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if" - ' " ' ' ¦^*^^^ as The Publishers Circular _ 2 ^ " 2 B
N U C E S : I EXERCISES ON THE SYNTAX OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LATIN PRIMER . I New Edition in three parts , crown 8 vo . Is . each . I % * The three parts can also be had bound together in cloth , prico o $ . I A GENERAL HISTORY OF GREECE , I FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE DEATH OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT , WITH A I SKETCH OF THE SUBSEQUENT HISTORY TO THE PRESENT TIME , I By the Bev . Sir GEOBGKE W . COX , Bart ,, M . A . I Crown 8 vo . cloth , price 7 s . 6 d . I SCHOOL HISTORY OF GREECE . I By the Rev . Sir GEORGE W . COX , M . A ., Bart , I With Maps , fcp . 8 vo . cloth , price 3 s . Gd . ¦ THE GREAT PERSIAN WAR . I FROM THE HISTORIES OF HERODOTUS . I By the Rev . Sir GEORGE W . COX , M . A ., Bart . I New edition , fcp . 8 vo . cloth , price 3 s . 6 d . ¦ A MANUAL OF MYTHOLOGY . I IN THE FORM OF QUESTION AND ANSWER . I By the Rev . Sir GEORGE W . COX , M . A ., Bart . I New Edition , fcp . 8 vo . price 3 s . M STUDIES IN ENGLISH . I FOR THE USE OF MODERN SCHOOLS . I By H . C . BOWEN , M . A ., Head Master of the Grocers' Company ' s I Middle Class School at Hackney . I Small crown 8 vo . cloth , price Is ¦ . 6 c ? . may ' be Arran new ged to a with yonnpr unerring student tasve , but and all of judgment whom will . The probably Selections come are to be mad regarded e from as forty dear -three friends authors . Mr . , Bowen many of supplie whom s H H a very useful introduction . '—Notes and Queiues . H ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOR BEGINNERS . I By H . C . BOWEN , M . A ., Author of * Studies in English » & c . I Fcp . 8 vo . cloth limp , price ¦ Is . * An excellent 1 ' ttle lx ) ok , written in clear and simple language . '—Examiner . H ' The book is marked by greait clearness of expression and directness of aim . ' - Jouunal ok Ifiuucation . H SIMPLE ENGLISH POEMS . I ENGLISH LITERATURE FOR JUNIOR ¦ CLASSESIN FOUR PARTS , Edited by H . C . BOWEN , M . A ., Author of < English Grammar for Beginners . ' I Parts 1 , 2 , & 3 , price 6 d . each . [ Now ready . H EXEMPLA LATINA . I A FIRST CONSTRUING BOOK , WITH SHORT NOTICES , LEXICON , AND AN I I INTRODUCTION TO THE ANALYSIS OF SENTENCES . I By F . GLOVEB , M . A ., Exeter College , Oxford . I Fcp . 8 vo . cloth , price 2 « . H C . KEGAN PAUL & CO ., 1 Paternoster Square . ( !* LJB I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 17, 1880, page 28, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_17011880/page/28/