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f| | Iliio The Publishers' Circular Dec....
Particulars of price $c. to he sent dire...
I Abraham Kills, and , IT Law ., Taunton...
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F| | Iliio The Publishers' Circular Dec....
f | | Iliio The Publishers' Circular Dec . 31 , t && I ¦ ' ' - ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ — ' - - - ¦ - .. ¦ . ¦ - _— - , | . | MMM— -1 . IM 1 ¦ — ————¦ , I— ¦ . — I — ¦ . ——^ .. »¦¦¦— . - ¦¦_—— . 1 — — ¦ . — ^^ ^*^
^ Books Wanted To Puechase.
Particulars Of Price $C. To He Sent Dire...
Particulars of price $ c . to he sent direct to the persons whose names and addresses are given , Notice . — We careful desire not not to draw to to remit remit attention cash of Correspondents without icunouz under this fully juwy head suusjwa satisfied , ' Books of in the Wanted ootux bona , ' fides to an of / oft ine the -repeated communications communications caution to he
carejui casn or or stamps scamps being oeing , or * . . jiaes o , as as found SWEfDLBRS to be a have local adopted post-office the ; plan on the , of other reporting hand books , our subscribers and requiring should stamps be careful in payment in supplying ; but their books only to a address dvertiten , u unknown to them .
I Abraham Kills, And , It Law ., Taunton...
I Abraham Kills , and , IT Law ., Taunton ' s American Medicine ( Davis , Birmingham ) Baer Britannia , J ., dc Co Languens ., Frankfort . 16 -o — .-M ., Germany
V _ T " - »¦ V * - »»* » - « . _ i *_» _¦_« w _ . _ t -- ) «^^¦ r -w . 'v _» . -w — Ciilpepper . ' s Tract Remarks asrainst < Q # High Usury Interest Twins _ Harris 1 I - ) _ W 4 V * ^^ J ' ' (^ Ps Travers ^ aH- A say ^ V —I V ^^ ^ h on ^^ ) ^ ia M Progress ~ Money ^ * ^^ P *^ Vol *^^ ^^ fc ^ and *^ 2 of ^ * —_ - Coins « Political ^ ^^_ W A WA ¦ «_* % ^ f , Economy ¦ V ^ * * ^_ # 1 " ^ ^ V
Laborde Todd ' s C ' s yclopaed Journey . through . Arabia Petrasa Barnicott London is Son , Athenaeum Book 188 4 Store , Taunton . .
Art Kelly and ' s Letters . Directory . Oct . 1882 . Bennett Erdeswiek , W , P ' s ., Staffordshire 3 Bull Street , Birmingham
Friendship Ellacombe ' ' s s Bel Offering la of the . 1842 Church -43 Blades' Enemies of Books
Muspratt ' s Chemistry ¦¦ Bickers Sheridan < Cr Sons Works , 1 Leicester 2 vols Square , FF . C .
Life of Gainsborough ' s , , 2 vols . . ITaval Petrie ' Achievements s Pyramids coloured plates
Fane Kingsley __ i __ v _> ' s ( Violet ' _* s Life ^_> _ - _ t ) , Prom 2 * . vols _ , . Dawn 8 vo . to Noon Chesterfield Normanby ' s 's ( Lord Letters ) M . atilda Good edit .
Tristram Shandy . G-ood old edit . Brear Cassell , 71 ' , s dr Cookery Co . ( Limited , coloured ) , Bradford plates . 15 * . edit .
Brown , A ., & Son , 26 A 27 Sctvile Stret , Hull TEexham Quivsr . ' s Nov ( Lionel . 1879 ) Harry Roughton
Knight Minaterborough ' s Land we , 3 Live vols . in 1873 . Part 6 Braddon ' s Three Times Dead
Chapman Our Darlings , J . C , . 3 STov Coney . 1883 Street ; Jan , Y . ork 1884 Collins Portfolio , 8 . Bookseller . 1883 . , Clean Holm firth ia parts
Dixon Magazin ' s ( e . H of . ) Art Her . Majesty 1883 . , ' Clean s Tower , in . parts Vol . 4 CollinsW . P . 157 GfreaPortland StreetW . , , ^ , 4 volsand
Gall Vimon et t Spurzheim , Traite de , Physiologie Systeme Nerreux , . Atla * Brady ' s Copepoda Geikie ' s fl Great Ancient Ice Age Glaciers of North Wfiles
Kamsay Science ' Gossip . 1869 and 1882 , in original blue cloth Combridae Wioke ' s , Handbook C ., 18 Graf of Ion Villa Street Architecture , Dublin
Ivor ' s Gentleman ' s House Villa and Cottaee Architecture Todd > ¦¦ ' fl Life » of St « f . Patrick - v «¦ ji « h•—¦<¦¦ ^ ^>• ««| pa * ^ * . ^^ ^^« . ¦ >^— ' ¦•»^ ' ^ " .
Malleson Letters of ' s Jun Ihdian ius , Mutiny 8 vo . CornishJ & Sons 297 High Holborn
Reade , ' s . ( , 0 . ) Cloiste Griffith , r Gaunt and the 3 Hearth vols . , $ vols . Bacon ' E Terrible Counsel Temptation ? fc & « -w , c -a . 1840 , 3 -v ( vols «~> O rs . Knigh k . s ~«( m k t & Co ¦» . )
Goldsmith ¦ fcTMVv ft A # ^ u »»» ssays J ' s Citizen ^ _ i J " . ' , y ^ - ^ > - » » - * of « i lk ^«^ the a | , Worl d ^^ ( C . Knight . ^^ & Co » w . ) -w ' ^ Cornish The Ancre , J * E n ., B 33 -iwle Piccadilly ( Camdcn * Ma Society nchester )
Memoirs of Anne Dnitton Thompson life and Labours ' s Picture of H Galleries . K . Browne of Europe ( Phiz )
Paley Baring ' s - Moral Gould ' and a Borne Political Modern Philosophy Bifftculiles Cornish Prices , J of . E Food ., 1 € St Grai . Ann nand ' s Squa Salt ?* e throug t Manchester hout India 1861-83
Palstaff Character Southey ' and a Love Sketches his , Story Companions of , Dickens , illustrated . 1 st Series by Komcwka , , , fl Anvnnai
I waucer jueesons on «
Da McColl viei & Son ' s ( Malcolm , 6 Norlhgate ) Lawlessnes Street , Gloucester s and Sacerdotalism Dealin Vanity , // Fair ., 44 . Green 1719 Gate 20 Street , Stafford
World ' s Show . 8 , , i Pickwick Komford ' . s Hounds 23 , 6 , 19 , 20 11
Ask Mamma . 13 . Any Sponge odd ' s Tour parts . by 5 Dickens , Thackeray , Leech , & c .
I DHghton Irons' * Grove Bell , & Cftape Co ., 13 l Sermons Trinity Street , Cambridge Tart ' s Recent Advances in Physical Science
Hogsden Shakspeare , Decem Vocal Scriptores Magazine . Nos . 55 , 61 , € 9 ( Lonsdale ) Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric
¦ Down Hawkins m ^ ing av *^^•— , »¦_» W ' Silver is ., * Chaucer « * «^ ¦ * ¦ Coins _ i— _ r ' s ffead , 74 : New Street . Birmingham
Meyer Punch ' s from British 1854 Birds to 1861 , 7 vols . 8 yo . Yarrell ' s History of British Birds , 3 vols . 1856
r Douglas & Foulis , 9 Castle Street , Edinburgh \ Hodges Waverley ' Sy Novels stem of . Theology A set . Any , 3 vol good s . edit . I
i Anglers Kinplafee ' Souvenir ' s Crimea . , 8 1 v st o . edit Vol . . 1835 5 Massey Tait ' s Edinburgh ' s ( Gerald ) Magazine Kssays . April and Hay 1852 or the toL
Smart's ( Hawley ) Cecile . 1871 Dratjton Herbal S with ., < 5 s Sons plates , 201 ^ igrA Street , Exeter
Savile ' s , Primitive and Catholic Faith Illu 8 tratious to Bentham's British Flora Hubert Rutherford ' s Iiette red r ^ 1 2 vols '
Featherstonhaugh ' s Uninspi ' s CMrs Teaching . ) Fair , Passions . - ! Edwards Hay wa , r F . s , 83 Essays High S 1 tr st Series t , Marylebone Vol * 1 W . | -
Whewell ' s Novum History . Organum of Scientific Benovatum . Ideas . , 2 vole . 1858 . 18 & 8 ! , Phil - »• *¦* * » osophy V ^* - /\ - ^ fc _ 7 » 7 of ^^ Discovery *^™^ A'JVV ^ V- 'A . J » . 1 M 8 \ J « \ 0 ^
Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower . Vols . 3 , 4 I Edw B ards , J Library . W . P ., 12 cloth fiif . Werburgh 1862 Vol Stree 8 t , Chester
Cheshi Macaul unyan re ay A ' s rcb England geological , , cr . . Society 8 vo . . Vol ' s Journal . 8 . . Odd pnrfcs i Old 3 foore Price ' s Poetical ' s Remains Works . Parts , 10 volu 4 to . cloth 7 . 1841 . Vol . 5
! ' Eland Al the , H . Year S ., 236 Rou Hi nd gh . Street Vol . , 33 Exeter j >•
Burritts ( Elihu ) London to Land ' s End ' . E & Walto tes A Lauriat n ' s Angler , 301 2 Washington vols 8 ro Street ( Pickering , Boston , ) U . S . A . j >
Knight ' s Shakspe , re , 8 vols . roy . . . •' Evans Dem , J . thenes 72 ., 14 Magdalen Midas J"Jk L « i Englis Street h , Notes Oxford by Holmes " ^^ 1863 or 1 W »
Thick Motal JUr \^* ft « Vl 's ne . VM ( 8 Mrs *^ ce *» X * s . ) , Ministerial ^ Life ¦ V « of 7 f , JL Madam .-JJLJ fi To j J J . U ne 1 JL e acd . Recamier ^ ^ ' » . vy diamete ^* , j *** J " * - ~ r , Miss Spence Guehington r ' s ( H . ) Social ia the Statics East
Gait Men , J . of , & the Co Time .. 2 Corporation Street , Manchester
George Parke XUlKUl * s r ' s Ct ons Do JUfVIIIItJHLHJ ovels , mestic IF ., 48 top vole AlUUlbCUMU Architecture of Pa red rk cloth Street Di . , VoIh B » Voto »«• ristol ¦> . . 1- 37 « , ^ 41 ; ,, i
Celebrated Scott ' s N Trials , . 1825 , . Vols . . 1 , 3 . , Ma Rouseenu nchester ' e ' R s milirtH < Duk < j of ) Court and Soc ' ety , 2 voi , « . j
Gladding Art Cabi , J net . 28 2 a vols PattrnosUr . folio ( Hagger Square . ) E . C . Hayes JuBtinian ' ( F . . Epitome O , . ) Arabic by G Humphreys rammar , 18 , nao 12 . mo ( Atoa . ^ ongnDan rte " > 8 ) . jK
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 31, 1884, page 1540, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_31121884/page/50/