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182 THE TOMAHAWK. [May 2, i868.
omitted The following by our Conservativ...
Going a Little Too Far.—We can stand a g...
friends Notice otherwise .—To our known ...
* # * Editor Correspondents on any consi...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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- Knowing When What A Lord He Mayor May ...
honourabl distinctive attribute earned . , Lord Mayors on the Continent have always It appears y that Sir Thomas Gabriel and Sir Sidney Watertour low , two throug excellent h Turkey citizens and , E no gypt doubt , and , have have been , moreover on a starring , taken upon the East them of to London represent in themselves particular as and the of special Great delegates Britain to in general London . mi This ht find might wors be e all representatives very well if it and went Jhe no country further itself , for
_ - _ g «¦ m k Am , % t PK mag might istrates see nothing ; but willing to be ^ m ashamed and ^ anxious ^ of in a as brace * m * the travellers of worthy ^ have City ^^ n their have been resistance not to up been hold equall the of the di y gnity pecuniary willing of their and claims anxious self-imposed which to do pay mission attach for it them , ; they and - them selves to have Royal gained progresses for Sir , althoug Thomas h it Gabriel is unusual and to Sir talk Sidney about Waterlow , the reputation of being " shabby /'
been According According begging " to to free the the passages Levant Levant from Herald Herald Constantinop , , our our representatives representatives le to Alexandria have have , have sneaked off the steamers without giving the usual gratuities to the stewards ( whom we cannot doubt must have been * useful or sixty ) , have servants presented who had a few been shillings told off for to division attend on among them , fifty and have that thereby can offer given to grave scandal true Turk . There than to is do no him greater out of insult his backsheesh you and it is your an insult he never forgives or forgets .
Sir f - _ p T _ \ r ^^ r * ¦ Th ¦»¦ *^ # » A omas ^^ ^^ mmf ^^ , m Gabriel ^ ^—^ » ' ^ mr ^ * w mmw * ^ r m * m > has 4 » w- m * v ^ mi written ^*^ m ^^ . m va * * mw ^ - to ^ fc ^ ^ "r the m % m . ^^ ^ ar newspaper » ^^ ^ "" - " ^ ^ J ^ h *•¦ - ~*^ to * m ^ " ^ contradict ^ ¦ "™ " " . ^» — ' ^^ " M ^^ W — — " . — most of the assertions affecting his liberality , but there is no doubt effect on that the the population civic progress is concerned in the , East has , been so far unsatisfactory as the moral ' have in the made extreme anything , for out evidentl of it . y neither Turks nor Egyptians Sir Thomas and Sir Sidney ( and Sir James and Sir Peter too ^ *\_ p ^ j ) » are \_ \ j ^ ^^ perfectl &^ ^^ A ¦ * mV ^^ ^^ V * y J free ** A - ^ - ^^ to m * ^^ travel W ^ ^* w v ¦ ^^ Ar when » w « b * ^ mW -mty ^^ , m where * v a * ^^* ^^ , and m . p . ^ ^^ how 4 b A ^^ * « they v ^* ^ ' ^ J like ~*^» ^^ , J
position and , moreover that does , to not pay belong what to they them think is ridiculous fit ; but , to and assume having a credit assumed on the themselves position , is whether not onl justl y ridiculous y or unjustl , but y , to a bring good deal disworse . objectionable Aldermen , as ; but a class they , have are always not yet irrepressible earned the , and character usuall of y being illiberal . There is no reason to believe that Sir Robert I Carden himself is a stingy man . 1 _ _ . . . . . __ _
182 The Tomahawk. [May 2, I868.
182 THE TOMAHAWK . [ May 2 , i 868 .
1 - Gladstone's Popish Plot.
Omitted The Following By Our Conservativ...
omitted The following by our Conservative veracious symptoms friends among have been the evidences curiously adduced of Mr . Gladstone ' s bias towards Ultramontanism : — i 1 . As especial a child delight , during in Gunpowder the display Plot of Roman festivities candles , he . took 2 . Professing openly avowed a fondness a preference for poetical for Pope literature . , he has often
3 . A has frequent been visitor heard to at the encore Monday Wiibye Pope Cooper -ular ' Concerts s Papistical , he declaration , " I ' m a Romer . " 4 . His Masses notorious " bears sympathy an insidious with construction " the elevation . Of of course the its real construction is that Mr . Gladstone sympathises with the elevation of the Mass .
5 . He as loves Papa to : be a term addressed which , especially , as everybody by his knows own children , is , by , Italians , applied pre-eminently to Pius IX . 6 . His ideal of facial beauty is a Roman nose . 7 . As a natural deduction of the foregoing he has a tendency to Roman-eyes .
Going A Little Too Far.—We Can Stand A G...
Going a Little Too Far . —We can stand a good deal lishes from the a portrait comic papers of its , editor but when , mounted one of on them a Lowther goes and Arcade pubtoy Prince -horse of , in Wales an old we suit think of property the time armour has , come and calls when it the the Liberty of the Press , should be kept within proper bounds .
Answers To " The Question Of The Week"
The Successful Candidate. Why Is The Iri...
THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE . Why is the Irish Church Establishment like a gridiron ?—[ The three pi of 'izes Abyssinia promised , who last can week have have them been on app won lication by the of Emperor our Publisher Theodore at the , pres ToMAHAWK s the answers . Offic for e , T the avistock present . treet ] . For political reasons we sup-OTHER ANSWERS .
Idioticus hold water Felix for an . — instant Because . Because it is supported one gets b JDizz y a y hot to think —no , of it . ' t A the Scotch " Lard Minister . " . —Because it won ' t work without the help of Miles Pedestris Line ^ e . — Because you do a rash act in doing away been with the sent first for re , but -consideration a rasher on to the a committee second . of P bishops . S . —The , ironmongers subject has , and cooks .
Blackie think that . —Because is worth it y of was the barred three-pennyworth from the very of p first ostage . There stamps now . , I One Please Still to in pay the the Dark annuity . — to Because the Rescue it produces Society nothing —" dum but se broils bene . Mordecai gesserit . " . —Dis really { Disraeli ) is being done brown . Charcoal Irish •*¦*¦ IO 11 Church ^> J . JLM . — . VU Because Establishment J-4 vJLMIJi . lO a ll . LLI gridiron ^ , llt must IILUOL is have -LXCA made . V V been L / V _ VrflJ by \ created t ~ a blacksmi 1 *_> VA . b t- / V a - » th tinker LL 11 , and > 1 . the ^ ^** y ** *
Ill their -used steak Cymrw ( stake ) . — upon Because it . the Whigs and Tories have both placed F . blackening 3 C . Because , Lowestoft your the good fingers . — 1 of . . Because it is 2 . at Because stake you ( can steak it receive ' t ) try . 4 s to . a Because good separate many it it is without chops rather . a fiery and peppery subject . 5 . Because when once divided " the fat do will be with in it the we fire shall . " have 6 . ( Answer no more by broils Gladstone . . ) Because if we John away Tames Jenkins Jones ( Plas Twydill )—1 Because if
upset practicabl it " e all thing the between fat will be the in fry the ing y fire pan . " and 2 . . the Because . fire . it 3 is . the Because onl you y little stake" Russell and Gladstone is poking wants the embers to be " under first chop it , . as " he wants a " large Erica . —Because the bone of contention makes a broil . Sivrup . —Because it will soon be applied to the " steak . " Fiddl it estick . —Because it ishotey , and " the fat is in the fire " through
. Oliver coalsand Twist each . — is Because likeJto each let all makes the a fat broil into , each the is fire hauled . Please over foi the -k over , the stakes . y Funnihoi . —Because it is often hauled over the coals . B Solving . S . K . — Samvel Because . — both They are both exposed afford to the " Bri means ght " of fire obtaining . a broil !
Answer To Last Acrostic.
Friends Notice Otherwise .—To Our Known ...
friends Notice otherwise . —To our known merry as and the ri Joll ght Maniacs well-beloved we Acrostic have an apology , to make to you . Last week we y published ; an Acrostic sent to us by Mr . Rassam , who had been occupying his leisure verses hours at seemed King Theodore to us very ' s pretty Court , b so y harmless we published recreations them . gladl The y , but ^ a — ^ separat HV ^^ in ^ g ^ T ^ mW our ^* m ^^ -mr ^ p e ^ jmw hurry enclosure ^^ ^ v ^ ^^ ^ v ^ mfr we ^ mm * V W i ^ m forgot ^ m % * . V ( After ¦ ! 41 . » to ^ ^ ¦¦* B ^ look devoting ^ i ^ V V W ^** at ~ ^» *• ^ * the S ^ h one ^^ ¦* answer ^> ^ V ^ of ^ V ^ V , our ^ tmT which ^ * ^ V *** few ^ t ^ V - was spare **—* ^^* * — in ^ ^*^
at evenings the answer to a . futile Imag endeavour ine our consternation to guess the Acrostic when we , we found looked it was in Abyssinian . Really , Mr . Rassam , it is very naughty talented of you ! correspondents We give the by translating answer . We it . Of will course not the insult reference our throughout is to the well-known legend of Quashi-ma-boo ' s ghost ( published in African Literature , vol . vii , page 208 ) : —• B Bashalakndseg' G
A Awaftnwakah H K Kilobed 6 pl I S Sshisshasshub B H HhV L W This hen is Mr the . first Rassam and last returns Abyssinian , won ' t we Acrostic ask him that to will dinner be g , iven and . show him Ruby ' s Ghost ? Ah !
* # * Editor Correspondents On Any Consi...
* * Editor Correspondents on any consideration are Informed whatever that . Contributtons Contributors cannot should make possibly copies be of returne their d articles by the If they the Publisher attach any to value Insure to attention them . . Letters Envelopes , on purely containing business solely matters Answers , should to Acrostics be addressed should to be marked " Acrostic . "
Tomahawk (1867-1870), May 2, 1868, page 182, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_02051868/page/10/