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July i 6 , 1888 The Publishers' Circular 825
MESSRS . NELSON'S NEW BOOKS . - ' — . — . — ¦ — - —— ¦ —— * * SPLENDID NEW IliLUSTBATED WORK . INDIA , PICTORIAL AND DESCRIPTIVE , By the Author of < The Mediterranean Illustrated' & c . With 112 fine Engravings . Royal 4 to . handsomely bound in cloth extra , gilt edges , price 10 s . Qd . * The engravings are numerous and well executed , and the text tastefully written . '—Daily Tei ^ e « raph . NEW AND CHEAPER EDITION . THE HISTORY OF SCOTLAND . By the Rev . James Mackenzie . With numerous Illustrations . Crown 8 vo . cloth extra , 664 pp ., price 5 s . Fine Illustrated Edition for the Library or Drawing-Room . THE PIIiQ-RIM ' S PROGRESS . By John Bunyan . With Sixty Illustrations by David Scott Derby . , R 408 . S . A pp ., ., and large W crown . B . Scott 8 vo . ; cloth and extra Introd , bevelled uction , descriptive gilt top , price of the 5 s . Plates , by the Rev . A . Iu . Simpson , D . D ., An artistic embodiment of the ' Pilgrim's Progress * altogether unique and unrivalled . CHOICE GIFT-BOOK . LYRA Day in CHRISTIANA the Year . By H . ~ L . X < : ., Author a Treas of ury 'Hymns of Sacred from the Poetry Land of . Luther Selected f & c . and Square Arrange 16 mo . cloth d for extra Every , red edges , price 3 s . Qd . ; gilt edges , 4 s . Supplied also elegantly bound in morocco , bevelled boards , gilt roll ; or morocco limp , price 8 s . Qd . New Packet of Floweb . Cards . LILIES FROM MANY LANDS . Twelve Cards , beautifully Printed in Colours . In Ornamental Wrapper , price 6 < J . The Royal School Series—new volumes . New Series . —Now Completed . Exactly meeting the Requirements of the Education Department in Reading , Writing , and English . THE ROYAL STANDARD READERS . With Spelling Lessons , Meanings and Derivations , Word , Exercises , Script , copious JVbtes ., Questions , Summaries , Grammar , Composition , and , JPoetry for Hecitation . Book The is either Royal in the Standaed form of a Readers continuous supply Story useful , or the information Lessons throug in a hout most are interesting on kindred and subjects attractive . manner . Each ** Each Book contains a Selection of Poetry suitable to the Standard . * No . l . The 128 pp Six ., cloth Birthday limp , Qd . ; cloth s , for boards Standard , 8 d . I . No . 4 . Tli ciotti tory e Young Tboards for Standar u 3 Folks d . IV . ' Natural pp ., full- EEis bound - No . 2 . Stories for Standard and II . Pictures 128 pp ., cloth of limp Anim , id . ; als cloth , No XT . 5 . The Eocket . , for Standard V . 255 pp ., boards 9 d . full-bonnd , cloth boards , Is . 4 d . No . 3 . Storie Standard , s of Common 191 pp ., cloth limp Things , lOd . ; , cloth for No . 6 . The Standard Boy VI . Makes 287 pp ., full the -bound , Man cloth boards , for boards , Is . 1 * . 6 < i . A New Series op Books fob Infant Schools . THE QUEEN PRIMER SERIES . JBeautifully Illustrated . Containing a Complete Course of Reading , Spelling , Writing , and Tables . The Part Queen II . 2 d . Primer cloth 3 d . . Parti ., id . ; cloth , 2 d . I i The limp Queen , price 5 d Infant . Reader . 90 pp ., cloth , ; , THE ROYAL ARITHMETIC DRILL SHEETS . bold For and Use clear in . all Printed Standards in Two . — Colours Size of . each Price , Sheet mounted 37 inches on rollers by , 45 3 s . inches 6 d . each . T Sheet ype . very large , Addition of Units . Multiplication and Division , Ad Addition dition of of Tens Twenties . . . Exkkcises Reduction— for Money all , Standards Weights and . Measures . SUBTBACnON , in Xwo For Colours Infants . . — Bold ^ Five Type Sheets . mounted Price 3 s . 6 on d . one per roller set . , to turn over , 36 inches by 24 inches . Printed THOMAS NELSON & SONSr 85 & 36 Paternoster Bow , London , E . C . ; Edinburgh and New York . I * n ^ flB
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), July 16, 1888, page 825, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_16071888/page/27/