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Hi' Jm \
Hi' jm \
80 The Publishers Circular Jan . « jj
THE BANNER ? ] Jl @ f ) urcl ) & @ on $ iifutional ^ ett ) sp aj > erj PUBUSHED EVERY FRIDAY , price 1 d ., post-free 1 { d . I UNDER THE EDITORSHIP OF Mr . CHARLES MACKESON . I ; This Newspaper is published by a Limited Company , of which the Directors are the Right Eon . H f Cecil Raikes , M . P .. Stanley Leighton , Esq ., M . P ., J 3 . T . Davenport , Esq ., M . P ., J . S . Gillut , &»¦ ( Governor of the Bank of England ) , and George Bbix , Esq . ; and the Rev . the Hon . L . Neviile andl A . E . Packe , Esq ., are Secretaries . It is conducted on the lines of sound Prayer-book Churchmanshi p , ! and in support of the Constitutional Party in the State . The Banner supplies Notes and Comments osl the events of each week ; a condensed record of Home and Foreign News ; Special Reports of Meeting ! I for Political and Church Purposes ; Church News ; Leading Articles ; Reviews ; Literary and Artistic Notes ; Biographical Sketches of Eminent Statesmen ; Reports of Constitutional Associations in London and the Provinces ; Special Descriptive Letters from Abroad ; Special Letters from the Universities ; and [ General Correspondence . SUBSCRIPTION FOR ONE YEAR , INCLUDING POSTAGE , 616 . Post Office Orders on the Post-Qffiee , Southampton Street , Strand , to be payable to William Sitton . CAN BE ORDERED FROM ANY BOOKSELLER , NEWSAGENT , OR RAILWAY BOOKSTALL IN TOWN OR COUNTRY , OR FROM THE Publishing Office : —37 TAYISTOCK STREET , COVEITT GARDEN . J-CJST 32 , DB ^ -X ) "Sr . SOUND BODIES FOR OUB BOYS AND GIB 1 S . By WILLIAM BLAXKZE , AUTHOR OP * TO GET STEONG AND HOW TO STAY SO . ' With Illustrations . 16 mo . cloth . Price 3 s . Qd . ' The ooject of this work is to suggest and give directions for exercises which will develop all the muscles of the body , and thus enable our boys and girls , while fitting their minds for present and future usefulness , to secure both bodily vigour and sound health . The exercises recommended by Mr . Blail ie aI * simple in the extreme , and are illustrated by sketches showing the positions to be assumed by the pup 113 while porforming them . They require no complicated apparatus , and are explained in a style of charms simplicity and directness which is calculated to arouse the interest and enthusiasm of the pupil- ' London : SAMPSON LOW , MAItSTON , SEARLE , k . RIVINGTON , 188 Fleet Street
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 18, 1884, page 80, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_18011884/page/80/