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w ,8, i884 Tie fublishers' Okralar S3j
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W ,8, I884 Tie Fublishers' Okralar S3j
w , 8 , i 884 Tie fublishers' Okralar S 3 j
JOHNSTON'S GEOGRAPHICAL ESTABLISHMENT , j _ ILOIETIDaiET . NOW READY . Size 58 by 50 inches . Price , mounted on cotton and rollers , varnished , 12 * . JOHNSTON Being 'S a detailed STANDARD Map of MAP oUr Colonies OF THE and BRITISH Dependencies EMPIRE . , 3 fr . Mundeixa says : « An excellent Map . ' The Marquis op Lobhb says : * A beautifnl and interesting Map / THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED , JOHNSTON'S STANDARD Nos DIAGRAMS . I . and II . OF PHYSIOGRAPHY , Size 58 x 50 inches , price 21 s . each on canvas rollers , and varnished . great Diagram national No wealth . I . introduces . Diagram the No subject . II . is l > chiefl y a descri y connected ption of wi a th visit Physical to a Coal Geograp Mine h , y the . Each source Diagram of our is accompanied by an explanatory Key ( gratis ) . Detailed Prospectus free by Post . in a P school hysiograp curriculum hy is a ^ u b sefu ecause l and it instructive is felt that study every , and intelligent is becoming person must of th desire e essen to t know ial su some bjects - most thing carefully of what is prep above ared and —will beneath be found and around invaluable us . both These to the Diagrams Teacher , therefore and the Lea —wh rner ich . have been FRUIT TREES . The | ArPL * :. The Cherry , f The Date , f The Orange | . The Pear | . The Plum . FOREST TREES . The Oak . | The Elm . | The Feb . | The Beech . | The Mahogany . | The Ash . USEFUL PLANTS . . The The Size Tea Cotto of each Plant n | Plant drawing . . 25 I by 20 The The inches Tobacco Cocoa . Price Plast , Plant mounted . . on j J board The The and Coffee Sugar varnished Plant Plant , or . . mounted | I on Thk cotton Flax , with Plant rollers . 2 s . 6 d . ; in sheet , Is . 6 d . A short description accompanies each . USEFUL GRAINS . A Series of Pictures for Object Lessons . Beautifully drawn and printed in Colours . The Grains represented are—Each B Picture arley represents . | Buckwheat the Plant . twice J the Mullet natural . size J , Maize and is mounted . | Oats on a . strong | Rice board . , 20 | by Rye 13 inches . | , an Wheat d varnished . . Descriptive letterpress accompanies each illustration . Price , complete in wrapper , 10 a NATURAL HISTORY PLATES . Size 34 by 26 inches . Price 2 s . 6 d . each ; or mounted on cloth and rollersTarnished 4 s . each . , , , Bear . Condor . FowlsLobsterCrab . ' Silkworm . " Bee Beaver . . Corals Anemones and . Sea Giraffe Fox . * . „ Marten Lobster , , , Otter Spider . * Snake Silurne and , Salmon Frogs . . Beetles Boa Constrictor . . Crocodile Cow . * . Goose Goat . . ; Oriole Bird , . Weaver Stork Stag . . Bookworm Rattlesnake Buffalo . , Tarantula . . Dog Cuttlefish Oyster . . , Snail , Hedgehog Hare Musk . Rat , Mole , Piff Pelican Ostrich . . . Tiger Swan Sturgeon . . , Perch . Capercailzie or Wood Donkey . Heron . Pike , Carp . Turtle . Cat Grouse and Kittens . . Eagle Dromedary . . Kangaroo Horse . . Reindeer Raven . . Whale Vampire . , Flyin ' \ g Fox . Chimpanzee Cockcliaier and . Elephant Fly , Locust . , and Leech Tapeworm , Trichina . , Shark Seal . . Wolf . Butterfly . Dragon Fly . lion . Sheep . of which This is are the in Original any degree Series equal of Natu to the ral History original Plates pictures , and , which its great are not success only has artistically called forth beautiful many , but imitations scientifically , none accurate in every respect . Also uniform in size and price with the Natural History Plates . TYPES OF NATIONS . Esquimaux . | Nkgiio Uniform . | in Austbauas size and price 1 Abohigtnbs with the Natural . | Chinese History . | Platks Hindoo . . | Patagonian . < THE PACES OF MANKIND . ' Negro Five Races Typical . Coloured Heads and , showing life sisti the * . distinguishing characteristics of the Caucasian , Mongolian , Indian , Malayan , and MENTAL . ARITHMETIC CARDS , ADAPTED TO THE NEW CODE . JOHNSTON'S STANDARD MENTAL ARITHMETIC CARDS have been compiled supplied by a Teacher , givinpr of 240 considerable graduated and experience suitable . E For xercises each in of all the the Seven rules , Standards with Two a Seta Packet of Answers of Forty , and -eight a suggestive Cards is outline prevented of , the and Method idleness ct checker use . ] . At Each these of Exerclsea the Severi a Standards large Class is may printed be kept on a at differently work , copying coloured being card absolutely . Price per Packet , in strong cloth cose , 1 * . London : A . JOHNSTON , 6 Paternoster Buildings , E . C . I ^ SlS ^ r—**— i » n i ¦ ¦ . i i i . I . i .. i . . I — f ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 18, 1884, page 53, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_18011884/page/53/