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Ip Rom His Wigwam Tomahawk Regards The W...
Ip ROM his Wigwam TOMAHAWK regards the World . Tomahawk the elder—the man of many ^*^ Volumes—Volumes Five in Number—full of Wisdom , Mirth , and Gladness . From his Wigwam TOMAHAWK sees the wicked fat and prosperous , very fat and rather prosperous—full of gold and having plenty ; men of straw and made of humbug—men who very often spoil the widow , spoil the widow , rob the orphan . Prating oft of largish fortunes made
by specs both safe and swifty , specs that yield a noble income—specs that yet bring nought but ruin . From his Wigwam TOMAHAWK sees a City fine and mighty , full of houses made of beauty , a river clean and lovely , a bridge of fine proportions—proportions grand and useful , a bridge quite new this very summer , new and better than the other—* Blackfriars is its name . And he
sees a spanning highway crossing o ' er a tide of traffic ^ traffic very full and crowded , crowded and inconvenient , and in Holborn is it found . And he sees another highway which is close unto a palace , a house oft called the Mansion , where lives the great Lord Mayor . But the highway is quite spoiled , spoiled and made quite useless , by a block of ugly houses , houses most impeding , impeding not convenient , making the road so narrow , so narrow and so noxious , to merchants whose time work is Valued sis it were golden , whose moments are most precious , filling them with sorrow , with sorrow and yet with anger at mmutes often wasted in the Poultry's narrow
Tomahawk (1867-1870), July 3, 1869, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018)