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Ijj l8go The Publishers 9 Circular 2 _
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Ijj L8go The Publishers 9 Circular 2 _
Ijj l 8 go The Publishers Circular 2 _
I -WJL Serial Tales written by the best Authors . ^ h / m I V Splendidly Illustrated by the best Artists , * 4 fl THE UNION JACK . I TALES FOR BRITISH BOYS . I Edited by W . H . G . KINGSTON . I ONE PENNY WEEKLY ; SIXPENCE MONTHLY . I « gr No . 1 appeared on JANUARY 1 , 1880 . I I Pic It contains tures drawn Sixteen by Pages the best full Artists of Stories , well written printed expressl on good y for paper it by . the Eac best h number Writers , will and I generally give— I I A COMPLETE STORY of ADVENTURE ; I A Portion of A TALE to be COMPLETED in the MONTHLY PART , I A Portion of A TALE to be COMPLETED in THREE MONTHS ; and I A Portion of A TALE to be COMPLETED in SIX MONTHS . I *& Clergy confidence will that find its it page to s their will ad alway vantage s inculcate to aid ri in ght its princi distribution ples and , manl and they virtue may . do it in perfect Parents char , Schoolmasters to become tru , e and Teachers lish Gentlemen will welcome . it as supplementing their efforts to train their ges Eng Employers will do of much Labour towards in Shops keeping and them Factories honest , b and y hel upri ping ght its , circulatio inasmuch n among where & t their THE young UNION assistants JACK , I 18 rea < i the poisonous « Penny Dreadful' will not be patronised . SohoolmasterB and others are invited to apply for Proapeotuaea , which will be liberally I supplied for distribution . I PROSPECTUSES POST FREE ON APPLICATION . I The WEEKLY NUMBERS are publiihedTevery TUESDAY M 0 BHINO . The FIBST MONTHLY I » PAET will be , ready with the February Magaiines . f I GRIFFITH & FARRAN , West Corner of St . Paul ' s Chutchyard , LONDON . I A _ nd may be had of all Newa vendor a , Booksellers , and at every Railway Bookstall I 1 jjj ^ throughout the Kingdom . ( 6 ) I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 17, 1880, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_17011880/page/21/