Item Publication, Date, Page Title
21 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 5 jan. 17, i* 80 ^ e Publishers 1 Circular...
22 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 5 " - " .----. - - • I till ii ^ be nce fo...
23 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 6 " - " .----. - - • I till ii ^ be nce fo...
24 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 6 pnrrr ' r — .,,-- —^^^ » r ^ 6 ^ The Pub...
25 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 6 ( OBITUARY V^jLJ-*.-*. KJ J11U JL . # I
26 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 7 ( OBITUARY V^jLJ-*.-*. KJ J11U JL . # I
27 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 7 Ar00701
28 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 7 Books Received :
29 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 8 8 —• The Publishers .' Circular jan. i7 ...
30 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 8 Index to the Books published between January 1 and 16, I The itords in Italics are those under which the Titles are given Alphabetically in full, with the Publisher's name, I
31 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 8 Across the Zodiac, Grey (Percy) 2 vols. ...
32 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 9 Across the Zodiac, Grey (Percy) 2 vols. ...
33 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 9 ^ngKKR wmg^^ l7t j 88o The Publishers' C...
34 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 10 Across the Zodiac, Grey (Percy) 2 vols. ...
35 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 10 - ^^^..^^^ . L .. ^Li^^ .. iL .. j . ^ ....
36 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 10 JEW WOEKS I PUBLISHED FROM JANUARY 1 TO 16. I ^H
37 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 10 *ft* TJie occasional Notes in italics af...
38 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 10 Adcock'a Engineer's Pocket Book for 1880...
39 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 11 Adcock'a Engineer's Pocket Book for 1880...
40 Text PC, Jan. 17, 1880, Page 11 Hm 171880 ^ e Polishers' Circular n J H ...