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Bopveu Rowlandson u , Vve . J ' s ., Dance 22 Rue of de Death la Banque , Paris
May Cripps ' s ( ' Erskine Old French ) Democracy Plates in Europe ^ B Craik m ^^ o ^^ ¦ ldo * mt /^ ^ Lr e ' s n »^ Spenser ' - s ^ - Description ^^^^ ^ " - ^ " - ' ^ . — — and ^^ — — — " - his - of — — Poetry the Coasts — of Coromandel , & Malabar , j
Correspondence and Ceylon between Queen Henriette and Charles I . 1857 Thomas' Universal Dictionary . Parts 15 to end
Jo J Journal ournal urnal of of of Educa Education the Institute tion . . 1879 1879 of , , Actuaries 188 1881 1 , , 1 1888 888 . , , 1889 1889 April 1878 ; April Suga 1881 r Cane ; Jan . . and No . Ap Ill ril , O 1882 ct . 1878 ; Oct ; . 141 1882 , Ap to ril Dec 1881 . 1890 ; 151 , Feb .
Lists 1882 of ; Unclaimed Feb . 1888 Dividends or Properties containing the name Leporon Matthews' Nine Years in Madagascar the . 1871 of
Bannatyne ' s Fugitives , or Tyrant Queen Madagascar . 1887 Codring Juke's Co ton untry ' s Melanesian Work in Madagascar Languages . . 1 1870 885 ( Oxford )
Kestell-Cornish ' s Journal of a Tour in North of Mada-Chronicle gascar . of 1877 the London Missionary Society . " . 1880-82
i ! fireTitano Nature ' s , 430 Reali Wes t t St of ra Religi nd , London on , contest between Harrison and Spencer 27 andfee 7 / 18 i 8
Official Land Land and ana Report Water Water on . . the July Jujy Siege li ' ana and . -Dec Assault . . ,,, »« on u 9 Denghill Tepe , by General Soobeleu . 1881 Russia ' s Next Move to India , by an Old Beaoonsfleld Campaigner . 1885
Duff ment ' s ( Grant and its ) Afghan Results . Policy 1886 of the Govern-Twiss Bernard ' ( ' Sir s Sohleswig Travers ) -Holstein Relations Question of Schleawig . 1864 ( - Parker Holatem ) to
Denmark Standard Reprint of English James Translations I . Bible , 1611 . of 1833 French ( Oxford Classics ) Blackie ' s Scottish Songs . 1864
Barrett Stanley ' s Number Magus , of or Graphic Celestial IntoHigencor The » m Turner «¦*! »* J ¦¦ m ' s w *^ Manual iii * i ^ ^* m mm - . — Parts -m ¦»——* — — or — — ' bound . - — ^*^^* ^^^ ^— ^*
Penny Reference Magazine Catalogue . Set . Last Leypoldt ' a American Catalogue . Any Tola .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 31, 1890, page 1683, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_31121890/page/41/