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148 THE TO MA HA WK. \October 3, 1868.
It has been announced that the statue of...
answers We hav to e our been " Hierog gr...
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Thorns Anybody , Tea Or Interested Chop-...
brated Palace razor of Pekin and soup , and -plate before feat , his as performed Majesty the at the Emperor Imperial of deed Russia , will , and not the expect President to see him of the next United season States at Cremorne 1 Who , , pro in - - celebrated gun babl , y bayon helping et dinner , and out all at real , six at birds half , and - ' past -nest swallowing nine soup 1 at the Mr new . E . regulation T . Smith's , from Such a political reflections point may of view be aptly . But , we to think come , termed to the p g ith loomy of — it . What has brought this unfortunate Chinaman here ? We have direct had from so Pekin many in odd times " di past plomatic , that " we missions naturally of get this a little sort at susp St icious . George . For ' s , instance Knightsbri , who dge does , and not the remember two Chinese the pagoda noble youths They were who firs came t announced to Eng as land " envoys " to finish extraordinary their education , " but they ?" pagoda tion graduall ; ' and doors y toned this were down they thrown into did " quite open noble from in youths a ten peculiar to finishing six , manner and their the . youths educa The - went little Chinese hourly throug comic h sing a short ing , a entertainment little Chinese , consisting praying , a of little a gymnastic exercise , and a little selling of their signatures at but only sixpence it a is shilling to each be presumed . to What a select became somebody audience of the made . youths The a . good admission we do thing not , too of know , their was ; in education a real junk , as . they He , were too , speedil came y with followe a treaty d by a ; but real soon mandarin neglected instincts dip that lomatic induced for social him obli to gations round the . True Cape to in the that nautical unsea-Market worthy craft where , he he became underbid a fixture the noble quietl youths y moored who off preceded Hungerford him , rizs ioviirc lj
uy selling bigiia .. u . re ' - nis grurirtiii' *«&*««*«* « cuiy uuuy for friendl fourpence relations -halfpenny came . a * Chinese Then , we war regret and to for say a season , spite di these lomatic intercourse y , was at a complete , stand-still . Peace , how p - personages ever , brought at the its opening blessings of ; and the Exhibition one of the of most all Nations prominent in dor Hyde . " Park He is in to 1851 be seen was to par this excellence day making the a " profound Chinese Ambassa obeisance - with to her which Majesty we in are the all very familiar front . of However that celebrated , a sketch engraving of him the further 1 st on of in May the he season was would hustling have Ministers been less of State imposing . On . the On g 1 imcrack st of August hous ^ he at was Knig taking htsbridge tea , with and his play famil ing indifferent y in public solos in a audience on the . one Then -stringed came a Tanga war - or ming two -tong when -chiii peace to again a sixpenny culminated in the arrival of the giant Chang , . His efforts as a statesman are too recent and too well known to need any comment here : suffice it to say that he was very energetic at his di work lomatist of conciliation . , and "did" the provinces like a true . p With such a history of the Chinese Embassy before us , it is , choong we repeat -jcu , - excusable facheu amongst at least us to . ask If what our onl has y acquaintance brought Chm with -chithe Turkish Ambassador ' s finesse as a statesman had been made tang-jang throug ) or h were a dervish the representative ' s dance and of France an afternoon , for instance with , the invariabl can-can y to we burst might out look into to a new matinte appointments musicale ^ enlivened in these b direc y the - tions ordinary with , type much . However interest , . not As to be it is too , their hard di on plomacy Chin-chi is -choong of the - jetc be - equall facheu y , whether delighted he . mean A fresh s business treaty or or— a business " terrific , we flight shall in their other fireworks way to cement . on And a Chinese our what firm is dragon more friendshi , " one will will with be be both China quite gratefu . as likel l things y as the in p
148 The To Ma Ha Wk. \October 3, 1868.
148 THE TO MA HA WK . \ October 3 , 1868 .
No Peace For The Wjcked.
It Has Been Announced That The Statue Of...
It has been announced that the statue of the Duke of Cumence berland within , which the has enclosure for so many of Cavendish years dragged out is a to weary be taken existclownmoulded , and recast . As his Hi square ghness , has long been tion in a could sorry , p have light arisen , no one to would the proposal have supposed but no that sooner any was objec the - polishing sentients arose up process , and they talked are about now insisting , than , a that whole the army effigy of of dis the -
It Has Been Announced That The Statue Of...
hero of Culloden should be removed altogether . Really people mi denies ght find that some Culloden more Cumberland worthy subject was to not disagree the most over . shocking No one after of bad his characters funeral a , dead but this set is should no reason be made that at a his hundred statue years . It may not certainly be a work of art , or even an embellishment to the for in Cavendish its metropolis removal ^ square should but it . certainl realise Those y the peop is inoffensive fearful le who responsib are , and now does ility clamo no they harm uring are incurring , for if the statue is not to remain where it is , it is for them tion of to no suggest solution what on . earth is to be done with it , —a queseasy
By "The Lively Lunatic Of Camberwell Gre...
By "THE LIVELY LUNATIC OF CAMBERWELL GREENE God My Neptune secondin in each his wrathful wave he hour sways , , My whole , is of my second ' s class ; When rufiTd by the wind's high pow ' r Abounds Of dingy unseen rednot , till unlike Sol ' s war glass m , rays , In Absorb battle with it on his wave first , And to the my taste the , same ; Upon Then my in first a hole his perchance fury spends I lie , 'Tis in appearance like my first , With awful roar , which echo sends In Though virgin garments mariners , snug know and which dry is , worst Down to his sea-girt cave . To make ye mortals thirst . Whene ' er they hear my name .
Last Week's Puzzle.
Answers We Hav To E Our Been " Hierog Gr...
answers We hav to e our been " Hierog gratified lyp to hic receiv " of e last the week following . They " only pleasing show " what a little patience will do . We didn ' t know a bit what we meant when we printed the following : — V ** # »* # * Still the accompinying answers have been sent to us ! Lines Our glorious never to star be -spang repeated led . banner —S lod , ger Stars and and Tiney Stri . . —Yankee . Twelve asterisks and three lines . —Isabella S . A flock of star lin ' s ( starlings ) ; or , Twinkle twinkle little star ( s ) , "How The I voice wonder of the what stars you on are the . —Jei line * . sey Three Cabbagestalk asterisks . ( asstricks ) under the line line . —Tower . Asterisks Demon ( hysterics Smithneld ) on . a parallel . Three stars under the Lunatic Starlings -Lena ( . star lines ) . —Maniac-Millie-Crazy-Rita-Insane-E vie-and-I . Three Are asscs meant -tricks to typify ( asterisks ) well underlined The For plans Parliament of three to who try have . a mind 2 . Three-asses tricks well over-ruled Show how these donkeys are , For By multifarious voters near reasons and far , . fool'd The self-same marks 3 the . lines between , If viewed with care and thought , Will And have then to again be viewed with The Rantamtoozalum thoug with care ht . again , of the Desert .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Oct. 3, 1868, page 148, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_03101868/page/12/