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WP I ^^^ 0 The Publishers' Circular ' ' ...
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Wp I ^^^ 0 The Publishers' Circular ' ' ...
WP I ^^^ The Publishers' Circular ' ' ' '"' ' 23 n gg
MURRAY ' S STUDENT'S IAI 1 JALS . A SERIES OF HISTORICAL WORKS FOR ADVANCED SCHOLARS . Forming Present a continuous TimeEach Universal work contains History , as Sacred much matter and Secular as is g , iven from in the two Creation ordinary of octav the o World volumes to , the , , « SQRIPTURE HISTORY . The Student ' s Old Testament History . The Student ' s Manual of Ecclesiastical jews From Books from the of the Creation Captivity Old Testament of . the With Worl . an By d to Introduction Philip the Return Smith to of , B the the Ju full History the First Establishment . The Ten History Centuries of the of , the Holy from Christian Roman its Foundation Empire Church and daring to the the With 40 Maps and Woodcuts . Post 8 vo . 7 s . ( id . cuts Papal Power ° st 8 . By . 7 s . Philip 6 d . Smith , B . A . With Wood-The With Student OUl an ¦» and Introduction . t s New » r Testaments , containing Testament rwr j . . By the Philip j con . History TV nection Smith J . of . I _ , btllCtent c - . , From , S the HlStOry rr Accession . of Of - Henry trie , VIII hngllSn ,- 7 . , B A . With 30 Maps and Woodcuts . Post 8 vo . Silencing of Convocation in the Eighteenth Century . 7 , ' < $ , By Canon Perry . Post 8 vo . 7 * , 6 d . ANCIENT HISTORY . The Student ' s Ancient History of the The Student ' s History of Rome . From East . From the Earliest Times to the Conquests of the Earliest Times to the Establishment of the Empire . Ionia Alexander Media the Persia Great , Asia including Minor Egypt , and , Phoenicia Assyria , Baby . By - By With Dean Chapters Liddell on . the With History 80 Woodcuts of Literature . Post 8 vo and . 7 « Art . 6 d . . The „» Philip Student L Smith * , 1 > S B . A HlStOry tt > With . Woodcuts Of * ( n xreeee . Post . ™ r rom 7 a . 6 d . The _ the Student r History , of , s Gibbon / ti Decline t . An a Fall E of pitome - the l Roman of Chapters the Earliest on the Times History to of the Literature Roman and Conquest Art . . By With Wm . Empire Researches . By of recent Edwahi Historians > Gibbon . . With Incorporating 200 Woodcuts the . SmithD . C . L . With 100 Woodcuts . Post 8 vo . 7 * . Qd . Post 8 vo . 7 s . 6 d . , MODERN HISTORY . The Student's History of Europe during The Student ' s Hume . A History of th 8 vo e . Middle 7 s . 6 d . Ages . By Henry Hallam , LL . D . Post 1 England G 88 . By , from David the Humb Earliest . Incorporating Times to the the Revolution Corrections in I he Student n ± i ± t s Consti r < ± * tu ± tional ± - i History rr- j . oj and ms . Researches with 70 woodcuts of recent , Historians post 8 m , and is . ed continued . .. * .,, 8 Deat England vo . 7 s . ad . George . From II the . By Accession He ^ ey of Hallam Henry , LL VII . D . . to Post the The « ,, Stu n ± dent j ± > s History tt ± of France 77 . - F rom I he Student r , j ,, S HlStOry rr . 0 j Modem _ .. 7 Eu _ rope . the Emp Earliest ire , 1852 Times . With to the Notes Establishment and Illustrations of the Second on the Berlin From , the 1878 End . Post of the 8 vo Middle . Ages to [ In the prepa Treaty ration of . M Institutions . A . With of Woodcuts the Country . Pos . t 8 By vo . Rev Is . . 6 d W . . H . Jbrvis , GEOGRAPHY . The Student ' s Manual-of Ancient Geo- The Student ' s Manual of Modern Geo ~ graph 15 o Woodcuts */ . By Ilev . Post . Canon 8 vo . W 7 * . . ( L id . . Bicvan , M . A . With grap Canon hy . Bkvax Mathem . With atical 120 , Physical AVoodcute , and . Descriptive Poet 8 vo . Is . . By Bd . LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE . The Student ' s Manual of the English I The Student ' s Manual of English Lite-Lmguage . Jiy Gkouoe P . Marsh . Pout 8 vo . 7 s . f . d . \ ratuve . By T . B . Shaw , M . A . Post 8 vo . Is . 6 d . The Student ' s Specimens of English Literature . Selected from the best Writers . By Tiios . B . Kuaw , M . A . To ^ t 8 vo . 7 s . Qd . SCIENCE . The Woodcuts Student . p ' s « Elements vo . 0 s . of Geology . By Sir Cuaklks Lykll , F . tt . 8 . With 600 The Connec Mahy Somkkvillk tion of the Woodcuts Physical . Tost Sciences 8 vo . 9 # . | . I Physica villk . l With Geography Portrait . . Post B y 9 Mary s . Somer-PHILOSOPHY AND LAW . The Student ' s Manual of Moral Philo- 1 The Student ' s Edition of Austin * s Lee-J £% . With Quotations and References . By William tures on Jurisprudence ; or , the Philosophy of Positive The u Student . MiNa , D . B ' s Post Blackstone 8 vo . 7 s . Od . . An Abrid- . . . Robkht . Cami . . -bkll .. . Poat 8 vo . 12 « . gent of the pntire Commentariea on the Laws g An AnalUSIS of Austin , r ectures x Oft , 7 , ' i ? * - * By ll - Malcolm Kehk , IJL . P . Poet 8 vo . Jurisprudence M . A . With an for Index Students . Post . By 8 vo . Ookdon 6 « . Campbell , iL ^^ JOHN MURRAY , Aibemarle Street . ( 8 ) , — . . . . * - ' ' 3 P
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 17, 1880, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_17011880/page/23/