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fp^^r ^^ jan. is, 1884 Tbe ^Putii^e^ irl
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Fp^^R ^^ Jan. Is, 1884 Tbe ^Putii^E^ Irl
fp ^^ r ^^ jan . is , 1884 Tbe ^ Putii ^ e ^ irl
J . & A . CHURCHILL , furnishers . ILLUSTRATIONS of the INFLUENCE of the MIND nation upon the . B BODY Daniel in HEALTH Hack Tukb and M DISEASE . D . V F . R . C . : P . Designed LL . D . to Secon Elucidate d edition the 2 Action vols . crown of the 8 vo Imagi . 15 a - . y , , , THE STUDENT'S GUIDE to STRUCTURAL , MOB-: Botany PHOLO in GICAL King ' , s College and PHYSIOLOGICAL . "With 660 Engravings BOTANY , 500 pp . . B fcp y . Robbbt 8 vo . 7 s . 6 Bbntxey d . , Professor of Jfy the same Author , AMANUAJiOfBOTANY : including the Structure , Functions , 8 Classification vo . 155 . , Properties , and Uses of Plants . Fourth Edition , with 1 , 185 Engravings , crown PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY and QUALITATIVE INORGANI Chemistry in C University ANALYSIS College . Speciall , Notting y adapted ham . for Third Schools Edition . By , with F . Clones Engravings , D . Sc . , Professor 8 vo . 7 s . 6 of d . PHYSICAL and INORGANIC CHEMISTRY : founded upon Coloured the Plate well-known and Eng Manual ravings . of Crown Professor 8 vo . Eownes 9 * . . By Henry Watts , B . A ., F . R . S . With FOWNES' ORGANIC CHEMISTRY . Edited by Henry Watts , B . A ., F . R . S . Twelfth Edition , with Engravings . Crown 8 vo . 10 $ . A HANDBOOK of HYGIENE and SANITARY SCIENCE shire . Fifth . By Edition George , with Wilson Engravings , M . D . , , crown F . R . S . E 8 . vo , Medical . 10 s . 6 d Officer . of Health for Mid-Warwick-HEALTHY LIFE and By the HEALTHY same Author , DWELLINGS : a Guide to Personal and Domestic Hygiene . Fcp . 8 vo . 5 s . HOW to ARREST INFECTIOUS DISEASES : a Handbook for the Medical Practitioner and the Public . By Edgar G . Baknes , M . D ., Medical I Officer of Health . * Fcp . 8 vo . 2 s . 6 d . THE VETERINARIAN'S POCKET REMEMB BRANCER Semeiology y George , Abmatage : Diagnosis containing , , M Concise P . rognos R . C . V . Directions i S . , Surgery Second for , Edition Therapeutics the Treatment , post 1 , 8 Detection mo of . Urgent 3 s . of or Poisons Bare Cases , H , yg embracing iene , & c . A SHORT MANUAL for MONTHLY NURSES . By C * A , J Manual . Cuixingworth of Nursing , M , . Medical D ., M . K and . C . P . Surg , Ph ical ysician / Fcp to St . 8 . vo Mary . Is . ' s 6 Hosp d . ital , Manchester , Author of THE MEDICAL DIRECTORY for 1884 ; giving the of Names Medica , A l dd Practitioners resses , Qualifications and Dental , Appo Licentiat intments es in , Scientific Great Britain Distincti and on Ireland s , Published ; also of Works Registered , & c , Medical Practitioners Education Resid and ent Medical Abroad , Practice with much . 8 vo General . 12 s . and Statistical Information relating to CHURCHILL ' S TECHNOLOGICAL HANDBOOKS . Edited by John Gaednbe , F . I . C ., F . C . S . BREWING , DISTILLING , and WINE MANUPAOTURE . With Engravings . Crown 8 vo . 6 s . 6 d . BLEACHING , DYEING , and CALICO PRINTING . With Engravings . Crown 8 vo . 5 « . % * Other Works in preparation * . . London : 11 New Burlington Street .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 18, 1884, page 47, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_18011884/page/47/