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9 - ~" " : —: ; ~ -— ¦—---4 2s The Publi...
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9 - ~" " : —: ; ~ -— ¦—---4 2s The Publi...
9 - ~ " " : — : ; ~ - — ¦— ---4 2 s The Publishers' Circular jan . l 8 ^
Camfcrfirgt Mnikratg mttr §§> tfyml % wh . PUBLISHED BY J . HALL & SON . STUDENT'S EDITION OF THE GOSPELS AND THE ACTS . THE GOSPEL OF S . MATTHEW . The Greek Text , with Critical and Grammatical re-edited , a by nd the Explanatory Bev . W . H Notes , BowiiAJTDSON , & c ., by the " , M late . A ., Her Di . vinity W . Trollope Lecturer , M at . A Corpus . New Christi Edition College , thoroughl , Cambridge y revised , Crown 8 vo . cloth , 6 * . GOSPEL OF S . MARK . The Greek Text , with Critical , Grammatical , and Explanatory Notes , Prolegomena , & c , by the Rev . W . H . Rowland son ' , M . A . Second Edition . Crown 8 vo . cloth , UM . GOSPEL OF S . LUKE . The Greek Text , with Critical , Grammatical , and Explanatory Bev . W . H . Rowlandson Notes , & c , by , M th . A e . late Crown Rev . W 8 vo . Trollope . cloth , 5 s , . M . A . New Edition , re-edited and thoroughly revised by the ACTS OF THE APOSTLES . The Greek Text , with Critical , Gram . matical , and Explanatory Notes , and Examination Questions , by the Rev . W . Trollopk . M . A . Re-edited and . Sixth thoroughly Edition revised . Crown by the 8 ro . Rev clot . ! G , 5 . t F . . Browne , M . A ., late Fellow and Assibtant-Tutor of S . Catherine ' s Colleg e i — ^ - THE REV . DR . PINNOCK ' S COLLEGE AND SCHOOL I ANALYSES : with Examination Questions , & c , & c . j SCRIPTURE HISTORY ( OLD TESTAMENT ) . New Edition , 3 s . 6 d . NEW ECCLESIASTICAL TESTAMENT HISTO HISTORY . From New Edition the Birth , 4 * . of Christ to the Council of RY- ENGLISH Nice , a . d . 325 CHURCH . Eighth Edition , 3 HISTORY * . 6 d . . Comprising the Reformation Period and ; SHORT Subsequent OLD Events TESTAMENT . Eighth Edition , As . Qd HISTORY . . Eleventh EditionIs . 6 d . j SHORT NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY . Second Edition , Is , . 6 d . THE REV . J . GORLE'S ANALYSES OF THEOLOGICAL WORKS r with Examination Questions , & c . ; BUTLER'S ANALOGY . Fourth Edi- HOOKER'S ECCLESIASTICAL PEARSON tion , 3 * . ON THE CREED . Fifth PALEY POLITY . 'S Book HOR V . Fourth > € Edition PAULINA , 4 * . Edition , 6 s , Second Edition , Zs . j THE REV . W . TROLLOPE'S THEOLOGICAL WORKS : LITURGY a Questions nd Historical . Seco AND Commentary nd Edition RITUAL , crown on . 8 With vo . , cloth a Examination Practical , 5 s . THE Answers OP Corrections THE THIRTY on CHURC . 18 mo Seve . cloth H nth - NINE Edition 2 s ENGI . M . * AND with ARTICLES , Additions Questions and and TH E ENGLAND LITU RGY , Question OF s and THECHURCH Answers on . Tenth THE PENTATEUCH , Exam mat . ion . Edition , 18 mo . cloth , 2 s . Questions on . Fcp . 8 vo . cloth , 1 * . , COMPENDIUM Theolopry . Containing a concise THEOLOGICUM History of the Primitive and Med ; iaeval or , Church Manual , the Reformation for ' Students , the Church in j of England , the English Liturgy , and the XXXIX . Articles , with Scripture Proofs and Explanations . By the Rev- j I THE O . Adolph CRE us , M E . A . D Fifth AND Edition , consider THE able enlarged CHURCH , crown 8 vo . clo : a Handbook dd . of Theology j on Being Heresies a Synopsis and Schisms of * Pearson , the Life on and the Epistles Creed , ' and of S of . Paul Hooke , History r's ' Ecclesiastical of the Book of Polity Common , ' Book Prayer V . : with , the brief Thirty Papcn -nine > cloth Articles 3 s , . < 6 fcc d . . , for the ute of Theological Students . By the Rev . Edgah Sandehson , M . A . Third Edition , fcp . 8 vo . PALEY , 'S EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY . With Examination Questions and Analysis by tlie Bev . G . Fisk . Seventh Edition , crown 8 vo . cloth , 4 « . 6 d . PALEY'S EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY . A Short Analysis LATIN of College . Wi . th AND Se < y « cond e 8 tiori Edition s , and GREEK , rec 18 ent mo . Sonata cloth , 2 ACCIDENCE Bouse a . 6 tr . Examination Papers . By Intended the Rev . J . ch M . iefl Bacon y for Scho the lar use Tr inity of OR Candida DINATIO ellow and tes Tutor for the of Previous N Downing QU Examination College ESTIONS . Fifth at Edition Cambridge , crown being , arid 8 vo the the . cloth Military Papers , Us . 6 rf Examinations . given at Recent By J . Picukin E xam , M .. V i at ions both for Deacons and Priests , together with Instructions to Candidates . Fcp . 8 ro . 2 s . HALLAM un AnalyslH of 'S : for CONSTITUTIONAL the nea of Students . With TabltB , Expl HISTORY anation Terms , & OF c . By Q ENGLA koruk Paukbu N liA D , EURIPIDES St . John ' s College . Crown AND 8 to . 3 SOPHOCLES j . « d . . Literally Translated . The various Playa sold bcparately . Is . each . Cambridge : J . HALL & SON . London : Simpkin , Marshall , & Co ., and Hamilton , Adams , < fc Co . *^ --J S ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 18, 1884, page 26, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_18011884/page/26/