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*r- May 2, 1868.3 . THE TOMAHAWK. 181
AMONG THB GODS. \See Cartoon.]
The Gods were at tea, and Hebe presided ...
L. _. - ; — l 1 ANOTHER jEASTJ r £RN QUESTION j
- knowing When what a Lord he Mayor may ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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*R- May 2, 1868.3 . The Tomahawk. 181
* r- May 2 , 1868 . 3 . THE TOMAHAWK . 181
Among Thb Gods. \See Cartoon.]
AMONG THB GODS . \ See Cartoon . ]
The Gods Were At Tea, And Hebe Presided ...
The Gods were at tea , and Hebe presided at the hot-water urn . the Apollo God of was War laug was hing consulting over the last Mercury musical about joke by that Offenbach disagree- ; case able divorce of Vulcan affair v . Vulcan in which sometimes he figured called so prominentl Venus , and y—the Mars great , — CiUU and . J Diana — ' J . C 4 . J . JLC * was W d £ J writing rv ± XWliig C a * slashing vJICtOLlllig C article 4 . J . tl \^ i ^ for XKJX the LiiV / Saturday K . f l & + & Erf tH */ Re JL IO ™ -
and view gouty . Neptune , disdaining , gouty the and mild red-nosed beverage , and of Bacchus the tea- pot -nosed , were drinking first " grog " . " something Minerva had , " called fallen asleep y the last over " a nectar London , " by paper the named fresh proof after of the her bird supernatural Of her special sagacity devotion . Cup —thus id was furnishing quarrel a - ling last fashion with * Hymen in bonnets , and . Juno The was Goddess consulting of Beauty Venus was about consi the - her dered information a great authority direct on fro xiv matters m her JLiv protege of this / it ^ t sort Paris —she received iter ifc \ i was all
iiui stroking iiiiuiiJicvvLuii his beard uiiuvb and reckoning ^ Ajti « x up ^// the - value jl ai u of . the Jup j v * advertise . ^ -wao - ments in the Times . and " Of Men course in a no tone thunderbolt of voice great s . '" l comp y resembling lained the the Father " buttonless of Gods - bolt shirt s " ! comp On my laint soul of , the Vulcan modern ought Paterfamilias to have his . head " No knocked thunderoff I " " M x \ " y y t It men men ' s not . them the uiiw my Cyclops \^ what fault y y ^ xKj , " ^/ said have nave ask the struck oiiuub celestial . the iui for au an times armourer ui increase ^ icasc of ui , sorrowfull wages vv bad a . gto . . y I x .
now can ' . pay MarsBacchus , they Ceresand as the Three are Graces very are form just - ing icks a co to -operative thunderbolts , store , and for with the , supp such ly of a everything lawless hero from as tooth Gari- - destruction baldi p in Ital of y and my sho its p , neig down hbourhood in Etna , at I any may moment expect . to " see the as tientl " effective Well y . , " well After as , those . cease all , I your believe send comp me my . laints paper By- , the " thunderbolts rep -bye lied , Mister Jupiter Bacchus are impa quite - , what c : Didn do you ' t imitate mean — by hie try — ing " to imitate lied the me God in of the Wine Telegraph hoarsel ?"
o " ' Ask mine m — 'friend hie— D Disraeli israeli— !" you he ' s , a literary—hie—man . Great-fren y - . can " Don trace ' your tell a style falsehood in every , sir , line " said of Jup the iter paper sternl . y The . " Leading Why , I here articles , ladies absolutely and gentlemen reek with , the I want odour your of— kind n ' m— attention nectar ! for But a and few minutes ask Ganymede . Hebe to , my fetch dear me , pour down me that out green another book cup I left of tea on , writing cloud in the library JLi "
my XXXy Wlltlilg \* J . VJU . V-L JLXX W > 1 >&\* , » - » A CVJL Jf . ? recommenced Both his commands . were comp'U with , and then Jupiter we " added Ladies a and mortal gentlemen to our , number " said he . , " Now it is a I very wish long to time since the name of an individual worthy of divine honours . propose To put you Tomahaw out of your k suspense , who this , I day may is tell keep you ing the once first that anniversary I allude to of his lllvi birth lyll l * L &« . " . There absolutelBabel of sounds of
after this was announcement y . a disapprobation " Bring him up here ! " cried Venus , " to laugh at my chignon !" about u Carry double him government to the clouds and , the " bellowed purchase Mars system , " to !" bother me " " I Send ntrod him uce al him oft , " to our i ned society Apollo , " , snapped " to criticise out Minerva my drawing , who !" had cover just that awoke we Gods from and a Goddesses noisy slumber are , nothing " so that more he than may men
dis-\*\ S V \ - * M . bilfclfb UV V « IVW 4 U UiX \ , l V-i V / V 4 VIViQtJVO « . V * V * AlVtillti g 11 IU 1 W HICVAi A 1 A \* H and women !" and Well on my , " said word Jupiter , Tomahawk , " you see is I an lifted infinitely Hercules bigger up to * swell heaven , ' if , I may " Don be ' t allowed quote Hercules the expression , " objected , than Juno Hercules . " Why . , " he spends the whole of his time at the Alhambra . " M " Besides he ' s not , " more mured than Venus a , " old he ' " too young for the honour .
of " ¦* , " * thirty IJ Pooh Til Vt } , AiW _ 1 _ . " 1 * " 1 UVb rep AAAW lied < l « _ J . Jupit # T fc ****** ! j . er , " year JT he 1 _ ' s as &\ _ -1 « . strong « . and ^ hearty 1 . as a man that " Come can be , " compared said Minerva for a , moment " what labour with the s ha immortal s he pe dozen rformed of our cousin Hercules V
of " his First lion , " ' s skin lied . " Jupiter , " he stripped that donkey Garibaldi —if " So the he mortals did , " assented had their Mars way , " they and would very proper worshi . p that Plucky Italian too Yankee " Then as , " years continued ago they Jupiter used , " he to worshi skotched p us the . " Red-tape Hydra in effect famous of his sty well le . -aimed The War blows Office !" hasn't recovered yet from the F " O Disagreeable and War Office fellow are CllU , " said the tli ^ Venus most illViJt , deli " I ghtful ' m sure creatures the \* fc * fcv men i in in the the
J . . V _ - ^ . # C 4 . ll . Va , TV C * A V ^ iJLi ^ V-f U ^ 'gUWUA \* M . « wa- » * ++ a ** . * w world . " " " My My dear darling ! " ! observe " exclaimed d Vulcan Mars . . of " Capel Then Court he tied . " the feet of that great city speculator , the stag he leave What did friends he do , that the thieves for ? " asked , alone Mercury 1 " . " Why couldn ' t j exposed " Then to \\ he public taught execration V that / AWViailVll amiable Kahn boar , and Mr . his Cole , impudent to smile , and and
fraudulent ^ A . £ JVSOWVJ . J successor j ^/ UUllVf . " J . \ . CVilll , j CVX & V 4 , A & J .-J lilt |/ WUVMh M . ** ^* raising " That his last eyes service from a was perusal very praiseworth of the Lance y , t " , said Esculapius , " And then he hit the hawks of the Turf , and brought them down Fenianism . And raised broug his ht weapon that down against . And that attacked very Irish the bull de- , vourers vuuiti'J v of * , pauper jyaujjv ht thei ? -flesh i down ; ou — the . ^ And Mayors itxcij tore ua i ^ the and ciiiu . mask Poor x wui- from x - < law *»» the Guardians vi ut-vj face . uiu . iu of
the —and Saturday broug Review , and . exposed and brought that literary fiend down . " upon " "Wh Very my y , wrong Girl did you of of the write him Period , that " said ? \ " " cried Diana Venus . " Did indi you gnantl see y his . ( i attack Why you " Diana great , , my g , ug dear ly , , " disagreeable said Minerva thing , " in ! " spite of your prudery has I must nasty say ideas ivlx that 1 you " ^ are a ' nice ' woman , —I mean one who
110 . 0 naot ^ -c ^ o . bodied " Then giant , " continued , Democracy Jup , iter with , " its he heads brought , the three down troublesome that threegolden B . ' s , —Bri app ght les , Beales of success , and , Bradlaug in spite h of . Then the guardianshi he brought p down of that the mis down -shapen and chained monster , the Forei Metropolitan gn Cerberus Press , . saving Lastly his , he broug country ht from the clutches of Napoleon , Bismarck , and the Yankee ! " pulled nulled " Don down down ' t you so so think many manv , " things things asked , tie he J . mi mio , ght - ht itefull add add one one y , " more more that as feat feat to to the the
list " of On his my achievements word , " said Jupiter and , pull , turning down you pale ? , " " I never thought him would of that where be . a H he p ' m ity is ! . to After He render is all a him , very perhaps utterl great y it useless reformer may be by on better raising earth to , and leave m to it the Upper Gods House smiled . " at one another , and then Apollo observed , " Well " For , I what like thing Tomahawk ? " asked for all one the thing Celestials . " . " He knows how to play upon his own trumpet ! " gallery wealth After y of of laug the the hing Victoria Gods heartil Theatre left y the at . sk this y en merry route conceit for the the sixpenny more 1
L. _. - ; — L 1 Another Jeastj R £Rn Question J
L . _ . - ; — l 1 ANOTHER jEASTJ r £ RN QUESTION j
- Knowing When What A Lord He Mayor May ...
- knowing When what a Lord he Mayor may be gets capable on to of . the Even Continent now he , there is but im no - manages perfectly understood to get himself in France feted . as When a near in connection Paris , he usuall to the y civic British Royal istrate Famil was y in ; and Brussels on the he last attached occasion himself that as the a chief sort persistency of confidential mag until adviser a man to -of the -war King , was , ordered to whom out he expressl clung with y to him & 1 home 4 Vlll againWe in All land have . UtVW become U ^ WVUKm accus UV \^ hli 3 -
tomed carry VCV 11 ^ . to S . M . XM regard . A ^ UgUl the -M vagaries . T T K * of Eng AwllglClllU Bumbledom abroad rather in the thing light s begin of an to innoce look serious nt practical when joke the whole on our Court neighbours of Aldermen ; but pack up their carpet bags and start on their travels with the Aldermen view of going are not ' * prepared Lord Mayoring to uphold " too the , character especially for when liberality the and hospitality which to the present time , failing any other
Tomahawk (1867-1870), May 2, 1868, page 181, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_02051868/page/9/