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108 THE TOMAHAWK. {March 6, 1869.
" Or Thi velvet s new comes and gorgeous...
OUR WEEKLY PROPHET. (Obtained at a Great Outlay.)
Volunteer March 1 officers st.—" March r...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Chapter Xviii. The Burial Certificate. G...
" No Oh lisp , I , no 't drawl afraid now , Jem . . IVe hit on a mine . " " Where ? not in Sutherlandshire . That ' s all rot , isn ' t it ? " Scotland " Well , I the should not natives think would there have could had be it out much before gold now in . But " Eh my ! mine " ; All is canny three a man men ' s pocket become . " interested suddenly . " " What Safe as ¥ ' the says Bank Jem — , " " you have not nailed the Barynet ? " One Lud of ! the I p three ity ' s lifts the poor buffer face , that which I do had . " been buried in a Cashmere and up listens . , Rizzio Where Hall , reader wrapper 1 No , , have , not in you Rizzio seen Hall that , creep face ing before slowly ? down Not the in must cellar be step mistaken s with a . corkscrew in his hand ? No , reader , you " Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! I'll skin the old boy . " The Ferdy man ' s laug in the is Cashmere very harsh scarf . clasps something very hard under the table . " What are you a after of , pinching my knee like that ? " says greasy inched But it J . em was . not his knee that R , I mean the stranger , p " Ferdy Good rises -bye , to Jem go ; ; don he is ' t forget rather settling unsteady day on . " his legs . He " I shall goes out be there , and — the all right party . " breaks up ; only the man in the Cashmere " I will have wrapp it er —I is w left ill . have it—if I die for it . " Early morning , and the sun is having his first round with the London One beam blacks , that —one has down had , t a ' other regular come hard on . fight Brave with sun a ! great lout What of a ? chimney , struggles through the fog and falls ona shirt On the , senseless body of , at Ferdinand the door Desboroug of the Lambeth h , lying Workhouse in nothing . but nothing to ori [ g steal Note inal was a ] (! . ) — march author left The for foregoing on , having the him author . persisted chapters The of above this require in his chapters ginal course some Novel exp belong of lanation gross of Princi to plag the ; ple but iarism third but the , the volume intervention of the novel of a * ' confidential Fallen among friend Thieves of , unblemished " and were procured integrity— by ( meaning me , Major B . ) .
108 The Tomahawk. {March 6, 1869.
108 THE TOMAHAWK . { March 6 , 1869 .
The Ne W Court Dress.
" Or Thi Velvet S New Comes And Gorgeous...
" Thi velvet s new comes and gorgeous methinks garment to mock , " be at it form cloth If Courtiers , are prepared , to , go this length , To Of Trowsers bring derision —O on , unkindest the limbs cut of of men all , 1 A " Once home more , there unto ' s nothing the breech so , becomes dear friends a man , once more !" As That gaiters has its , and goal th * and unmentionable limit at the knee garb . And So , — gait when is the trammelled virgin muslin by entang swathes ling the swords neck , , Take When collars then gold from -embroidere slaves of d cut the blood ears , — copy grosser ; Aye Through His , menial imitate its development your thin prison flunkey hous ; ' s and nether e of let silken it man pry , hose As Enshrines fearfully some , as when substan a paper ce angular bag , that pant , s Whose For freedom limbs . — were O , ye made yeomen in E , ngland good and show true , s here What beef and beer have made them , 1 who so base Redundant As would cry Nature sham with e upon superfluous his food , and cloth ? e Of I doubt Trowsers you not ! . Shoddy Swear vengeance rot the web on of this them scheme ! Who And Bankruptcy in sartorial madness enmesh the sewed recreant the work snips !—Ava For u nt such , Dic fashio k , Harry n 1 , though —Cry y e , " Not the g for o Joe !"
Our Weekly Prophet. (Obtained At A Great Outlay.)
OUR WEEKLY PROPHET . ( Obtained at a Great Outlay . )
Volunteer March 1 Officers St.—" March R...
Volunteer March 1 officers st . — " March remarked first and when fall they out squabbled afterwards with , " their the various corps . Volunteer The following offices general , orderly orders or otherwise will be posted , in the up metro in the - known polis : — , at " The Dover Volunteer . All Volunteers Review will wishing take to place take , as part is alread in the y and sham four fight in will the afternoon meet at the of Pier the -head day before between , and the will hours march of two on them to the out nearest to sea steamer ( if rough , which weather will ) be in expressl order y to engaged try their to capa take - bilities as sailors before proving their value as soldiers . The the Lord rules Warden of Bezique of the * sent Cinque down Ports expressly will be in by attendance the editors to of teach the Pall Mall Gazettewho will also forward an amateur Volunteer to the report Review on . the At feeling the ^ various existing military between messes officers the and colonels men during will recommend during the stay officers of the to Lord sink ports Warden , and . take entirely to sherries Serpentine March ' znd . Intelli . —A porpoise gence of will the be capture caught will on be the telegrap coast of the to engaged Mr . Frank with Buckland his rats , and who mo will nkeys at at the dinner moment to take be too any deep imme ly - do diate grievous notice havo of the c among message the . schooners The porpoise and cutters will get of away the Ser and - he pentine is too fleet late . . Mr Nothing . Frank daunted Buckland , he will will take arrive one in of time the numer to find - of ous the wherries sea monster , and rowing will forthwith out into read the immediate a leader from neighbourhood the satirical j ournal porpoise Land ' s and nerve , Water s to such , which a degree will have that the he effect will fall of soothing an easy shore prey to , pack the sedu him ctive up in naturalist a hamper , with who a will little , on ice bring , two specimens him to feralis of the Pangual . Owing Calca to the rossa ravenous , and a full propensities -grown Gramfiax of this Cardini latter - member on arriving of the at the Infuso Zoo ri . , no vestige will remain of the porpoise second March by 3 - rd being . —Will a day be easil in advance y distinguished of him in from every March way . the A who sudden will fall record of snow at will the be same reported time by and a hungry with the penny same -a-liner , will asparagus showers issue of invitation in ear a ly farmer gooseberries s to ' s coatpocket all the , and members . the , The spontaneous of Poor the -law Parish Guardians growth Clubs pen of , ball ( known to follow to the . profane The menu as will workhouses be as follows ) to a : — grand dinner , and
POTAGE . C ' qu'il est pour tout . Poisson . Le Maquereau sur le Pave . Entrees . Pate Toques ' s a la a la Paie Casuelle -MSle . , Grilled Bones . Oyster Shells . Rot . Le Canard a la Chiffoniere . Dessert . Quatre Mendiants . the Ther ratepayers e will be a will good naturall many reels be call danced ed on to after pay the the dinner piper . , and left March the ark 4 th . . — Noah The day himself of the giving month them on which e orde the r to animals march to forth the . gove Seve rnor ral mad of Colney hares Hatch will be . interred Thesis hares in pie will crust be , and broug sent ht with sorrow to their grave . During this month Miss Marie Wilton will lose the services of Bea Mr u . L Farintosh epidus on , who e first will of , howe April ve . r , resume his character of carried Tanners on at have this period superstition of the year that owi th n e ir to wor a k proph shou e cy not which be bids them beware of the hides of March , . gentleman A great of sorro that name will being come seized upon with the ho an use intemperate of Smiths desire , one to impose upon the public by adding Payne and Smith to his
Tomahawk (1867-1870), March 6, 1869, page 108, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_06031869/page/10/