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54 THE ^OA f^AWK. lAu&ut 6, 1870.
Government We believe declaring that an ...
(Written French in Government strict acc...
for Although a fact whether , of course ...
office * The , but man with was sixpence...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Following The Liberal Example Set Us By ...
Explanations and Directions for the me of the Map . N . B . —It is desirable to take notice that should the student turn simplest wish the to imagine method Map upside , him however self down ( say , would ) and at Cologne be re-arrange to stand to the the on North compass his head , he . must and His imagine everything reversed . This is less confusing . Or If the student wants to stud y the Map ( say ) from the
distinctl South South--East East refuse , , he he has has to tell no no business business him how to to to think think do it . of of such such a a thing thing , , and and we we y useful Not to e future i . —The tourists Map , of if they the Rhine bear in itself mind will that he in found following very the arrows they have all the objects of interest behind their backs . Figures Explained .
1 Metz . 2 Nancy . 4 3 Berlin Cologne . . 5 Paris . 0 7 Our Berlin correspondent
. 8 A restaurant . 10 9 The The Prussians French army ( all ( of 400 them , 000 ) . strong ) . Actual position . 12 11 A The capital French place army for ( 400 new , 000 -laid strong eggs . ) probable position . 13 Baths and wash-houses . 14 Action of the 29 th ult . Prussians at dominoes 30 th ult
15 10 Two Munich ? playing () . 18 17 The St . Fetersburg French army h ( not ( 400 the , 000 Russian strong ) one possible ) ? position . 20 19 A Ditto place , ditto where ( ditto they , ditto cut ) , hair impossible for threepence ditto . . 21 22 No Head Seidlitz quarters powders of the here Emperor . . 2 3 " \
24 / 25 V English correspondents and Prussian spies . 17 ) has 28 address A Horse ) . Marine . Apartments at a pound a week ( man 30 29 Mr Constantinop . Cook . le ( the German one ) .
( 3 T ? Bodies Bodies of of 20 mor , 000 e men than indicated 20 , 000 not indicated . - JvAIL ^ VA . YS «^^^^^ . - >> . 'N- ' ^' " ^ ' ^ ' * v .-N - 'v ^ s ^>/ ^' " ^ ' ^^ v ^/^ .-x .- ^>»~ s ^> . »/ >/>/>/ % / vrf ^ -v . Roads Bathing Machines * ? Good Places for Kid Gloves < 3 T <§ r < ST 4 ST Artillery 0000000000 00
54 The ^Oa F^Awk. Lau&Ut 6, 1870.
54 THE ^ OA f ^ AWK . lAu & ut 6 , 1870 .
Government We Believe Declaring That An ...
Government We believe declaring that an the order following will shortl articles y be to be issued contraband by the of and war to , as prolong conducing the bad to excite feelings the which evilpassions at present of the unfortunatel belligerents y , exist both amongst Prussians and Frenchmen : — All British-made wine . Potted shrimps and Pegwcll Bay abominations .
Patent " Le plum medicines pudding generally Anglais . . " The Serious majority books of to our be read contemporaries by the wounded . while in hospital . All kinds of sympathy . We are glad to hear that both Prussia and France have best approved to prevent the measure the importation —and will into each the two on their countries part of do any their of the above specified commodities .
(Written French In Government Strict Acc...
( Written French in Government strict accordance referring ivith to the Correspondents Rules laid doiun and by Kc the - porters with the Army . ) July 29 /// . you Here to guess I am , that . I as must your not Special tell you Correspondent where ; but at I the must Seat leav of e the the War hotel hotel , I am crowded crowded not far . . off They Thev the front gave eave . me me I got , , however however here last , a a ni small small ght , and room room found an ait
quatriime to say if any y and of I the dined military at the were table present d'hote , . but , I am I may not hint at liberty that wine 2 f . 50 was c . Later included in , the and evening that the I took price a of walk the . dinner The scene was onl was y most on either striking side . As of the I walked streets through and in the the town windows the houses of several stood I inside observed . However lights , giving , true unmistakable to my , trust , I evidence pushed of on people towards being the habitation open country in . It was , and near a ten huge o ' clock sign-post when , telling I passed travell the ers last the
not which in way some remarkable and I wended p distance laces , . in my to others I footsteps observed hill , pointed y . , ; however but The gauntl beyond country , as y in this about I the trud its features direction ged here on is flat my are in mission and here , trees and innumerable there even , a fields cabaret with , cattle or a farmhouse grazing in . th But em , bl these all ood was of placid silence thou p sands . lains Was be and I preparing near thousands the themselves enemies of brav ' e territory hearts to receive ? ? No Could the , I may what at was once that say fearful that I was which not near has the rent frontier the air — . but Surel , hark ! must be the shriek of cry a wounded arm \ or the wail of women y
left husbandlessfatherlessand brotherless , . It sounds like all by combined a quick . panting I listen , soun . Ah d , as , there if of it is a again thousand . This horses time gallop followed ing cavalry towards bearing me from down the . misty A green horizon fire . ball It must appears be in the the enemy air not ' s building a hundred to yards the ri distant ght . What . Now can a red it be light ? Evidentl gleams y across a horrible the invention A noise of of wheels modern now warfare in the opposite . The panting direction steeds . In the approach gloom .
packages I can make —munitions out approaching of war doubtless me a heavy , or an vehicle ambulance loaded waggon with piled approaches with wounded . The ambulance —another shriek waggon , the has heavy stopped cavalry where charge the the red railway light gleams 1 am . near What . This can it is mean the . hotel Ah . omnibus I see it all and . here It is comes vice of the trains train is for not Paris interrupted . "No . Sir It , " says takes a forty porter -five , , " the minutes serfrom delayed here to- to night Paris , as by the the people slow trains in the , but next the town train are is holding a little their fetes . Yes , Monsieur , I will post a letter for you . * Keep fore the change in haste ? . Merci , beaucoup , Monsieur . " I dose this there-
Turning The Tide.
For Although A Fact Whether , Of Course ...
for Although a fact whether , of course or not , Lord we should Romill , we y is do a Cambridge not happen man to know , but bis restrain recent the decision Great in Eastern the nature Railway of an Company injunction from prayed pump for ing to equal 100 , 000 credit gallons , whether of water he hails from from the the river Cam at or that the p Isis lace . does " Every him - bod " that y acquainted in dry seasons with all the the locality water that knows can , " be said got his is wanted Lordship for , the are glad Cam , to and find I that therefore for once grant actual the injunction and poetical prayed justice for . " are We in
legal accord pull . It over too local often tradition happens s , that and commercial the decision interests of the Master have a his of the new Rolls character is decidedly of a river refreshing conservator . Cannot , do something Lord Romill for y , the in may Thames be . as illegal If it is to illegal add to to it extract ; at all anything events , we from should a stream be glad , it galees to get , rid are of committed the dead to dogs their and parent cats , river which when , like death so many is upon Benf hera . There is something in the Court of Chancery after all .
Wisel Y A Greed.
Very Special Correspondence.
Office * The , But Man With Was Sixpence...
office * The , but man with was sixpence true to pay his trust , the letter arrived safely at our
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 6, 1870, page 54, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_06081870/page/12/