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m ' , . • . i^B j *4 The Publishers' Cir...
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M ' , . • . I^B J *4 The Publishers' Cir...
m ' , . . i ^ B j * 4 The Publishers' Circular __ Jan ., ^ S
! SCHOOL t BOOKS PUBLISHED BY - LONGMANS & CO . I I IThe PUBLIC SCHOOL LATIN GRAM- A LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Prof Students Crown MAR , of 8 for . Greek vo . By t h . e B Gd U . the H se Unir Kennedy of S . chools of Cambridge , D , . C D olle . Canon g . es , Fifth of and Ely Edition Pr , ivate Reg . . " for * D the 0 3 use Con * of bquare sauare Middle- fcD Class * 8 v vo Schools 0 * 3 ** j ¦ . By JomrTw ^ ^ I I I , The CHILD'S LATIN ACCIDENCE , = "Er iJ ? ENGLIS ™ ^ TIN STUDENTS I containing extracted from all that Canon is necessary KeknedVs Child lead ' s boys Latin I up Primer to the j ABY ^ V . square \ 12 ^ mo . ¦ BICTION . I ; The rni- PubUc PUBLIC t » ttt School » t t Latin / -i SCHOOL ar Primer ^ rrr . \ r \ 12 T mo LATIN t . Is a . rriTXT PRI bdt - ENGLISH LATIN complete -ENGLISH -LATIN , 12 * . DICTIONARY DICTIONARY , , 5 7 s ? . Gd Gd . , I I I I MER . Edited with the sanction of the Head Masters of I ! mission the Nine . Public i 2 mO . 2 Schools * . 6 d . included in Her Majesty ' s Com- The PUBLIC SCHOOLS ATLAS of I SUBSIDIA Latin ; Easy Com PRIM panion-Books ARIA , STEPS Public School tO * ANCIENT »**• Edifced GEOGRAPHY h ? the Rev - , in 2 S < entirely ™ er , M new . A . Coloured Imperial I Latin Primers for Beginners . By B . H . Kennedy , D . D . 8 vo . or imperial 4 to . 7 * . , ¦ S Accidence Reg yntax . Prof , 3 * . and Gd of . Greek Simple The Key the Construction to Univ Parts . of I Cambridge , . and 2 s . Gd II . 55 . Part Part II I . . m I he - P rvrrn UBLIC T ~ oCHOOLS ci ^ itt / - \/ - \ t o ATLAS a my * ~ of I I I SURSUD \ Manual T ,. Af TJ the Rules r > PKTMA , of 7 n Construction , RJA I \ in the 5 PART Latin rl III Com n - MODERN M **"' . Eclited GEOGRAPHY . , by A . the Rev , . in G . 31 Butler entirely ¦ , M new . A . Colo Imperial ^ med m I I I pound Sentence ; being a Supplement to the Public 8 vo ' or Im P enal 4 to - ^ I Prof School , of Latin Greek Primer in the Univ . of Cambridge . H . Kennedy . 12 mo D . . 1 ,. Reg . A NE W g TAR ATLAS for the Library , I PALAESTRA LATIN AOr Second the School , and the Observatory , in Twelve Circular I Latin Reading Book ; adapted to , the Public School Maps , with Two Index Plates , and Nine Diagrams on I Latin Greek in Primer the . Uni By v . of B Cambridge . H Kennedy . 1 , 2 D mo . D . . 5 * Re . g . Prof , of Wood Crown . 8 By vo . Richaiid 5 s . A . Proctor , B . A . Sixth Edition . I A GRAMMAR NEW , intended ELEMENTARY as a Companion to GREEK the Public tihjALlti „__ . _ ___ m . the ., HOUfei ^ .. ^ Twenty m L -tive , S wi Parry School th Iiidexes , Latin M . A , . of Primer 12 Balliol mo . . 8 * . By College Gd . the Rev , Oxford Edward . New St Edition . John , the Lectures .. Daily _ . ., on Wants w Elementary . of ,, Man r and Physiology , Animals . . , in . Ily , its , Mrs ,, application . Bucktox , % to . Crown 8 vo . Woodcuts , 2 * . WHITE'S Grammar-School GREEK TEXTS . F 00 D and HOME COOKERY . A I iESOP ( FABLES ) and PAL ^ EPHATUS ( MYTHS ) , 32 mo . Is . Course of Instruction in Practical Cookery and Cleaning , , HOMER I LIAD , Book 1 . 1 * . for Children in Elementary Schools , as followed in the j LUCIAN , SELECT DIALOGUES , Is . Schools of the Leeds School Board . By Mrs . Bucktos . \ XENOPHON , ANABASIS , Books I . III . and V . is . Gd . each ; with 11 Woodcuts . Crown 8 vo . 2 * . \ Book II . U . i St ST . MARK MATTHEW 'S and 'S St . JOHN St . LUKE 'S GOSPELS 'S GOSPELS , ! ., ft } , each s . Gd . . each . TOW rp ^ -turxT N and rt ^ j WINDOW TX 7 TYrT ^ rkTxr GARDENING r < a T ^ TMT XTTTUr 1 , | | i The The St . PAUL ACTS FOUR 'S of GOSPELS EPISTLE the APOSTLES in to GREEK the , ROMAN 2 s . , Gd with . S , Greek Is . Gd - . English Lexi- Course Pupil Including -Teachers of Sixteen the Structure and Lectures Childron , Habits given attending out & of Uees the School of Leeds P Hours lants Board ; to a ! con . Edited by John T . White , D . D . Oxon . Square Schools . By Mrs . Buckton . With 127 Woodcut * . Crown , 32 mo . 5 s . 8 vo . 2 s . t \ WHITE'S Grammar-School LATIN TEXTS . BACON ' S ESSAYS , Text and Index \ CJESAR , GALLIC WAR , Bookh I . & II . V . & VI . 1 * . without Notes . Edited by Edwin A . Abbott , D . D . Head C 2 E 8 AR , GALLIC WAR , Bookh III . & IV . 9 d . each . Master , City of London School . Fcp . 8 vo . 2 s . M . oicERo CICERO , l CATO ^ liu MAJOR s , i .. Gd , . Is . Gd . The ART of DIGESTING and TABlj I ETTTR HORACE ni OPIUS . & , IV ODE . , ROMAN U S . , Bookh HISTORY I . II . & IV , . Bookh 1 .. each 1 . . & 11 . U . Bookh civil Medlcftl LATING gervice ACCOUNTS Candidates eutWar . and Office By RETURNS If . . il W 8 . vo Hl . 5 , . for , of the tbe a Army * of HORACE , ODES , Book III . 1 * . 6 d . Dopartm , , NKPO 8 , MILTIADE 8 , OIMON , PAU 8 AmA 8 , AEI 8 TmBB , MQDERN STUDIES in IND EXING OVID OVID , , SELECTIONS SBLECT MYTH from S from EPISTLBS METAM ORP FASTI HOSES , , 1 9 * . d . Civil and PRECIS Service Candidates of CORRESPONDENCE . By the Itev . , John for the Hustbh uae of , PHiBDRTJS , SELECT EASY FABLES , 9 d . M . A . 12 mo . 3 * . Gd . : sallust PHJBDRU , bellum , FABLES oatilinarium , Books I . & II . Is , i « . ad . STUDIES in DOUBLE ENTRY BOOKI ^ KSro'SS ir ^ U-. KEEPING forthe use of Candidate , inc ^ n ^ ' LIVY Notes Johw f iooKB , T and . White XXII Vocabulary . , and D . P . XXUI Oxon of Proper . . 12 Latin mo Nome . 2 Text * . 6 * d . . with each Edited English Book by . ' the culties T ™ Rev occurring . ftnd John ™ Huntk « in * > Modern u « , % M . A * « * * Examination ? Crown ^ f ^ 8 vo S . 2 Patt ^ s apcra . * .. ** LondonLONGMANS & CO . Paternoster Row . ^ <* ) JL-j . .. i , ' ¦ ~ * m *
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 17, 1880, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_17011880/page/24/