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Tan 17 * ° ^ Polishers' Circular 2 ? 1 * ——— , — —
CHARLES GRIFFIN I CO . 'S CLASSICAL SERIES . Ffllow of Merton WORKS Coll ., BY Oxford C . T . CRUTTWELL Head-Master of , Bradkteld M . A . College . I A HISTORY of ROMAN Second Edition LITERATURE , crown 8 vo . cloth bevelled : from , Ss . Gd . the Earliest Period to the Times of the Antonines . « Mr . Cmttwell has done a real service to all Students of the Latin Language and Literature ..... .. Full of good Bcholarship Nothing and at good all equal criticism to it . has '—Athen hitherto ^ um been . published in England . '—British Quarterly Review . « A most serviceable—indeed , indispensable—guide for the Student The ** general reader " will be both charmed and instructed . '—Saturday Review . Companion Volume . SPECIMENS of ROMAN Crown LITERATURE 8 vo . cloth bevelled , 10 * . : from the Earliest Period to II the Times of the Aiitonmes . Passages Illustrative of ROMAN THOUGHT and STYLE ; selected from the Works of Latin Authors ( Prose-Writers « nd Poeta ) . Edited by the Rev . C . T . Cruttwell , M . A ., Merton College , Oxford , Part and I Peake .: Eomax Bastox Thought , B . A — ., sometime Religion , Schol Philosophy ar of Jesus and Science College , , Art Cambridge and Letters . , Part II . : Roman Style—Descriptive , With Rhetorical Synopsis , and and Humorou -Indices s complete Passages . . ' A work which has a standing-ground of its own . and from any point of view must be , not only useful , but necessary hearty for many commendation classes of Readers . '—Saturday The Rey sound ^ iew . judgment exercised in the arrangement and selection of the Passages calls for It is bard to conceive a completer or handier repertory ' of Specimens of Latin Thought and Con Style temporary . ' Revtew . ' There is no other book of the kind in this country which can be more safely recommended either for its breadth , cheapness , or interest to the most varied classes of readers . '—Prof . Ellis in the Academy . WORKS BY WILLIAM RAMSAY , M . A . 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By Professor Ramsay . Crown 8 vo . cloth , Is . DR . BRYCE'S VIRGIL . VIRGILII OPERA : Editod Ly Archibald Hamilton Bryce , D . C . L ., LL . D ., Senior Classical the Moderator leading in German the University and English of Dublin Commentators . Text from . Illustrations Heyke and Wagner from the . anti English que . Notes Thirteenth , original Edition , and . telected Complete from in Cue Volume , fcp . 8 vo . cloth , Gs ., Or , in Three Parts : — Part Part II I . . The Eclogues . ZEneid and , Book Georgics s I . — , VI Is . ., Gd 2 . s . Gd . 1 Contains the pith of what has Part been III written . The by iEneid the , beat Books scholars VII . — on XII the ., subject 2 s . GJ . The Notes comprise everything that the student can want . '—ATflENJEUM . MR . CURRIES HORACE . HORATII OPERA : Edited by Joseph Curhie , formerly J fead Classical Master in Glasgow Academy from the . anti Text que . from Complete Opetjliu in 8 . 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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 17, 1880, page 29, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_17011880/page/29/