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148 THE TOMAHAWK [August 3, 1867.
Having been requested to give a double A...
The Quaker statesman, knowing, from, act...
E. P. sends to our publisher the followi...
Answer to last Charade.—" Cabinet." Corr...
Making Ducks and Drakes op the Mirror of...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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148 The Tomahawk [August 3, 1867.
148 THE TOMAHAWK [ August 3 , 1867 .
Double Acrostic.
Having Been Requested To Give A Double A...
Having been requested to give a double Acrostic , we give guess one this it will week subscribe , but only to on a new this Idiot condition Asylum , that . all persons who He asked us if we would peruse his work And promise not a single line to shirk ; We kept our promise ; and when all was read ? This little Eastern word was all we said .
v-w He bore me bravely through the fight , The arrows whistled round us ; He saved me from his dreaded self , And safe the evening found us . ~ r O sweetest voice that ever charmed A ** dilettante " sinner , To listen to those thrilling notes , I'd e'en give up—my dinner .
The noble beast was done 3- ) to death I never mourned his fate ; , But when I found him done to this I mourned alas ! too late . About this word I don ( 40 ' t know what to say , And so I'll say it , just to save delay . Ladies , don ' t frown—I might have used a worse , To you I swear , but to myself I curse .
Answer To Charade In No. 12.
The Quaker Statesman, Knowing, From, Act...
The Quaker statesman , knowing , from , acts past , His power with mobs , by no indulgence loses it , A carriage smacks of luxury and " caste , " A CAB is popzdar—so he uses it ! Not less the " people ' s friend , " and quite as vain , Earl Russell thinks Jits words alone delight 'em , Spotting his speeches ( like a peacock's train ) With " / " and " / " and " / " —ad infinitum !
D' Or Israel by i f silen air speech tly , wi t and h many cunning smiles coaxing , , brought 'em To Then swim — like pop fishes ! he drew round his his NET bait ashore of wiles , and , caught ' em ! And thus with all the statesmen we shall see One objecttho' of ways and means a score , They'll fawn , , and flatter fools , and all to be Once in the CABINET—and then ?—No more ! R . R .
Notices To Correspondents.
E. P. Sends To Our Publisher The Followi...
E . P . sends to our publisher the following letter : —* ' — Dewich and p vonshire icture if ( sic in ) terrace No I worth have . XL , H , my just and yde while written they park may wich , , W correspond . be a little Sir of use , — encouragement The somewhat to you follo for wing with insertion would lines your , , make it so ) I can produce more of a similar nature . I remain , Sir , your obedient servant , E N P—E . An answer will
offer oblige has . been It is accepted scarcely by necessary us with a to thousand say that thanks this . generous For the guidance couragement of would of E . - P be . in contributors particular , we in may general here and observe the that enour " rate of remuneration " is from id . to i $ d . per page . Torture-Stake . —Your modesty is perfectly charming . As you say your contributions are neither worth " using'" nor ( oh !
E. P. Sends To Our Publisher The Followi...
you wag !) " abusing / " If we were long in your company we fear we should begin saying something about a stake wanting a chop ( he ! he ! he !) , or some other bosh quite as witty (?) and nearly as amusing (!) . C . A . W . —We presume from your contribution that you are under the impression that " Rubbish may be shot here . " You are wrong , and consequently your " drolleries " are rejected . j Kate . v . ^* . j . ja . K iv Y 1 .. — —Your iuui letter J . CLLCX is xa funny iuiui ) , but uui unsuitable uuauiutuic to iu our our
, pages add when . As we you have say to we deal are with both vice " ribald / " and " scandalous ;" " The Craven A i . "—You are quite right . —Milton's " Samson Agonistes " ( which we published scarcely with the alteration ot a single word last week ) was " not at all up to our standard /' A . —Your remarks are alas ! too true . The correspondent to whom you make allusion is ( and it is with tears in our eyes that we make the admission ) but a sorry wag ! As you say , we never ought to have allowed " his palsied hand to use our pens and
and so to stup dilute id . " our ink , as to render the writing illegible , coarse beware G . F . — of Send our scal contributions ping knife . by all means , if you like , but Cinderella . —You must not be offended if we do not use your " Acrostic " in its entirety . Really we have no room . However List . , " we There have , much will th p at leasure do ? in publishing the answer . "Army vinced A . S . — that Really , from must have contents intended of your to have letter added , we are another
con" " S fi " to tc \ your vniir you signature « ionnat « r < = » . . J . M . —Not so bad , but the subject has been done to death . R . R . —What you said about the man and his productions was perfectly true . We are sorry , however , if we were injudicious . Little Woman . —Please don't bother . course H . , M very ., Liverpool much above pro flattery . tem indeed . —Although , we are our gratified soul is with , of your letter . Your paragraphs are under consideration . jf FREE KEE Lance juance .. — —Your lour contribution comriDuuon is is vulgar vulerar without witnout being
oemgfunny , and libellous without being sharp . You are kind enough to send us your private name and address . Thanks , we shall carefully avoid you . Mac . —If you go to hear the Bishop of London preach next Sunday , you will most likely listen to him while he reads out your article—at least , we have sent Dr . Tate your " copy" per i waggon , advising him to use it as a sermon . ' A . B . C . —If what you have sent -us is a fair specimen of your style in a comic mood , what can you be like when you are sad ! Edgar Poe's Eagle . —A " funny" friend , who has just been tnat
moved to tears oy a perusal 01 your conmouuon , suggests you should go to the Grecian . We don ' t in the least know what he means , but we pity him and you . lent substitu S . —Your te for jokes cap , we ital should punishment imagine . , would prove an excel- j j Hawk-Eye makes a mild joke about D'Israeli being " Dizzy , " and imagines that we shall publish it !
Answer To Last Charade.—" Cabinet." Corr...
Answer to last Charade . — " Cabinet . " Correct solutions have Lil been Alfred received Brown C om . H La . Cl Beige ark , Tim H . Llennap Turn Widdl , An Orange Wum j T y £ , cotus * -.. r- XT TJ 1 , T 1 1 X 7 C jd "R , xsav Fioxrxr iviarjcs TV / Ioi-L-o t rin inaereua y iflyalU , ;
. > , r . n . -., . w . o . ., y , -, H F . . J M . . H O . ., ( Business Pimlico ) , ( " Eccleston Bien Roug squ e , are " G ) , . Arundo F ., Red , The and Torture White , Shot Stake -a , - " Ha Great wk , S Little t . Helens Woman , " Two , W Toads . E . H , C ., . W Tonga . J ., A Webb . S ., F , . T Scalp . W . , , V Lec . C tor , Robson T . D . P , . Cabby , R . McC , H iawatra N ., Unc , W as , . G H . . , A T . . H H . . , , and Dick Toby , Dimbola ; and three incorrect . T" \ w <~« t TikTWTr * ltrTTitr fr \ Tt /~
A Cool Hand , and A . R . S . T .
Making Ducks And Drakes Op The Mirror Of...
Making Ducks and Drakes op the Mirror of Truth . —Can not an untrue peace-rumour be called a " Canard aux olives ? " j
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 3, 1867, page 148, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_03081867/page/8/