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244 THE TOMAHAWK. \J une 5, 1869/
about There a recent is an decision enth...
has "Old escaped Westminster us, were, t...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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" The Town Of Sevres, Obeying Its Sentim...
Imperial Throne has been severed from the memory of men and from your own conscience , by an interval of seventeen busy years . You are still the hereditary Ruler of France , and how much you have done for your country , Frenchmen only know Bi . Whatever you may have learnt ¦ in —— ¦ your pain of poverty BJ
^ BBI ^ IB . ^^^ V W V * W ^ Bt ^ Bi ^ tf ^ BT ^ BT ^ BB ^ V ^ BB" *^ W ^ " *^ V ^^ BB ^^* / Bt ^^^™ W ^™^^ ^^^ B ^ BB" ^^ ^ B *^ ™ ™ ^ »™^ " ^ v ^ " » ^ w ~~ *^ F- ^» ~~ " Bj ™ ^ ~~ ~ " ~~ ~~ — ^^ and exile , you did not learn to forget the princely extravagance which was a sign of your exalted birth . If two of your acceptances for a thousand pounds were stolen now , even your bitterest enemies would scarcely say that they were only worth the ^ B ^^^™ ^^"" stamp ^^ - ^ F" - ^^^ ^ Wr ^ B B ^ B ^ on ~^^ ^ B >^ Bi the ^» - ^^^ B * ^ BF paper B ^ BP ^^^» B ^ B ^ ^ BB ^ ^ . ' '
What means , you may ask , this stale recapitulation of some of the events of your early years ? Why , Saviour of France , if you will have it , there is a moral . History repeats itself and some men in your position , and of your great virtues and ta — ^~ ^~ lents —r ^ p ^ h «^ ^ r ^^ r 1 , ^ m ^ have ^* ^ V ^^^ B' V ^ Bb ^ had ™— " ^ - ^^*^ 0 vr ^ Bi ¦ to ^ B * ^^ B * ¦ live ^ BB ¦ BBi ¦ ^^^ B 1 their By d . BiB ^ 4 ^ ^ B > lives ^ BJ > B . V ^ BB * BBB * over ^ BB" V ^ BBF BV again ^ B »^ B ^ BBk ™ ¦ V ¦ "" " backwards ~ ~» - ~ ^ ~— ~^ " —— - .
Where you will take up the thread is not for me to say , — perhaps at December , 1851 , in which case I almost venture to prophesy you will find yourself before very long back in London . You have plenty of admirers in this country ; and on the staff of the Daily TelegrapJi you will always find a place reserved for you . You might make quite a sensation in Paris , as English Correspondent of the Pays , say . No doubt that journal will be retained , as a valuable specimen of veracious and cleanly writing under whatever government may ultimately ,
be established in France . You have got a majority in these elections , on which I almost forgot to congratulate you . It does not represent the intelligence or the intellect of France ; but that is an honour to — — which — — - — ¦ — ~^ h * ¦ neither 1 ¦ - ^^ -- ^^ - ^ r m ^ bv ^^™ you g *^»~ ^™^ B ^ nor ^^^ V ^ B ^ 4 BP your W ^ B' ^ B'B" ^ BP s BBB > ervitors ^ BB * " ^ W H BB 1 ^^^ ^^ " ^^^ ever ^ BB" ^ ^ BBF * ¦ ^ " ¦ asp " BJ ™ ired ^~^ . But
then it is a majority , and I have no doubt , with the aid of that majority , you will succeed in your object , so often avowed , so often frustrated , so long deferred , of founding in France " a Republic wise by its laws , honest by its intentions , great and powerful by its acts . " Courage / mon amu You have a rare
opportunity now of gratifying France and yourself . Do not let any quixotic notions of self-sacrifice prevent you from fulfilling , at one and the same time , your desire and your destiny . Your never-failing admirer . Tomahawk .
244 The Tomahawk. \J Une 5, 1869/
244 THE TOMAHAWK . \ J 5 , 1869 /
Cat And Dog Life.
About There A Recent Is An Decision Enth...
about There a recent is an decision enthusiastic given , by not Mr . to Ingham say reckless , the metropolitan , humanity police suppose mag we were istrate on , that the very might dawn lead of believers another and in a Utopia better era to . That worthy gentleman has denounced the clipping of a dog ' s it ears , and as a threatened " relic of a imprisonment barbarous age where , " fined the somebody use of the for scissors doing can WU « . J . 1 . be ¦ uv , ¦ shown BJUtWTT < J . fc not UWIp to fcV be W at W the bUW result A ^ OUA B li of Vfl ignorance igUUl M HllVb and CV 11 VI folly * Vf **/ . . Now * 1 VIT
it cli s pping eriously a dog impairs ' s ears their is certainly hearing . a As stup to id its ^ custom brutality , inasmuch , it appears as to be not more or less brutal than a thousand and one other usages though which brutality long to custom animals has should sanctioned , as far . as the The law fact can is wisely , that ticularly interfere , on be stopped their guard , nevertheless against , a the certai public n ought sort of to be animal parhumanity ing unthinking vmviiiiii which is support daily growing ii The U \< in other vr the % i midst day of there wxi us and absolutel
receivappeared tug ..... an wi . i . i . appeal jj , gujt ^ iut in . a daily paper » . v * c * jr for funds . v » jlv » c « t ^ for < avii . M . bw the * y jr advertisement support of some , too " , home wound " or up asylum with the for encouraging destitute and cats hopeful ! The announcement Now , in the name " that of all upwards that is of reli 30 g , 000 ious cases , is not had such been a paragraph relieved . " as the above a shame and a disgrace to a Christian country ? beings Thirty are thousan starving d destitute for want " of cats a * morsel relieved of , bread where , and human that
About There A Recent Is An Decision Enth...
these daily ! animalists The thing are is sickening generall , y especiall well up y in when the one Scripture reflects that that teaches given to them man solel distinctly y and that simp every ly for living his use thing . Stray not and human destitute was oug cats ht oug not ht to not be of Supported course to . be They tortured ought ; but to they be promptly most certainly , and , pose if possible is an , outrage painlessl upon y killed humanity . To , devote and it funds is difficult to such to conceive a purmisapplication more a sin , utterly that is inexcusable one of help of the and in proper assistance the li and ght of p this ious Divine feeding type Justice , that of will beasts than prove this at
the crumbs table that and fall kicking under away it . Mr of . human Ingham , beings deserves from all ere the dit very for he his tried condemnation to sweep the of brutality whole subject ; but he clean made off a in mistake a few words when . If we are to get rid of barbarism en masse , we can begin lower wool down , in oxen the scale driving than , lobster mere dog boiling ' s ears , steep . Horses le-chasing ' tails , , sheep pigeon ' s would shooting loudly , to demand say nothing our immediate of some hundred attention moral Animal brutalities wor- ,
. neglect shi ^ b k p is a all a fli ^ Bi very human well BB being BS , but ^ Bi it for _ is BB a safer destitute ^ B to _ ¦¦ cut cat off . a In do ^ these ' s ear days than BB , unfortunately sisted . , this obvious truth cannot be too frequently inupon
Marble Snobs.
Has "Old Escaped Westminster Us, Were, T...
has "Old escaped Westminster us , were , the " and other somebody day , fighting else about , whose the name condition declared of the that monuments they were in in the a Abbey filthy . state One , and of the required disputants an immediate brush . The , application other called of this yellow dust soap of centuries and the " scrubbing tone" and - word was sical for mess or leaving two is to a good say things upon type just the of as that subject they mellowness . are . Doubtless Now , of we , the age have ph with y a - the which mighty historians ones of have past morall generations y invested In the both characters cases the of
- scrubbing •>**>» *¦ J . MXg m ^*^ . UVjr -brush ^ T NfAkWa bb , from ^ ft \ JM ' . £ SC thi _ « * s ) fa s gVUViaVIVUS point A of view . ) , *» would i VUV ^ «* » be «¦ V > S » 0 % equall «> 9 VJkSV am m y it undesirable out with . his However opponent , while , there " Old is one Westminster suggestion " is the having controversy fall into the has chaos raised of things which unheeded we must . cordially By all means trust will , let not us leave the knife all the against good the old atrocious gothic monuments monstrosities alone that , but have cry war grown to , like the h last ideous three fungi hundred , over the old Abbey What walls is the in good the course of " Old of
Westminster '' talking about years . the grandeur of this and the " Eng tone lish " of cathedral that , and and making its few comparison continental s rivals between 1 Let one any great one unblushing quit the nave and for godless an instant vulgarity , and what of three meets centuries his gaze ! ? Monu The - ments crusting out the of gt all and taste divine , and old void walls of all with decency their and foul beauty earthy , en ex - - uvrr flowered crescence wiwu waistcoats w ! t + jLt ^ Partly fcww *** . ** in *** nobodies the » . v *^ a midst *** v «» 9 i » floating w of * plump j ^*«*«»& about v # cherubs * v ** % ** in ^ +++ gp blankets , « and **« i > vi . grin ^**** or
lingsgat ning in marble e editions at their of Fame own ! portraits held out to them by Bilseraphim Busts , heads , and , patches legs , ships , all , guns jumbled , ropes up , savages into one , de great ath ' s h act eads of , than idol worshi for a p , — mighty an assemblage Christian fitter temp for le once a wax dedicated -work exhibition to the bound worship knows of God his ! name There , who is one literally gentleman takes , up no a one whole we will chapel be dress width to and himself periwig . He , after is being having carried taken up an to Heaven affectionate in full farewell court
him of a is select the glory batch of of the heathen last day mytholog , and dozens ical figures of angels . Above with trumpet extremely s and good , we place think . This , fiddles monstrous , are piece bowing of him vulgar in ginger to an - five bread -and , - raised thirty feet to the high memory , if not more of a , and Christian plastered man , over is a wi bout th monument a lying This epitap is , with h bad . a very case , few bu and t it is rare reall exceptions y only typ , raised ical of within every the the courage Abbey of to late cut ages down . all Talk these of tone pagan , indeed effigies . Who , every ever one has . of
Tomahawk (1867-1870), June 5, 1869, page 244, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_05061869/page/2/