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j$ i^- The Publishers' Circular Bee. 31,...
glterttatettte of Item ^otih.
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I Aeschylus Jl Sidgwick ' Choephoroi . 1...
Atlas von China . Oro ? raphische und geologische Kartexi Ta zu fel des I . " - Verfassers XII . Oblong ' China , Berlin , ' von , . 28 P . s Richthofen , erste H & [ 7673 lfte ,
Anerbaoh ( B . )—Lorle , die Frau Professorin , mit 72 Illustratfcmen 24 in Holzschnitt v . "W- Hasemanii . 4 to . gilt edges [ l 7674 ,
Stuttgart aiuuguri , ) z * s s « u " Bonn 3 s . « e d . tain ( P . )—Autoux de la caserne . Sin . 8 vo . Paris [ 7675 ,
Casanova ecrits — lui M -m 6 moires & me , suivis de Jacques de fragments Casanova des mdmoires de Seingalt du , Prince par de Ligne . 8 vols . Sm . 8 vo . ca . pp . 4 , 000 , Paris [ , 7676 24 s .
Catt 8 vo . ( Parts Henri lls de . 6 ) d —Mes entretiens avec Frederic le G- [ rand 7677 . , Congr & s international des Am ^ ricanistes , cinquieme
session session . , 1883 1883 . . 8 8 vo vo . . Copenmgue Copenhaaue . , 15 15 ss . . 66 d d [ L 7 < 6 o 778 S Ferretti Torino Torino . 53 53 ( A . )—Canossa , Studie e riceicae , ed . ii . [ U 767 8 & vo v y 9 .
, Fsriedrich Tagebttcliern Karl und Handzeichnungen ( Trinz ) — Irn Morgenlande von seinen Reis , n ebe acli - GamierJFrankfurtder
gleitem Oder 48 s H . Brugsch und y . . -au [ - 7680 - , Hantel ( G . )—A us dem Siegesjabrc , 1870-71 , Kriegsfahrten ClUv eines p Truppenarztes -1 A , nirirvi BTii'i « J w ^ 0 70 » v ^ m a-ka X — ~ - . t Ar j t ~ na . ¦ ¦¦¦* x 6 ^ w e-xCorps ^ v _^« . j ^ t «» . * 8 ^ vo - - % ^ . Elbing —«* - 7681 v v ^ ^ ,
6 s [ Helm—Hbschen im Moos . Sna . 8 vo . Bielefeld , 6 s . 6 d ... [ 7682 Hospitaller—L ' electricite dans la maison . 8 vo . Pa ?* is , 7683 10 s .
Lefort peinture ( I * chretienne ») — ^ tiide et sur melanges les monuments arclieologiqnes primitifs . Sm de . [[/ 8 vo » la .
Pa ? -w 3 s , [ 7684 ,
Mahalin 8 vo . Paris ( Paul , 3 s . 6 ) d —Le due rouge , roin & o . d ' arentures [ 7685 Sm Malo Paris t , — 10 La s petite sosar . Illust . pour la jeunesse . [ 7686 8 vo '
Merouvel ( Ch . )—Fleur de Corse . Sm . 8 vo . Paris , 3 s . [ 7687 Meyer 7 s . 6 d ( Hans ) — Eine Weltreise . Illust . 8 vo . leipzia C 7688
Meyer ( W . )—Syst 6 me de Saturne . 4 to . Basle , 9 s . 6 d . [ 7689 My Paris Lord , 3 s . 6 et d My Lady , par Brada . Sm . pp . iv . and [ 7690 286
Ratisbonne Sm . 8 vo . pp . vii ( Louis . < k 310 ) — , Paris Impressions , 3 s . 6 d litteraires , nouv [ . 7691 ed . Roumain fran ^ ais , 8 . a . Bicfcionnaire 2 vols . sm . 8 francais ro . Bukarest -roumai , 14 s n , 6 a . ; roumain [ 7692
-SchefFel 2 nd edit — . Ekkeh 2 vols ard . Sm , G- . eschichte 8 vo . Stuttgart ansd . , zehnten 12 s Jahrhundert [ 7693 . Stackelbergr portraits & o . ( Natalie 8 vo . Heidelberg )—Aus , Carmen 7 s . 6 d Sylva ' s Leben , 2 [ A 7694 . ufl .
Tre du ' sor moyen calli -iige grap et de hique la renaissance , recueil , de paT let Louis trines Seghers initiales , mis & c . en chromo par Seghers fils . Bruxelles , 60 s ,. ... [ 7695
Tuckermann Zeit in Italien . ( W 8 vo . . b P oards . ) — G , Berlin -artenkuost , 24 s der Kenaissance [ 7696
-Verly guerre ( , H d . ' ) a — mour Contes , de beuve flamandi rie et relatant autrea les advenus hauts de faicts pays de de Flandres advenus depuis le bon roi Dag ^ obertIllust 8 vo
. . . Par * ,, * 12 s [ 7697
Witt—ITne liistoire ecossaise . Sm . 8 vo . Pai * is , 3 s [ 7698
J$ I^- The Publishers' Circular Bee. 31,...
j $ i ^ - The Publishers' Circular Bee . 31 , 1884
Glterttatettte Of Item ^Otih.
glterttatettte of Item ^ otih .
13 Gbbat Mahlbobouqh Stbbkt , London , W . HURST & BLACEETT ' S NEW WORKS . ON the TEACK of tlie CRESCENT : ERRATIC NOTES from the PIRiEU by the Author S to PESTH . 1 vol . . demy By Major 8 vo . 3 E 5 . s . 0 . Johnson , M . A . I ., iF . R . Hist . S . With Map and upwards of 50 Illustrations WOMEN of EUROPE in tlie FIFTEENTH and SIXTEENTH I CENTURIES . By Mrs . Napieii Higoiks . Vols . I and S , demy 8 vo . 30 » . [/ w January . I The PICTORIAL PRESS : its Origin and Progress . By Mason I Jackson . 1 vol . demy 8 vo . with 150 Illustrations . 16 * . I MEMOIRS Of a CAMBRIDGE CHORISTER . By William Gloveb . I 2 Tola , crown 8 vo . 2 ls . I The LIFE and ADVENTURES of PEG WOFFINGTON , with I PICTTJTIES of the PERIOD in which SHE LIVED . By J . Fitzgebald Molloy , Author of ' Court Life Below I Stairs' & c . Second Edition . 2 voIb . crown 8 vo . With Portrait . 21 s . I LODGE'S PEERAGE and BARONETAGE for 1885 . tinder the I Eapeoiftl the Arms Patronage beautifully of engrave Her Majesty d , handsomely , and Corrected bound . by 31 s the . 6 d . Nobility . Fifty-fourth Edition . One vol . royal 8 vo . with I I NEW AND POPULAR NOVELS . I ALTHOUGH HE WAS a LORD . By Mrs . Forrester , Author of ' Viva / I * Mignon , ' & c . 8 vols . I The WITCH'S HEAD . By H . Rider Haggard , Author of < Dawn . ' 3 vole . I The CARDICS . By William George Waters . 3 vols . I CYCLAMEN . By Mrs . Randolph , Author of < Gentjanella' & c . 3 vols . I WJJST Of SWARDHAM . By the Rev . W . O . Peile , Author of < Tay . ' 3 vols . I COLVILLE Of the GXTARJ > S . By James Grant , Author of ' The Romance of I War' & c , 3 vola . [ In January- Vm
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 31, 1884, page 1514, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_31121884/page/26/