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I SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , & CO / 8 LIST- ^ w . I HANDBOOK Of EMBROIDERY . By L . Higgin . Edited by Lady I Marion Alford , and published by Authority of the Royal School of Art Needlework , and dedicated to their j president Wade illustrations the , H Rev , . B many . . H Selwin . Princess of them Image Christian in , and Colour Miss of , by Schleswig Jekyll Burne ; Jones and ^ Holetein Desi , Walter gns , Princess for Crane Borders , of William Grea & t c B . Morris ritain by Miss . and George Webste Ireland Aitchison r . , Miss With Bumsid , 16 Fairfax Page e I and Miss , Mary Herbert , of the Royal School of Art Needlework . Crown 8 vo . 5 s . , I The WITTY and HUMOROUS SIDE of the ENGLISH POETS . With a Variety of Specimens arranged in Periods . By Aiithur H . Elliott . 1 vol , crown 8 vo . cloth , 10 * . C < 7 . I EREMA ; Or The , My ADDITION Father to LOW ' s 'S Sin STANDARD . By R . -SHILLING D , Blackmore NOVELS , Author is of Loraa I Doone' & c . With Eight Illustrations . Small post 8 vo . cloth extra , 6 s . I THE HYMNAL 60 MPANI 0 N J TO THE I 2 & oofe of Common $ taptt . I Edited by the Rev . E . II . BICKERSTETH . j I REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION . ; I As an illustration of the increasing popularity of this Book it may be stated that , according to I Mr . Mackeson ' s Guide , the HYMNAL COMPANION is already used in about 150 Churches in the I London District . It is also very extensively used throughout England and the Colonies . I A 24-FAGE PROSPECTUS WILL BE SENT POST FREE ON APPLICATION . I I The HYMNAL is published several of in them Editions with Tunes varying and in Chants pric . e from Id . to 8 s . 6 cL , TESTIMONIALS TO THE FIRST EDITION . I Since ike publication of the Annotated Edition of this Hymnal , the Editor has received the following letters , amongst others , with the kind permission of the writers to print them : — I From the Right Hon . and Most Rev . the LORD ARCHBISHOP OF YORK . opinio ' I n have that great your " pleasure Hymnal in Companion saying that to the from Book such of Common an examination Prayer " as is arranged I have been upon able a very to convenien give , I have t plan formed , and that the thv musical portion of it seems to , me to be very good indeed . ' W . EBOR . ' I From the Hon . and Right Rev . the LORD BISHOP OF LONDON . have ' 1 includ thank ed you all , very or nearly much ' for all , yonr the hymns " Hymnal which Companion are likely to to the maintain Book of their Common place Prayer in our , " in Church which congregational you appear to worship , conscientiously edited and conveniently arranged . * J . LONDON . ' J I From the Right Rev . the LORD BISHOP OF RIPON . H ' 1 shall cordially sanction the adoption of this " Hymnal " in any of the churches of my diocese . R . RIPON / I Now ready , small poet 8 vo . cloth extra , prico 2 s . THE CHANT-BOOK COMPANION TO THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER . ¦ ¦ I 1 Cons Charles Klfisons isting , Vincent Offertory uf Chants , Mus Sentences for . Bac the . , Oxon and Canticles . Music Ditto , Dail for , ditto y the Psalms , Hymns ORGAN , a Collection in EDITION the Hol of y , Chants Communion 4 s . for general , & c . Edited use , Kyrio by Hi Now ready , small post 8 vo . prico Is . OCTAVE OF HYMNS . I By the Rev . E . H . BICKERSTETH , M . A . I LIBERAL TERMS TO CLERGYMEN INTRODUCING THIS HYMNAL . ¦ l I London : SAMPSON Crown LOW Buildings , MARSTON , 188 Fleet , SEARLE treet , E . C . , & RIVING TON , ( 4 ) [ ^
'Mmm==*Z- Urn I Ja T N. , * - /> ,Ivw 88...
'mmm == * z- urn I T n . , - /> , ivw 880 The Publishers' Circular I 0
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 17, 1880, page 19, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_17011880/page/19/