cloth , 2 s . 6 d . Just Published . Emperor Frederick III . With Notices of the Present Emperor , Empress victoria , Bismarck , & c . Twelve Illustrations . Is ., paper ; Is . 6 d ., cloth . Grllide to Norway Just published . B y C . Revised JuKgenson Edition , . crown With 8 vo . cloth Maps limp , Sketch 8 s . 6 d . Eoutes , and full Information for Tourists . Oak-Bough and Wattle Ready July - Blossom , 1888 . Square . 8 vo . price Edi ted Shilling hy . A . Patohett Martin . STORIES Chambers , AND Douglas SKETCHES B . W . Sladbx BY AUSTRALIANS , S . Oldmxxon , Edmund IN ENGLAND Stansfibld . Mrs Rawson . Campbell , Philip Phabd Mknnbll ¦ , O . . Haddon The Mystery of ready a , price " Wheel One Shilling -barrow . A BLOOD ; -OURDLING or , Oaboriau ROMANCE Gaborooed . . By W . Humkr Ferguson . An IdealiBtio Story of a Gwfot and Rising Colony . * Humanum eat errare . ' London : WALTER ~^ COTT , 24 Warwick Lane .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 16, 1888, page 823, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_16071888/page/25/