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if-- - . " ; . --^ B ¦ 32 The Publishers...
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If-- - . " ; . --^ B ¦ 32 The Publishers...
if-- - . " ; . -- ^ B ¦ 32 The Publishers' Circular J ^ . 17 , agJi
SELBOTIOFS IFIR / OIM : \ Cassell Petter Galpin & Co . ' s Educational Works . ALGEBRAELEMENTS OF . Crown 8 vo . doth , Is . 6 d . , ANIMAL KINGDOM , THE . By E . A . Davidson . Illustrated . 20 th Thmsand . Cloth , Is . Gd . DRAWING : — Drawing-Copies , Cassell ' s School Board , Cassell ' s School Board Free-hand Drawing Di FmsT ^ ^ Seri ^ Gradb S ^ Free ^ tero B CMseli -hand ^ utpap > s 6 Sixoennv . ^^ Sotes e A su - Cassell Oopy Copy ' s Books Books School . Four Four Board Books Books , Geometrical price price « each each . Drawing ""« I Drawing Books , 7 Copy * . Gd . each -Books . , Cassell ' s Penny . Com- Drawing twenty -Models -eight Block , Davidson s in Case , price ' s . £ 2 Consisting . ( For further of plete in Twenty-eight Penny Books . particulars see Cassell ' s Educational Catalogue . ) EUCLID , CASSELL'S . Edited by Professor Wallace , A . M . 8 vo . pp . 216 , stiff covers , 1 * . ; cloth , Is . Gd . EUCLID , THE SELF AND CLASS EXAMINER . Id . | EUCLID , THE FIRST FOUR BOOKS OF . In paper , 6 d . ; cloth , 9 tf . < FRENCH , CASSELL'S LESSONS IN . Parts I . and II ., cloth , each 2 s . < Wk Complete , 4 s . Gd . Key , Is . Gd . i FRENCH , SIXPENNY LESSONS IN . By Professor De Lolme . 6 d . ; cl . Is . j GALBRAITH the Rev . Professor Galbraith AND HAUGHTON , M . A ., Fellow of Trinity 'S College SCIENTIFIC , Dublin , and the Rev . MANUALS Professor Haughton . M B . D y ., \ . D . C . L ., F . R . S . Cloth , red edges . ; Arithmetic Containing nearly 2 , 000 Examples , Hydrostatics . 35 . Gd . j I Euchd Pla nt 3 ne s G . Trigonometry £ B . ooks I . II . . III . 2 , 2 . s Gd . Gd . . Astronomy Al steam gebra * . Engine Part . 5 I s . . Cloth 3 s 6 d , 2 s . Gd . ; ' Complete , 7 * . U ; ( Ma mm Di , thematical € tto . Books Tables IV . V . . VI 3 . s 25 . Gd . 6 . rf . Tides Tidal , and cards . Tidal _ . . 3 . * . Currents ^ . . JSew Edition p .... , with .. Mechanics . 3 s . 6 d . Natural Philosophy . Cloth , 3 * . Gd . \ Optics . 2 s . Gd . Three Kingdoms of Nature , The . 5 s . j GEOGRAPHIES General Outlines , CASSELL . 2 d . 'S SCHOOL [ BOARD Europe , . j Sco Eng tland land and and Wales Ireland , id id . . British Colonies . 4 < f . , ' GEOMETRY GERMAN Davidson . Consisting LESSONS , CASSELL of 64 Copies on IN Cardboard 'S COURSE Parta , in Packet Land , 5 v . OF II . cloth PRAC each TICAL 2 s . 6 rf . Comp By E lete . A . t MUSI I vol C . cloth , AN , , 4 s . 6 d ELEMENTARY . Key , Is . 6 d . MANUAL OF . By Henry , Leslie . Third [ NATUR Edition , A revised L PHIL Crown 8 vo O Is S OPHYA MANUAL OF . Bthe Kev . Professor ; Haughton , F . It . S . With 100 Illustrations . , Cloth , 3 s . Gd . y OUR BODIES . An Elementary Text-book in Human Physiology . By E . ADavidson . Illustrate 1 . Limp cloth , l . t . READING AND SPELLING BOOK , CASSELL'S ILLUSTRATEDTECHNICAL Cloth , 1 « . MANUALSCASSELL ' S . Illustrated throughout with Linear Dran Drawing ingB and Working and Practical Diagrams Geometry . By Ellis , . Daviunon 2 « . Linear . Vuuinl Drawing in cloth . and Projection . The Two rols . Orthograp Model Dra hical wing and . 8 Isometncal .. ., Projection „ ' ; . . 2 , .. Metal MacWniste plate a Work ^ d Engineers Drawin , Drawing g for . for . uM . Budduig Prartical Construction Perspectije . 3 2 , . Stonemasons Ued Mechanics , Drawings B Prof for . Cloth s . Bm . , 3 ., * U . D Cabine Bricklayers t-Makers , Drawin , Drawing g lor . fo 3 ^ r . . 3 ^ r . Colour % § . By Prof . Church , JVI . A . With Coloured i Gothic Carpenters Stone and work Joiners . 3 / r , . Drawing for . 3 . Gd . s hyan ^^^ . 2 s . £ rawin ^ Shading . By C . & - CASSELL nu ? neroits PETTER Educational QALPIN Wouks 8 c , CO and . 'S particulars EDUCATIONAL of their CATALOG Mathematica i ) E l conta Instbumbnts ining a List , of Wat tM *» ' J & CouovRf Co ., Lud , and gate other Hill , School London Materials . , sent post free on application to Cassell Putter Galw ( 18 > * | 1
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 17, 1880, page 32, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_17011880/page/32/