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» . The Publishers' Circular Jan^ji
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» . The Publishers' Circular Jan^Ji
» . The Publishers' Circular Jan ^ ji
DR . WM . SMITH'S EDUCATIONAL COURSE . ENGLISH COURSE . INITIA GKJECA , Part II . i GRAMMAR AbOHUOlj CfTTnAT . With copious MAJN "VTATMTTAT Exercises U AJj OF ^ . w By Jli T ^ TSir JN Dr ( . r William T ljlbM TQTT 3 Mythology Reading s . 6 d . Book , and ; G containing recian History short . Tales With , Anecdotes a Lexicon , Fables l 2 smith and t . d . Hall , m . a . i 2 mo . s * . m . INITIA GR . EC APaktIII . Prose for Based A Elementary PRIMARY the above Schools work ENGLISH , with . B Exercises T . D . Hall GRAMMAR and M . Questions A . lCmo . Composition Examples and ; containing Exercises . the 12 mo ' Rnles , 3 * . of ft Syntax . , with copious 1 ? * A upon SCHOOL o ^ . tT /^^ x MANUAL ^ ri ^ TTTAT y OF A-n nfA MODERN , ^ n-DAT d . c . l . Post B ^ STUDENT Pr svo ° feasor . g . « . Cuktius S GREEK Edited by Wm GRAM . Smith - ' Richardson GEOGRAPHY 'PHYSICAL . A . Post 8 vo AND . 5 . POLITICAL . By Johx A SMALLER GREEK GRAMMAR , , Abridged from the above work . 12 mo . 3 . v . Gd . POSITION A MANUAL . With Copious OF Illustrations ENGLISH and Practical COM- tra + M cte « THE f- < i # , — -. * fw GRE he a -i ««™ ve E K W ™« -l- ACCIDENCE 1 to ™ o 2 s , n Ex Exercises jA PPT . rx By \ ± T ¥ MJ . D AT . ± HAtL n ? , v , M . A n TTT . ± 12 & mo ^ . TOPY 8 * . ix 6 , / . i kjf OP Crit PLATO o * * ° ™ Part . ^ T the ° he PhiBdo A po . logy with ' of Notes ' Socrates < f , the BRITAIN Wm . Smith , FOR D . C . L . ELEMENTARY and LL . D . ISmo SCHOOLS . 2 . « . Gd . . Edited by stallbaum . Schleiekmacher ' s __ Introductions . English V 2 nw . 3 s . 6 d , LATIN COURSE . FRENCH COURSE . THE yQUNG BEGINNER'S FIRST A First FRENC French H Course PRINCIPIA , containing Grammar PART , Delectus I Kasy LATIX Grammatical BOOK ; containing Questions in the and Rudiments Exercises , with of Grammar Vocabn- , I Exercises , and Vocabularies . 12 mo . 3 x . 6 rf . , £ Paht r * \ I . for ? % Young * Children J ^ S . ^ 12 ° mo . 2 . s . rjaNciriA L . tixa , FRENCH PRINCIPIA , Part II . A THE YOUNG BEGINNER'S With Reading Natura Grammatical l History Book ; containing , and Questions Scones Fabl , from Notes es , Stories the , and History , cop and ious Anecdotes of Etymo France - . , injf Dictionary SECOND Book > LATIN . with Being an BOOK An a Stepping alysis ; containing of Stone the Sentences to an Pm Ea . vciriA . y , Note Lit in Latlva s , Read and a - . logical Dictionary . 12 mo . 4 * . Qd . pAKT n for young Children . 12 mo . 2 s . THE STUDENT'S FRENCH GRAM- PRINCIPIA LATINA , Part I . A MAR : a Practical and Historical Grammar of the French First Latin Course . A Grammar , Delectus , and Exercise I Language M . Lrrnifc . . By Post C . 8 vo Herox . 7 s . Gd -Wall . . With Introduction by Book In , this with Edition Vocabularies the Cases . 12 of mo the . 3 v . Nouns 6 ' / . , Adjectives , and ( A a bMALi c < ivr a t t li T Ci 7 T Xt 3 ir f * llAMMAlV "D A iiym * k r > Ur at ? rnTTT lrLJl ^ , and Pronouns as in the are Public arranged School both Primer as in the , together ordinary with Ctramronre the cor-FRENCH Forms . Abridged LANGUAGE from the . above For the . 12 Middle mo . 3 . * . C */ . Lower responding APPFNDTX Exercises . TO PTMNPIPIA I GERMAN COURSE . Examination LATINA , Part Pai > ers I . . By Being Willi Additional am Smith Exen , D . C -i . L . 12 mo th . iifACi First pypn GERMAN ci , i German ^ . e „ x Hnnk > ooK - Course ana nmi V > PRINCIPIA * ocuomai ; , ^ containing . » hiiin . in ies « . T a umo ) Oramnmr 1 / 4 . « Part •{ J . v . b /• / . , I ) I ectus A "' Heading 1 % pRI -,. n . N Book „ CIPIA , . An . . Introduction T .. . LATINA \ . , .. .. to . , Ancient . . Pakt . + m Mythology Ar - II , * + i hAin . < rr A , Geography ~ , Rom ^ : m Antiquities , and , History , u ; ltli , . v nous t / w GERMAN PRINCIPIAPAKT II . A and a Dictionary . I 2 mo . JM . 6 rf . Reading Book ; containing Fables . Stori , es , and Anecdotes PRTNOTPTA TiATINA PaPT III . A 5 I 2 XBtnrnl With s Or / Grammatical History , and Questions Scene , , from Notes the , and History Dictionary of Germ . 12 an tno y . , Eclogse ^ _ , ° f f Ovidiana ^ » ° ? \ , - l , > ' . Easy w 3 . Prosody Vr Hexameters and t Metro and i Pentameter r . > 4 f . . mrtp Hrst ™ Lntm ^" TIIA RAM Verse Book . 12 mo . : ls . Qd . 1 the 1 MAIL , P Language R ^ With aad a C Sketrh its A t I Principal ; f ^ E Dialects ^ JIistoncal . ^ Post , Developmeut 8 ? 8 * . 6 , / of . " planations Prose „ PRINCIPIA Composition „ of ., S , ynonyms . Rules t , , LAT and of - Syntax o Exercises INA . , with , on Pah Exun r the n . ,, i h huitax ,. - » s IV Kx Vx- . I ~ I 2 n \ o . 3 / i . (> . , ITALIAN ITALIAN PRINCIPI COURSE APART . 1 . A Tales PRINCIPIA and Anecdotes fro LATINA m Ancient History , Paht , for V Truncation . Short ron Exercise Firs vcrsatioii t Italian Book .- , Course \ By vitli Mgn Vocahularh , « containing , r lUrci . s Pmfvssor and a G Material , rammar of Italian * , for D < - Italian t « ut -otus th- , into LiA T Latln , A TTN . lin pro " - lA C 7 ^ - 1 £ STATiTST 12 SixUL luo - - & -T n VOP V UOAJ A HI ) U ILARY UAw * , City of London School . 12 mo . . Gd . , a arranged First Latin acconling -English to Dictionary Subjects and U > Plm Etymology ?« lriH , CornoUUi ; wiiu ITALIAJN PRINCIPIAPAHT II . A Nepoa , and Coesar'B * Gallic War . ' Y 2 mo . Ws . ynL Grammatical Hlstory First Italian , and Passage Reading Questions s Book fro , Notes m , containing , and best a Italian copious , Ful , l « Authors > Etymological * , Anecdotes with , MAR TTT J- . XlJ W By ! 6 i /» OlUi S Wm 5 TTTT . Smith ~ ) T' ^ N , D " . T ' O ^ ., X and 7 \ A A . TTN kin T . D . Hall y Ox RAM ** , m . ¦ . ; - Dictionary . 12 mo . [ hi the press . Post 8 vo . . A SMALLER LATIN GRAMMAR OREEK U ^ XU * iHi ± L UUUitDJBi COTTRSP . Abridged from the above . 12 mo . Hit . Gd . INITIA GR ^ JCA , Part I . A First TACITUS . GermaniaAgricola , and G Book rook , and Course Vocabulariej ; containing . 12 Grammar mo . 35 . « , . Delectus , Exercise j } First 5 . ( f w Bo » k of the Annals . With Eng , lish Notes . I ? " ' - Detailed Catalogues sent gratia by post on application . JOHN MURRAY , Albemarle Street . ( 7 ) *
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 17, 1880, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_17011880/page/22/