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11 Dec. 31, 1881 The Publishers' Circula...
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11 Dec. 31, 1881 The Publishers' Circula...
11 Dec . 31 , 1881 The Publishers' Circular I 3 gf > p § 1 __ -iiiV : K
I Mr . A . M . BURGHES , j VALUER & ACCOUNTANT " ' ; ' TO PUBLISHERS PRINTERS , BOOKSELLERS , & c , , STATIONERS , — la PATERNOSTER ROW , ; Is instructed to Sell the following Businesses : TO PUBLISHERS . —A first-class literary per apnum Property , is , ^ having efifered a on Sale easy of over terms £ 0 of , 000 purc Cop hase ies , \ tion the Proprieto to the publ r bein ication & unable of the to work give . personal With due atten care - can and "be atten real tion ised . a nett profit of from £ 5 , 000 a year 1 I PARTNE J £ - 10000 Hous a e of RSHIP firs . £ t- 2 class 000 . — standing London uired . for Return Publishing s nearl ex y - tension , . A year thoroughl , y genuine req opening necessary suitable for a gentleman who understands the trade . TX > OKSELLINGr . —A well-knovrn London - Stock D Retail . Fine cor Business ner position , with of large crowded and thoroug well-selected hfare . terms Splendid , ow fixtures ing to . special Can be circumstances had on very reasonable . About £ 3 , 000 required ; part , might remain . ~ ^ STATIONERS . —Old-established Busiyears T ( very ness . low Central ) for . Disposal Ten West years . End Post ' lease - posit Office . ion Suitabl attach . Rent ed e for for £ 150 40 a practical man . About £ 750 required ; a rare chance . T ^ ANCY WAEEHOUSE .- ^ ATerjTProfit-R •* - " t abl onl e Business £ 33 fine . Returns ises . over 8 . E . £ 900 district a year ex- . cellent position y ; for trade prem ; busy neighbourhood ; . About £ 500 required for everything . STATIONERY and FINE ART . —Maim-First U facturing -class position and Retail in beautifu . Established l Cathedral 70 Town years . . Rent ing . £ About 65 ; very £ 1 , 200 low . requi Profi red ts . £ 600 A a very year fa ; vourable increasopportunity ; business is first-class in every respect . ~~ TATIONERY , IfANCYT ancT POST ^ S £ £ 700 90 OFFICE ( cleare required d . by for South letting everything Coast ) . Returns ; leading . This £ 2 Town , 000 is a . genuine . Abou Rent t and very favourable opening . "DOOKSELLING and STATIONERY . — Rent •* - * Good £ 100 ; nei fine ghb house ourhood and , West shop . End Established of London 40 . y £ 1 , r s ; a in year sam . Abou famil t y £ t 600 he whole required time . . Returns , GTATIONERY ^ and BAZAXRT ^ Favourite South Coast Seaside Town . Fine premises , ca with ^ pabl sea e of view increase . Rent . About £ 50 . £ Return 250 reqxiired s £ 500 . a year ; STATIONERY and PUBLISHING u OFFICE of LOCAL NEWSPAPER . —Pine London premises . , sitxiated A ood in p i leasant neihbo Country urhood Town . About near be £ 300 made required easil g . . A nett profit g of £ 200 a year can y QTATIONERY and FANCY TRADE . — ^ North London . Returns £ 12 a week . Rent Estab £ 50 ; lished very good 10 premises . . About £ 200 required . years Jt I warded 1 a Monthl Paternoster post y - Reg free Bow ister on app , of London lication Busin , esses E . C M . r . A . Disposal M . Bujbohbs for ,
I I I I III . - — ——^——» » , Messrs ^ tzm . HOLMES nt unt * & 0 al mr & a SO 2 ST , I ; TO BOOKSELLERS PAPER , PROPKIETORS STAT 10 . NE . tt 8 , , PBBmat & c . & o . 3 , KEWB- t 88 a PATERNOSTER ROW , . j Are instructed to sell the following businesses : — j ONE of ' the best known and oldest es- \ tablished RETAIL STATIONERY and \ mises PBINTING favourable are large position BUSINESSES , and both commanding for business in London in an and exceptionall . — residential The pre y - [ purposes . The returns and nett profits are very handsome capital invested , and . produc Particulars e a splen on did application return for . the ! STATIONERY and PRINTING BUSI- : * J NESS ( Commercial ) in the best business City [ Returns cha in E sed ngla on n about d ; favourable sp £ lendid 2 , 000 position , at term goo s d . profits Established about . £ 7 Can 50 16 in be years cas pur h - . i > required . ; ^ ' ¦ ; TJOOKSELLING iJ FANCY TRADE , STATIONERY . —In high-class , Suburb ^ nd ! of having London been ( West there End 30 ) years . The , is present now desirous proprietor of profits retiring . . About Returns £ 500 ali required out ^ 2 , 500 for everything a year at . good , ' " ~ O ~ BOOKSELLING , STATIONBRYT ^ nd [ TPRINTING- TRADE . —A first-class Business , Abou Midland turns t abou ^ 750 Counties t in £ 3 cash , 000 . In a balance sam year e . hands by Nttt ea 22 profit instalm years , . £ ents 500 Re- . . Ser Can ious be ill - h health oroughl of y ; Proprietor recommended necessitates sy ^ exceptional sale ly . j , favourable terms . Q ^ f ^ IONERY ~ & FANCY BUSINESS . — at tra A cti very ve a superior ition and as high -class E Business land . A , in nett as ; profit of nearl pos y £ 1 , 000 a year is now ng made . AVill ; < be with an about unusuall £ 2 , 500 y safe at command investme . nt for a gentleman PRINTING BUSI ^^^^ TsTlc ^ id ^ f - * - h London lrelied . Established . Old 75 established years . Can connection be thohi an roug gh d regular profits y . customers About upon £ 650 . Return required s about . £ 2 , 000 at STATIONERY & FANCY BUSINESS . — ionab * 3 I le Suburbs splendid of main London road . , one Established of the most 20 fash- . years res Ret idence urns abou . About t £ 1 , 300 £ 500 —could required bo deve . loped . Splendid JL T ^ OOKSELLING FANCY BUSINESS , STATIONERY . —A high-class , ^ nd excep Returns tionally nearl good y £ 3 Seaside , 000 a year Business . About for £ 1 Disposal , 500 re- . quired . Excellent premises in the finest position . "BOOKSELLING , STATIONERY ^ and in X > excellent PRINTING TownMidland TRADE . Counti —A first es . -class Has Business changed ; £ h A ands ll at onl valua y once tion , in about , 40 years £ 900 . . Returns nearly £ 2 , 000 . TJOOKSE D LIBRARY LLING BUSINESS , ST ATION Brighton E R Y Excellent , ^ d position lo , w overlooking rentwhich the sea . alwa Established s bo covere 30 years d b . -le Very ma tting de . . About A return , £ 500 of £ in 2 , 000 cash a ( yea y small r can balance easily b be y y lT arrangement , ) % —— - ———————— * . ¦ l i W ?
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 31, 1881, page 1335, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_31121881/page/43/