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June 5, 1869.] THE TOMAHA WK. 253
poet In , this whose materialistic forte...
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Placed When Mr , . A Car Few D Well Mont...
we generally have introduced confidence , without in further Mr . Gladstone delay ; for , and as at his present War the Minister institution , we every are must bound have to been suppose accepted that , on as due sound consideration and advis- , and able , professions for it is impossible , a system to which believe has that been afcer often so many deprecated promises as tion mischievous should have and unwholesome been permitted and to as remain a disgrace in full to our action institu ( for - by six an months , enlightened , without Liberal any action government being taken pledged for to its reform suppression .
June 5, 1869.] The Tomaha Wk. 253
June 5 , 1869 . ] THE TOMAHA WK . 253
A Jstmw Poet.
Poet In , This Whose Materialistic Forte...
poet In , this whose materialistic forte lies in age the we delicate hail the sensibility appearance and of graceful a new realism ideality of of blank lyrics verse , rather . Such than in a poet the stately has favoured solemnity us wi and th blunt some of to the our effusions readers of if we &? 5 (?) denied elegant them fancy the , and privilege we should of becoming be cruel acquainted But , lest in with their so imperfec much that t sympathy is beautiful and and lack true of . imagination , that many modestly of our readers shrink should from forcing fail to & perceive themselves the ww too ww hidden prominentl beauties
into hX & CfcW UlVUvwVl notice , like Y i 9 Ui those AAAXk A &^ P tender *** A v * V » lovely u •»»* w * flowers - »*«**« j * . w that nestle j »* v « M » A in * V ** the k » y ^ crevices cicerone of and the educate kindly our precip readers ices to ' aged that face oint , of we taste will and act dis as - cernment , necessary , in order to be able prop p erly to appreciate these gems of the creative art . The first echo of this musical breast soul ^^^_ m is of called am the reader a " Charity am the , " divine and _ we quality m feel V ^ sure which will it celebrates call forth . in the
Thus it begins with plaintive * * philanthropy * : — " Leave If a mortal them chance not upon to fall the , sod . " will We narro hope w that its lesson after reading so much this as soul to see -stirring an old couplet gentleman , nobod sli y p on without a slide rushing or a piece to his of aid orange . We peel feel , and sure fall that on we the are p interpret avement - , cities penned ing the that these real this intention insp lovely ired precept lines of the , when is clever not we for poet urge them or upon fair impossible poetess dwellers to who be in
the obeyed help . of No a , stick do not , but leave — the fallen man to rise alone , or with " Rather lend a willing hand . " may This use line such will a become paradoxical a household expression word . on board ship , if we The second verse opens more beautifully" Ce If a nsure mortal not chance when they to err appear , . "
of This inspiration may seem , it is very a little beautiful vague . ; but , when read by the light " If a mortal chance to err , " chance The clever , not poet from or determination fair poetess , would much imply less from that inclination we sin by . too "They plural appear , but " it may evidently seem refers a little to singular the judge , or rather and jury a little who forms is ¦ # to try the and WAA cruel condemn VVMVtVM court of the VPAm stern ^ v chanc »« law i ^» e , sinners wfb unmindful *^ of charity , which
• W ^^ W *¦ T wW * * ^^ mm *** ^^ ww > w . worldly In the wisdom next verse is sometimes we find united a most to marvellous a highly imag proof inative how nature . " To Nay p , ity ' tis most a Christian what most ' s duty is down here . ' * widely From -extending Over end , precept Gurney , reaches and Co . ., In to it a fallen we plainly cab horse see s , ound this »¦¦ from financial *¦ ity wisdom invariably kMIWAAMMtl . For buy 1 follo Consols VlitWVW wing this when «« W advice they W ^*^» are the down Christian and will sell ,
| •»••» p M »« I , W » V ^^* V M V M »* ^ MWIIAM , ^ W »*^« Mw ** p when ardon they if we are have up . s We omewhat beg the strained clever jJuf poet (?) meaning or fair . authoress's "J udge not that thou be not judged . " We fancy we have heard that line before , but whether in the prose next or line poetry expands we cannot the idea just with now so remember much po . wer However , we canno , as t quarrel with the plagiarism , if plagiarism it be . It requires a
fine the far poet grander to see precept in these : — words the natural development into " Blame not , lest thou be to blame . " feeling The , rest which of the we poem could is not full profane of the most by quoting exquisite here reli , gious but merel to read y express the delightful a confident lyric for hope themselves that before . long all will be able It The is mellifluous next poem and is inspired charmingly by the simple real god of poetry , " Love . "
. The lovers are enjoying a last meeting before parting : — " Scarcel Gazing y at knowing the varied what flowers to say . " This is indeed eloquent silence . " For I'd loved warm and firm Yet Jfc . t Loved * lr dared VU * XWU her . AJLV not / l for ever WVU a length fearful A ^ CU J-HJl y time 5 Ask her if her heart mine
were . " lover Here . " the Warm halting and firml measure y " is expresses a rather the fleshy hesitatio expression n of , but the full of grace : — " So And the parting soul hour was full had of come woe , But I ' if have her my ' g were iven worlds just the to same know , ; . "
he compared What evidentl is with y Mr hi . nted this Robertson , ? in Talk a materialistic ' s " about J ug " scene Idy sp llic irit ( in simp , at which t licity he , n by i , ghtingale and the pure way ) , , nature qualities , the . last couplet surpasses anything we ever read for these sp We eaking must , superb draw : — attention to an idea which is , ethically " Thus As he we passed wandered by , , fleeing till old past Time , With Placed him it bore in the our happy pleasant past hour . "
one Who in front does , one not behind see the , the figure future of and Old the Time past with ; he two puts bags the , hour dreamer into ever the exceeded bag behind this him for metap and passes hysical on depth . No . German vulsion We must of feeling quote on the the last lover stanza ' s breast if only naturall to show y involves how the him repriate in a . frenzied disregard of metre , which is supremely appro" Asking Came I back could then I claim full her 4 of hope heart
T And ¦**> hen 4 JV 1 . 4 we met * £ ^ , } parted VnWULU again . full n \* e ' er of 1 . MX to joy XW part , UWBM ; , And And she she was was my my heart sunbeam ' s jewel bright , , Making And my joys troubles doubl e ver joy li ght , . " Space The will fourth not and allow fifth us lines to quote are more superb th in an their cne rugged of the stanzas vigour . of the poem entitled
" Lingering on the Threshold . " * ' Tho Parting ugh is we ever part saddening to meet again , ; Taking But when leave for y to ears me , perhaps is vain ever . Witho One sing ut one glance word of of kindness kindness . , " The db ** V » second VVVVUH cou VW «* £ plet f * W *> reminds A * # « A * ftA «« ft «* us «* 9 V of * Wordsworth TT VAUilvrw ****) , it ** is *«* so » # w true v * . w » v
and an imprisoned so childlike Government in its unadulterated clerk on simp a lovely licity . September We can fancy day , humm looking ing out to himself of the . window in some spare moment , and softly " Taking leave to me is vain . " the beca London use he , season foolish has prodigal got no , having more been leave absent to take every . Thus day it of is hand that the the great far echoing masters key and which mistresses awakens of song the comp touch licated with magic harmony resonant of the chord intellect in the and most the soul Arcadian , and at recesses the same of time the , finds heart a . look After t wha o his t we laurels have ? written , is it not time for the Laureate to
Tomahawk (1867-1870), June 5, 1869, page 253, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_05061869/page/11/