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246 THB TOMAHA WK. IJune 5, 1869.
Now Ready, BRITANNIA for June, Price is.
LONDON, JUNE 5, 1869.
The Earl of Dudley, the Court Newsman te...
An application has been made to the Dean...
The Queen, we are told, purposes giving ...
The Pall Mall Gazette is trenching on th...
A special paragraph appeared the other d...
Mr. Lowe's Budget is passed ; and it onl...
better The Times with t the wh other ich...
inflicted A few a days fine of ago five ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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246 Thb Tomaha Wk. Ijune 5, 1869.
246 THB TOMAHA WK . IJune 5 , 1869 .
Now Ready, Britannia For June, Price Is.
Now Ready , BRITANNIA for June , Price is .
London, June 5, 1869.
LONDON , JUNE 5 , 1869 .
The Week.
The Earl Of Dudley, The Court Newsman Te...
The Earl of Dudley , the Court Newsman tells us , paid his respects to the Pope last week . Come , here ' s a beginning !
An Application Has Been Made To The Dean...
An application has been made to the Dean of Arches by D * . Tristram , on behalf of the Bishop of Winchester , desiring him to accept letters of request against the Rev . Hook Edward Wix , Vicar of St . Michael and All Angels , Swanmore , who is charged with certain illegal ritualistic practices . This is rather hard . Surely W ^ might be excused for showing a partiality for candles .
The Queen, We Are Told, Purposes Giving ...
The Queen , we are told , purposes giving His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales the , £ 35 , 000 said to have been realised by the sale of Her Majesty ' s "Journal of Our Life in the Highlands . " Surely the Heir Apparent should take wisdom from so excellent an example . Why does he not get up a book—on the Leger 1 If the Prince does adopt the idea , we hope he will give us the credit of having suggested it .
The Pall Mall Gazette Is Trenching On Th...
The Pall Mall Gazette is trenching on the ground of comic papers . For some time its "Occasional Notes" have been tinged with waggery . Let that pass , but we are sorry to see that it has descended to practical jokes on its readers , who were last Friday perplexed by finding its pages in the following
order : —1 , 6 , 7 , 4 , 5 , 2 , 3 , 8 , 9 , 14 , 15 , 12 , 13 , 10 , 11 , 16 ! Was this witticism described in the contents bill as " The Oaksthis day !"
A Special Paragraph Appeared The Other D...
A special paragraph appeared the other day in several of the evening papers announcing the fact that " the Hon . Francis Godolphin Pelham , of Trinity College , Cambridge , a son of the Earl Christ of Church Chichester , Oxford , and , the a son Hon of . Frederick the Earl of George Sherborne Dutton , were , of ordained deacons on Sunday last—Mr . Pelham by the
Archbishop of York , and Mr . Dutton by the Bishop of' Oxford . " Well , what of it ? Why have these two young men been fished out of the ecclesiastical intelligence and " done " into a special paragraph together ? Is it the adjunct of " Honourable * that has effected the businessor is Christianity to be congratulated
on numbering two gentlemen , of such figure among its exponents ? Really as the announcement stands it is simply idiotic . What does it mean ! .
Mr. Lowe's Budget Is Passed ; And It Onl...
Mr . Lowe ' s Budget is passed ; and it only remains for those whom it is designed to rob , to use every means in their power to resist the gross injustice inflicted on them . Let those who
Mr. Lowe's Budget Is Passed ; And It Onl...
earn their incomes by their own labour , and subject to their health , throw every obstacle they can in the way of the collection of this monstrous blackmail . If anything could add to the contempt and disgust which we feel for Mr . Lowe , it is the way in which he has spoken in the two very short discussions
on his financial chicaneries . We can only suppose that , having consented to join a Radical Ministry , and sit as a colleague of Mr . Bright , he has determined to show his contempt for the people of England by displaing , on every occasion of his official appearance in Parliament , the most insolent levity , and
the most shameless disregard of truth . He seems anxious to prove in his own person that his estimate of the Radicals was a true one ; he has joined that party , and it is thus he seeks to disgrace it . Seldom has a more degradin g spectacle been witnessed in the House of Commons than this libeller of the
people , this renegade Capys , getting up from the same bench on which sit some of the most honest and noble-minded Reformers of England , and uttering his disjointed buffooneries , his shuffling subterfuges , as the only answer to the serious remonstrances of upright and sober-minded men , whose own
wealth does not happily blind them to the bitter injustice , and the fraudulent cruelty , that this political juggler is inflicting on the poor . It will reflect eternal disgrace on the present Coalition . Ministry that it should not only have contained among its members a man capable of producing so dishonest and unjust a Budget , but that it should have absolutely supported him in doing so .
Little Legislators.
Better The Times With T The Wh Other Ich...
better The Times with t the wh other ich to day fill , it its is to advertisement be presumed sheet for want ave of a list of copy the new members of the up House of Commons " , el g ected mestic within history the last to six each months of these . " It gentlemen appended , mentioning also a little the bit names of doand of their addresses respective . There papas appeared and mammas to be no , as point also in their the column own ages of able information men were thus workers tendered and beyond veteran the sand fact most that of all the the nobodies really
C * h # * W AAJLWA 4 . IVV & W VTW ** VW ** J C * U \* r ViWi MU Jy , CfcAJVl AXAV / 9 l > \ JJL fcMW UUUvUlwd arist and the ocrats Earl but of b March oys . Lord , another Hydej youth a youth , who of has three the and advantage twenty , West of him Sussex by one . year Some , were other set down men respectively on the list for turned Brecon out and to young those blood be more or enthusiasts mon or less ey . closely We who recommend still connected believe a with that perusal " the influence Reform of the * ' whole either Bill has to of upset the Constitution , and closed the gates to rising talent .
A Fine Crop.
Inflicted A Few A Days Fine Of Ago Five ...
inflicted A few a days fine of ago five one shillings of the on metropolitan two men who police stood magistrates convicted called of cropp in ing evidence a dog ' said s ears it . was Two cruel veterinary . Sir Edwin surgeons Landseer who were was cropp of the ing same , and op had inion never , and stated had a that dog the ' s ear Queen cropped protested in her against life . will The no magistrate doubt be ' s generall decision y was approved a very , but wise the and Pall proper Mall one Gazette , and seized the case as matter for - one of its " Occasional Notes /' and did its best to throw ridicule the whole
gesting that thejpresent customs of on docking horses subject tails by , ring sug - - ing that into pig our plush ' s intelligent noses breeches , boring contemporary , were ladies equall ' ears y , is and barbarous on even the wrong putting . It is side a not footman , but often we must has committed express our a regret breach that of for decen once cy at in any giving rate support the Pall to Mall the recognition fashion , isnow of the a vilely sole and cruel only and justification useless practice . , for which
Tomahawk (1867-1870), June 5, 1869, page 246, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_05061869/page/4/