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^ ^^ ^ ^^^ PP == —¦ " ' ?^^ •'" ' ¦• ' . ; " . ' . . ' ' ¦ . " . " '' ¦ ' " , ¦ ' . " " , 'i / m m M ^ li ^ == The Publishers' Circular w
I DR . DE FIVAS ' FRENCH EDUCATIONAL WORKS , I ' i fhe here educational than add works our testimony of Dr . de to Fivas tJiat have of our been confreres so long who before se favourable the public verdict , that has we need already not I I m a d more tinted its simp 1 or licity tlieir . popularity The rules \ arc The v " ery Qrammaire properly des reduced Grammaires to their " minimum is remarkable , and for illustrated its conciseness by a I I 1 U mher carcfulty of examp selected les and series exercises of extracts . The , " bot Introduction h in prose , and ' " ' especiall in poetry y prepared , with for a dictionary beginners , . contains In the I I « < M Tresor & b < tt < lffl Natio "y at naI tlie e " * we d of have the volume a graduated . Under set the of exercises title of " Beautcs to be translated des ficrivains at sig Francais ht b i y % the , Anciens help of et a I I and ' tfoderne meant * , " to Dr > suit & e Fivas the requirements has published of pup a reading ils wlto -booh have of alread a higher y made standard some progress than the in Introduction the knowledge , " I of the language '—School Boakd Chronicle . I DE FIVAS' NEW GRAMMAR OP FRENCH GRAMMARS : comprising the substance I of all the most approved French Grammars extanfc , but more especially of the standard work , I 'La G-rammaire des Grammaires / sanctioned by tho French Academy and the University of Paris . I With numerous Exercises and Examples illustrative of every Rule . By Dr . V . de Fivas , M . A ., I I F A . E KEY . I . S ., to Member -the same of , the 3 s . 6 Grammatical d . bound . Society of Paris , & c . 43 rd Edition , 3 * . 6 d . strongly bound . I ' « At Its once precision the simplest and conciseness and most are complete . admirable Grammar . '—Standard of the . French Language . To the pupil the effect is almost as if he I looked * The into distinguishing a map , so well feature defined of is the this course work of is its study embodimen as explained t of by the M . latest de Fivas changes . *—Literary and modifications Gazette . of the French I Language ' The very . In best the writing of the many and arrangement able works which of the the work presen M . de t day Fivas has has produced displayed to meet great the skill requirements . '—Scotsman of . the Students of the French Language—in other words , of all who aim at belonging to the educated classes . '—Public Opinion . I DE FIVAS , QUESTIONNAIRE COMPLET sur toutes les REGLES de la GRAMMAIRE I des GRAMMAIRES de M . DE FIVAS , pour exercer l'lntelligence des Eleves et les habituer a I exprimer en francais ce qu'ils ont £ tudi 6 dans le Texte anglais . 12 mo . 2 s . strongly bound . H I impressing < A very the complete rules more and systematic deeply on the series mind of of questions the learner on the . They rules are of pointed French Grammar and exhaustive , which , and can well not put be . ' used —Standard without . Questions "This in admirable that tongue work are is put designed to the student to perfect and the as they student are all of on French familiar in subjects its most , he impo is thereby rtant part enabled —conv to ersati express on . H himself with ease and correctness . '—Sheffield , Post . I DE Consisting PIVAS , GRAMMAIBE De Fivas' French G DES rammar GRAMMAIRES , with Questionnaire , AVEC together in QUESTIONNAIRE one Volume , strongl . I bound in red leather , 5 s . ¦ I I the whole ' The book book , is all a straightforward in French . It is , simple a capital , lucid exercise , and upon rational the grammar Grammar . . ' Bound —School up with Board it is Chronicle a volume . of questions upon I BE PIVAS sight . , LE th Edition TRESOR , 12 mo NATIONAL . 2 s . 6 d . bound . ; or , Guide to the Translation s . cloth . of English into French ¦ ¦ ¦ I I I lear they ning ' will If to . '— be some Edinburgh pleased readers to recollect the Review finger that . -post there should is a appear class of to persons be occasionally who have erected not yet where attained the road the was stature plain of enough their prodigious without it , H DE PIVA nd Tourist S' NEW ' s French GUIDE Vade-Mecum TO MODERN : containing FRENCH a comprehensive CONVERSATION Vocabulary , and ; or , the rases Student and I ! a Dialogues nd Comparative on every Tables useful of or Bri interesting tish and top French ic ; to Coins gether , Wei wit g h ht M odels and M of easures Letters , , & Notes c 28 , and th Edition Cards ; , thoroughly revised , with many Additions , 18 mo . 2 s . 6 d . strongly half-bound . I wipe I De £ It to er 8 is pronunciation Fivas Plcuoua absolutely htvs , plain the impossible . 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Fables de tous et Contes Mots ; , , I I 4 « waauits an 9 aise . en 25 Anglais th Edition . A , . l 1 ' uaage 2 mo . 2 de s . 6 la d . Jeunesse bound . et de ceux qui oommencent a apprendre la langue I PtcnJh « wi 68 or ^ tUose *? i whose sllifca OSBY Wene school 8 a for -days the , like learner outs , , we have do been not know over for a book some better Httlo adapted time past than /—Scotsman thto for brushing . up th « neglected L ^^^ OT LOCKWOOD & CO ., 7 Stationers -Hall Court , Ludgate Hill , KC . ( 40 ) ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 17, 1880, page 51, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_17011880/page/51/