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7o The Publishers 1 Circular jan, 18 ^ 1...
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7o The Publishers 1 Circular Jan, 18 ^ 1...
7 The Publishers Circular jan , 18 ^ 1 ,
Amen Corner , E . C . Messrs . SUTTABY & CO . HAVE NOW BEADY THK 1 R OlfcTIE ] SHILLIISTG- \ Common Prayer , in Ancient with Hymns & Modern . FOUR OiLTIE SHILLIITG *™ m Common Prayer with , Hymnal Companion . PATTERNS , Common OUSTIE Prayer SHILLIIT , G 10 in PATTERNS all WITH Church Hymns ' YOUNG'S ANALYTICAL CONCORDANCE , GREATLY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED EDITION . Edinburgh : aEORGE ( Specimens ADAM free . ) ! YOUNG- &> CO . JOHN CAMERON'S POPULAR PUBLICATIONS The Cook Readings Cover Complete e ' s Letter & Recitations letter Write Writer r , , tlik Illustrated . , cr cl . . bds 8 vo . . Gd 1 1 * * ^ . . . ^ Reading Magazine The Readings Reciter for and of ' s the Recital Companion Entertaining Million ionp , 2 nd . . . . Stories Series . . . . 6 6 6 dd d d d . . . The G Headings The . V M . Comic Brooke odern from Reciter ' s do R Rhakspeare . . cite , r Illus . . . Cover . . .. . 3 U hi rf . . . Ditto The Universal , in cloth lin Lett p er , tilled Writer .. , ditto .. 6 < 1 . The The Business Love Letter Writer do . , Illus do . Cov . . 3 3 tf d . . The The Tra Gentle eedy of Shepuerd Douglas , by .. Alla . n . 2 < l . Readings The Read and y Reckoner Eecitations , cl , . 1 gilt st Series title 6 6 d d . . The The Gentleman Ladies' ' s d do o . . do do . . 3 3 d d . . The Ramsay Toast Master 2 Id - / . . CATALOGUE of Mueica . 1 aad other Publications to ask for JOHN on application CAMERON . When 'S EDITIONS ordering through . Wholesale Houses , be particular CAMERON , SCOTT , & CO . ( formerly John Cameron ) , Publishers , 47 York Street , Glasgow . s £ ^ ^ f V ^ ^ ' C / v ' ^^ yQ ^ < ^ % ^^ /^ S / r ^ * ^ ^ C > ^ * ' ^ ^ hefolloivs ^ ' No such candi excellen date need t models fear rejection as are here " if ~ ^/^^\) /^^ O / ^ presented . —Educational News . ~ y Y ^ ^ K X $ < fc / ^ S J / ^ y ^ % ^ r SECONDARY PEIMARY SCHOOL SCHOOL SERIES SERIES . . .. . 2 id d . . each „ . JPO ^ O IS PRIVATE SCHOOL SERIES . . . . 4 d . „ / XOx GERMAN AND FRENCH SERIES . . . « d . „ y ^ SOLD BY ALL STATIONERS AND BOOKSELLERS . g-: eo : rx 3-: e 3 waterstoit & sonsrs LONDON : 9 Eosb Strkkt , Nkwgatb StbbitE . C . EDINBURGH : 6 B Hanovkk Sth , ,
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 18, 1884, page 70, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_18011884/page/70/