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- ,- , ^^^Mm^^M ^ 50 ^^ The Publishersv ...
- ,- , ^^^ mm ^^ m ^ 50 ^^ The PublishersV CHrculir >» . ioYt ^
Primary and Higher Education . SULLIVAN BROTHERS' GEOGRAPHIES , Revised in accordance with the Hest Authorities . 1 . GEOGRAPHY GENERALISED ; - parison Or , an Introduction , with numerous to the Diagrams Study of . Geograp By Robert hy , on Stjixivan the Princi , LL ples . D . , T . Classification CJD . 65 th Edition and Com ( of . 10 , 000-copies each ) . Edited by Bey . Samuel Hatjghton " , F . T . C . D . & c . 448 pp . fcp . 8 ro . Revised 1883- Price 2 * . 2 . GEOGRAPHY GENERALISED , As above . With 12 Coloured Maps , and Exercise Maps of England , Scotland , and Ireland , 3 . AN with INTRODUCTION Keys . Price 2 s . 6 d . TO GEOGRAPHY Ancient , Modern , and Sacred , -with an Outline of Ancient , History , and Sketches of tie History of the Principal Countries of Europe . By Rob-ebt Suixivan , LL . D ., T . C . D . Recast and arranged in Numbered Paragraphs ( 1880 ) , with 600 Examination Tests added 16 th Edition ( of 10 , 000 copies each ) . Revised 1883 . Price Is . ; with Maps , Is . 6 d . 4 . OUTLINE * * * Nearly a Million S OF GEOGRAPH a half Copies of this Y book FOR , in its JUNIOR original form , CLASSES were sold . With Questions and over 200 Examination Tests , Coloured Maps , and several Illustrations ,. 13 th Edition ( of 20 , 000 copies each—First published March 1878 ) , 96 pp . Revised 1883 . Price 6 d . * * These books are on the List of Publications sanctioned by the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland ; and they are also extensively used throughout Great Britain and the Colonies . LONGMANS & CO . SIMPKIN SULLIVAN MARSHALL BROTHERS & CO . , HAMILTON Dublin . ADAMS & CO . London ; , and all Booksellers , ; . , , , ;
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 18, 1884, page 50, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_18011884/page/50/