Item Publication, Date, Page Title
21 Picture T, Feb. 12, 1870, Page 8 ON THE ROCKS! [See LEADER,
22 Picture T, Feb. 12, 1870, Page 10 Pc01000
23 Picture T, Feb. 19, 1870, Page 7 Pc00700
24 Picture T, Feb. 19, 1870, Page 8 is MAUi., BLOOD MONEY/ H0W IT IS spent, I"Ski.; 'IJZADKR.
25 Picture T, Feb. 26, 1870, Page 8 • '£• S. IX I" O |<, Tin-: s/-:-isi<.Y, 1S70.1 THE ACCEPTED r? f? r.rrcfQjy qjp ENGLAND {Dh.n/cArrn to j.o.yjhw soc/hty, ;;y •• roj/.i//.t //a- . -
26 Picture T, Feb. 26, 1870, Page 10 Pc01000
27 Picture T, March 5, 1870, Page 7 Pc00700
28 Picture T, March 5, 1870, Page 8 I h I r—I •>. w n it o ! N 6
29 Picture T, March 12, 1870, Page 5 Pc00500
30 Picture T, March 12, 1870, Page 6 2 * - h ^S 11^ r-s T ; m Q =; ^ \ Cr> ^< •^ O i i ——
31 Picture T, March 19, 1870, Page 7 Pc00700
32 Picture T, March 19, 1870, Page 8 M * I tp Sf N ? if to ? do ? s a. - - ¦ i!^ re 2*S a ^ n r 8|s: ^) f^th § -&S e gg-5" jrg' r§^ 5 H;g n« f I |^ o •t >• (A V i 3 I I
33 Picture T, March 19, 1870, Page 10 Pc01000
34 Picture T, March 26, 1870, Page 5 Pc00500
35 Picture T, March 26, 1870, Page 6 -J o .-— 1 *S r—? k- ' "^ K -i --^ _ J Eh 5 <; «2 >• ^ fo ^ ^C ^s ^0 I 1 73 ^ p-i >. Ln i r^ y. i, i >— *
36 Picture T, March 26, 1870, Page 8 Pc00800
37 Picture T, April 2, 1870, Page 8 RETIRED FROM THE STRUGGLE! ~~~~ OR, MR. BRIGHT IN RETREAT. .
38 Picture T, April 2, 1870, Page 10 Pc01000
39 Picture T, April 9, 1870, Page 7 Pc00700
40 Picture T, April 9, 1870, Page 8 THE MODERN QUIXOTE! {DEDICATED TO MR. DOWNING, M.P.) To tin Editor of The Times. " Horrible is it to contemplate a cruel eviction avenged by a more cruel murder, and we have nothing to offer the red-handed coward but Sis,—As the attention of the House of Commons was called by Mr. Downing on Friday night to a cartoon that appeared in the the gallows. Doubtless he has been outraged mercilessly ; still he must go trie way of all muvdeveis. He must be sent without a tear of Tomahawk in October last, ami which he alleged to be a seditious picture as justifying agrarian outrage in Ireland, 1 trust I may be permitted sympathy, without a murmur of excuse, and straightway to the gallows. Murder is- murder, and these hedgerow philosophers must be taught to state that he has misconceived its meaning. The article accompanying the cartoon in question, which represented in one compartment a the lesson thoroughly and continually." landlord ejecting a tenant of unprepossessing appearance, and, in the other, the landlord shot, was entitled "A National Curse," and j am gjr yOur obedient servant contained the following passage :— 199 Strand, W.C., March 26. THE suitor of the "tomahawk."