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Fflw--.-- . --- •- " / " . """^^ ^^Ssm 2...
fflW--.-- . --- - " / " . " " " ^^ ^^ SSM 2 $ The Publishers' — Circular — _ J an _ i 7 , ^ H
STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS . I | NEW AND REVISED EDITIONS . I I MAN Rev and UAL . POLITICAL Alexander ¦ OF Mackat MODERN On a New LL Plan . D . F , embracing . R GEOG . G . S . 7 th a RAPHY Thousand complete . Development , MATHEMATICA . Qd . of the Biver Systems L , PHYSICAL the Globe , By the I I , , ELEMENTS OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY . By the Same . 44 fch Thousand . 3 « . I i Author INTERMEDIAT ¦ 's ' Outlines of Geography E GEOGRAPHY and ' Elements of Geography . Intended , ' By the as Same an Intermediate . 5 th Edition . Book 2 s , between the I ! OUTLINES OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY . By the Same . 122 nd Thousand . U , I t ^ H ] FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY . By the Same , 69 th Thousand . 4 d . I I ELEMENTS OF PHYSIOGRAPHY AND PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY . With I . ¦ express Illustrations ¦ Reference . 12 th to Thousand the Instructions . Crown 8 recently vo . . 150 issued 1 * . 6 by d . the Science and Art Department . By the Same . With , pp , 1 INTRODUCTORY TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY . By Datid I With Page , Sketch LL . D - . Maps , & c ., and Professor Illustrations of Geology . 9 th in Edition the Durham . 2 s . 6 d University . College of Physical Science , Newcastle-on-Tyne I I { A ! ADVANCED ¦ 2 nd Edition . With TEXT Engravings -BOOK , 55 . OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY . By the Same I ! INTRODUCTORY ¦ With Engravings , Is . 6 d . TEXT-BOOK OF GEOLOGY . By the Same , nth Edition . I ADVANCED ¦ DUSTRIAL . By TEXT the Same - BOOK 6 th Edition . OF With Engravings GEOLOGY , 75 . 6 rf . , DESCRIPTIVE AND IN- I ¦ OUTLI Nicholso NES n , M OF . D ., D . N Sc AT ., & c . UR ; Professor AL HIST of Natural OR History Y , FOR in the University BEGINNERS of St . Andrews . B y Henry nd Edition Alletke . With I ¦ Engravings , Is . 6 d . INTRODUCTO By the Same . 3 rd Edition RY TEXT . With Engravings -BOOK , 35 . OF ZOOLOGY , for the Use of Junior Classes B I ¦ TEXT enlarged -BOOK . With Engravings OF ZOOLOGY , Gs . , for the Use of Schools . By the Same . 3 rd Edition I ' A MANUAL OF ZOOLOGY , for the Use of Students . With a General Introduction on the I I Principles of Zoology . By the Same . 5 th Edition , revised and greatly enlarged . With 394 Engravings , 14 * . H ¦ ¦ ADITUS Cambridge A . W . Pottb FACILIORES : and , M . A the ., LL Rev . D . . , Head C . Darnell Master : an Easy of M the . A ., Fettes Lati Head n College Master Construin , of Edinb Cargilfleld g Book gh , and Preparatory , with sometime Com School Fellow plete of Edi Vocabulary St nb . u John rgh , ' s an College . late By I ¦ Scholar of Pembroke and Downing Colleges , Cambridge . 4 th Edition . Fcp . 8 vo . 3 « . Qd . ! ADITUS Vocabulary FACILIORES . By the Same Authore . GR 2 nd / ECI Edition : an Fcp . Easy 8 vo . 3 « . Greek Construing Book , with Complete j H I AN ETYMOLOGICAL AND PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF THE I ¦ EN Pheli GLISH ' , M . A LANGUAGE . 5 th Edition . , By revised the Rev and . enla James rged Stohmonth . Is . Qd . . The Pronunciation carefully revised by the Rev . P . H . H ¦ SCHOOL Same . > * 2 s . ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY AND WORD BOOK . By the I I ¦ 1 1 A ENGLISH MAN CunRiK UAL , M . A PROSE . 32 OF nd Thousand BOTANY COMPOSITION . Is . 0 d . ANATOM : a Practical ICAL Manua AND l for PHYSIOLOGICAL ¦ ¦ Use in Schools ¦ . By W ^ ! ¦ the Use of Students . By Komsrt Brown , M . A ., Ph . D ., F . E . G . 8 . Crown 8 vo . with numerous Illustrations . 12 , w A HANDY Competitions , MANUAL and University Local OF Examinations GERMAN . By M LITERATURE . F . Reid . Fcp . 8 vo . 3 a . For Schools , Civil Service H I ¦ ; PRIMER Outhbeutso OF > ' , M GEOMETRY . A ., LL . D . 8 rd . Edition : an . Ea 1 $ . 6 sy Introduction to the Propositions ¦ of Euclid . By Fba * c » ¦ , EIGHTEEN ¦ « History of France CHRISTIAN . ' 7 th Edition . 6 a . CENTURIES- By the Rev . Jambs White , Author of WM . BLACKWOOD & SONS , Edinburgh and London . < ! LJH
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 17, 1880, page 26, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_17011880/page/26/