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m # .. ' fl I u The Publishers' Circular...
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M # .. ' Fl I U The Publishers' Circular...
m # .. ' fl I u The Publishers' Circular j akiRU * I .
JUST PUBLISHED . j : . I THE ELEMENTARV SCHOOL MANAGER . By H . R . RICE-WIGGIN & A . P . GRAVES . Crown 8 vo . 5 s . f admirabl ' The authors y calculated , from to their effect officia the object l positio they n , are had perfectly in view familiar . Ifc is written with the In subject an excellent treated spirit , and , and have will produced be found a use book ful to many teachers . ' - ~ SciiooT , MABTKH , FIRST LESSONS IN GRAMMAR . I Part I , for Standards price II 2 . d and . III ., 32 pages , I I Part II ., for Standards IV . to VI Una , 48 few pages daft , ' . I I * The easiest and most sensible introduction to the study that a child could have . '—School Guardian . I ' children 'If a text for - passing book is in to the be Standards used at all . '— , Edinburgh wo do not know Dait . y of Rkview one ¦ better . calculated easily and thoroughly to prepare the I PEICE ONE PENNY EACH . I THE HOME LESSON I EXERCISE BOOKS . ( QUESTIONS , WITH SPACES FOR WRITTEN ANSWERS . ) I of Arranged the Standards so as to in combine Arithmetic on each , Grammar page exercises , and Geograp adapted hy . to The the questi requirements ons are I I printed answers . in A ordinary large amount type , and of time spaces and or trouble ruled in lines setting are left exercises for the written is thus I I saved to teachers . I Nos . 1—24 , for Standards II ., III ., IV ., V ., are now ready . Those for I Standard VI . will be published immediately . I From ' The National Schoolmaster'for August , 1879 . I > room There ' The for is books abundant the pupil are well variety to do drawn what in up the is , set and exercises him the , and excellent , which where part ar mechanical e just of ¦ ¦ the the arrangement helps kind of are employment desirable is that , there they to bring are is no ungrudgingly out crowding a child ; ' there s afforded intelligence is ampl him e . . , I The paper ia white and will bear firm ink without showing ¦ the impression on the other side . The . ^ e books have our warm approval / I FOUhTH . EDITION NOW READY . I ELEMENTARY ARITHMETIC AND HOW TO TEACH IT . I By George Ricks , B . Sc , Inspector to the School Board for London . Crown 8 vo . 4 * . Qd . I 1 b which advanced egins ' A great for at scholars the clearness many beginning rudimentary . , Thus completeness , with his book treatises a , teries or can real be on of used practical arithmetic lessons in all for assistance the have infants ¦ departments ¦ ¦ been ¦ ' to sc the hools published of schoolmaster , a and school of has late at a , the can sepa years same rate be , but compa time portio we , red and n do for to not if this each steadily remember . class Mr worked . Kicks up one to through , it cannot fail to give any pupil of average intellect a ¦ thorough acquaintance with Arithmetic . '—Scotsman . * A work with which very few other arithmetics are worthy of being compared . ' —Tkacheu . I SECOND EDITION . I GRAMMAR THROUGH ANALYSIS- A Natural Introduction to I . the Elementary Lawn of English Grammar . By G . F . H . Sykks , B . A . Small 8 vo . 2 » . I \ \ all assumed , Tjiih he is Grammar asked that a to child compare adopts of ten what different years is old by forms knows mauy of regarded how speec to h , speak and as the . by ¦ Ho natural dwelling ¦ ¦ is asked method upon to repeat . them That , what to method got ho at say the to s one , and principles of to pu reflect re of analysis on Grammar it . - Above H o fr « they the forms appear of in words the Englis down h to language the classification . Beginning of letters with . tho ¦ ¦ parts of the simple sentence , the analysis is continued throw' choose 1 Mr . most Sykei of ' pla his n sentences is the one for that analysis must bo fro followed m Hobinsou I y every O ¦ rusoe careful , thereby teacher ensuring , and th a at happy they inspiration are English has , and led win lllm ning to I favour for his Grammar in tho eyes of nil young admirers of that hero . '—Saturday Rkvikw . I FIRST STEPS IN GEOGRAPHY- A Manual of Oral Lessons on I 1 a New Plan . With Diagrams & c . Small 8 vo . 2 s . I . ! approach * As the most only nearly perfect to way a substitute to learn for Geography travel . It , with will ¦ ¦ explain the viow tho of unknown teaching by it the is to known travel . , This so tho has best been teaching more rally will { recognised teaeheip . The in this child manual is taught than first in , not any the other usual school ¦ ¦ puzzling -book rubbish that wo about know the , and earth wo being therefore an oblate commend spheroid it to , parent but bow * •» to " \ draw the room in which it is taught , the street , the ¦ town , the country In which it lives , and B so dinhurg on . ' h Daily Rjcvibw . I ill I WM , ISBISTER ¦ , Licaited , 56 Ludgate Hill , E . C . ( 20 ) JI - ,,, f § m •• ' — |
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 17, 1880, page 34, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_17011880/page/34/