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THE TOMAHAWK . [ September 7 , l 86 7 . SLACK ' S SILVER ELECTRO-PLATE ===== IS A STRONG COATING OF PURE SILVER OVER NICKEL , EQUAL FOR WEAR TO STERLING SILVER , Manufactured solely by RICHARD and JOHN SLACK . ~ Every Article for the Table as in Silver . —Old Goods Replated equal to New . - ^ - ^**** J ^ J SLACK'S CATALOGUE , with 350 Drawings and Prices , gratis , | l f J ^ 3 or post free . —^ " ^ ^^ A >^ ^^^ k £ ORDERS CARRIAGE ¦ FREE . ^^^^^^^^*^* m ^ F ^^ ^^^^ - 00 •^^ ^ . ^^^ f ^ 0 ^ " ^ ^ ~ ~ F E iddle lectro Pattern -Plated . Fiddle Strong Pattern Plated . Pattern Thread . Kin wi s ' * th and Shell Thread " _ 12 Table Forks or Spoons £ 1 10 0 £ 1 18 0 £ 2 8 0 £ 3 0 0 " — Messrs . . Slack o have . been « celebrated , - A « 50 « . years for 12 12 Tea Dessert Spoons Forks or Spoous 0 100 12 0 0 110 18 0 0 136 115 0 220 no n the superior manufacture of their Cutlery . — - IVORY TABLE lls ., 14 KNIVES s ., 15 s . 3 d IBs . Peb ., 20 s Dozen ., 2-2 s . . DESSERT , fc CjT > J _ JA A < . O ^ T ± i ^ . fc < = > rpApT X - £ L-t 5 _ Li ± Li ? O / -ittttt LJ TLiERY . , , > -,, . RICHARD & JOHN SLACK , 336 Strand , opposite Somerset House .
ALVERN COLLEGE . — MPresident and Visitor . —The Lord Bishop of WORCESTER . Head late Master Fellow . — and The Tutor Rev . of ARTHUR New College FABER Oxford . M . . A ., ASSISTANT MASTERS . , Rev Rev . . C F . . M R . 'DoTvall Drew , , M M . A . A .. ., Sid University . Sus . College College . Cambrid , Oxford ge . . Rev ford . \ V . H . Maddock , M . A ., St . John ' s College , Ox-Rev Rev This . . A E . . College Sewell Rudd , , is M B conducted . . A A . . , , New St . Joh College on n's the College , model Oxford , Cambridge of . & the c . great . public The sons schools of . gentlemen are educated at a moderate bridge cost , and , and the for pup all ils military are prepared and civil for service Oxford examina or Cam - - tions . to Ther the College e are scholarsh , to be he ips -Id of either considerable in the College value attached or at the Universities . with the Th Head the e pupils Assistant Master , if . not Masters resident , subject in Malvcrn to the , are approval boarded of II 31 Terms 1 . per annum for tuition to non —251 -proprietors . per annum . to For proprietor board at s , mas and - ters Full ' houses information , 601 . 011 application to Henry Aldrich , Esq ., the Secretary .
MALVERN COLLEGE . — The next TERM COMMENCES on Wednesday the iStli of September . THOMAS TANNER , EXPORT AND WHOLESALE STATIONER , AND NO . A 16 CCOUNT F U 1 T V 2 PER KO B Y C 11 A MANUFACTUR R L T LONDON O N S T . ER R E . E T , Tracing Hank Note Linen Paper . s SQUARE Copy Postage , ing Balances Presses . . I Tracing ndia Wax Papers . . Printing Autographic Presses Presses . . Remittance Every all Article or Orders Reference connected . in London with Lithography for J ' ayment . to accompany
T IVER COMPLAINTS , &> c , js DELION - » . id * ^ - cured ., 2 S . and od without . 4 . QUININE S . 6 d mercury . a box , . LIVER by or for Dr . stamps KING PILLS 'S , from . DAN At J - . ROR & E , 47 Mortimer street , Cavendish square .
ADAME RACHEL'S rerenders M cipe hair , " beautiful teeth , and complexio FOR EVER beautiful , " which be-11 yond . is . comparison —47 A New , Bond c ; m st he reet forwarded ; 24 and 2 ^ on Rue receipt tie Choi of - seul , Paris . —N . B . —Beware of spurious imitations .
r * HEAPSIDE . —BENNETT'S bftion V _^ having CLOCKS produced nnd WATCHES many beautiful . —The Paris designs Exhi , J . clocks Bennett , at lias reduced just received prices . Drawing a splendid -room assortment Clocks from of 5 65 to Cheapside 100 guiuens . ; Marble ditto , 2 to 50 guineas . —
COOL AND REFRESHING PREPARATION . O LDRIDGE'S BALM OF from V—/ turning COLUMBIA Grey . 3 prevents s . 6 d ., 6 s Baldness ., and us , . and per the bottle Hair . KRSTORBS , CLEANSHS , AND BHAUTJ 1-1 KS TUB HAIK . The Balm aa Wellington is a Sure Producer street , Strand of Whiskers , W . C . , & c .
f * RYSTAL PALACE . —City desirous > to ^» Companies of holding , Firms their , Societies ANNUAL , Club DINNER s , or Schools or , for TEAS terms at to the Crystal Palace , are requested to apply ment BERTRAM . and ROBERTS , Refreshment Depart-
MR . REARDEN is instructed NISHED to offer UNFURNISHED for SALE , and , upward o LET s , of FUR 200 - situate MANSIONS in all the , medium most fashionable -sized Residences and healthy and parts Villas of , of the 180 West Residential -end and its La e nded nvirons Estates , together and Farms with upwards Shootrite ing , counties Hunting , in and Eng Fishing land , > Vale Quarters s , and , in Scotland the most , , vary favo ing - from acres , the particular villa wit s h and 10 terms acres to of which a mansion will be with given 20 , 000 on and application 92 Piccadi at his lly , Land one door and E fro state m Cambridge Agency Offic House es , 91 to to and view let Half are given registered Moon fre Street e of gratis charge , wh , ere . and properties particulars for and sale orders and
T > EADING'S CARRIAGES II House ¦ JL V . street for Removing , W . ( Opposite Invalids the . Langhain On Hire at Hotel 14 Riding . )
\ imiTEBAIT is now in per-V V fection at the SHIP TAVERN , GREENWICH . —THOMAS QUARTERMAINE .
TV / TONEY from FOUR PER appl country IVJL ication . CENT Bills , wit . hout of — - noblemen Money sureties ADVANCED , officers or security , gentlemen , one in hour town hold after and - imm ing publ ediately ic appointments discounted , , without tradesmen refer , and ences householders or guaranlea law tee seh s costs . old Money , or property publi advanced city , farming of on bill furniture of stock sale , , plant without on freehold , machinery removal and , , and ready merchandise for immediate of investment every description on reversions . ^ £ 50 , 000 and now annuitie vance surplus s . sum capital Mr s . in Geo at large . his S . command Mackennal or small , amounts is , having now prepared , re an payab immense to le ad by - to row easy Mr er in . . stalments GEO All . loan S . , MACKENNAL office to suit routine the convenience dispensed , 61 Piccadilly with of . the — , facing Apply borany St . J othe ames r ' office s street copy ( W ing . ) , the who advertisement has no connection of this with oldestablished business . Office hours ten to four . Bankers ' reference .
MO N E Y .- — 61 Piccadilly , mediately facing ADVANCED St . James on ' s street reversions . —ioo . , ooo annuities I . to be , and im-S eve . MACKENNAL ry description of having contingent made special interest . arrangements —Mr . GEO . scri for ption the prompt of security negotiation , applicants of advances can be on guaranteed above deagainst this branch the of usual financial delay transactions which has . hitherto Office hours attended ten to four .
TV / TONEY PROMPTLY ADor XV by JL Bill vnnced of Sale on upon Personal Furniture or any without available removal Security or , Ott Apply public ices ity to 78 . COOPE Officers Gloucester R ' and and street Gentlemen ISAACKS Piinilco ' s , Bills Bclgrave S Discounted . W . Estate Esta . - blished , 1858 . , , .
the ft ^ ggggllllllgl ^ jjg ^ jjllllllf ?^ ' ^ ; ^ ; . recognised Silicated by the Carbon highest Filter Medical is authorities only as one capable now | <| | ; g | ^ | || g ^ ^ 252 s ^ ^ ^ | gttgl n ^ U ||| |^ ^ ^ ^ fflpf H H || preference and of thoroug other other to public impurities y aU removing others from at all the organic water Government . matter It is , adopted lead offices , lime , the in i i W | KR | ^ « ^ MKBBSKm ci ^^ H ! il ^^ B ous General Post Office » and the private London establishments Hospital , and . numer The - ' ^ JS lTLsisig ) . H lllililSUB tWH IBI Exhibition P ecial correspondent thus writes on the Standard desired 14 th ult . : — " Nothing Paris j II HStilffll llilliilHI sim in attersea this P licitv de . > P artment and singularl excels y an cheap English , belonging filter , perfect to the in j ' | ^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ BHUL | i || fflH | . Silicated B Carbon All that Filter could Company be , Church in a filter Road for , i BRll ! HHIBI domestic use is combined in this . "—Prospectus free , j ^ SSsiS ] 5 is ^ Sp ^ i *^ Refrigerative Filter , price 31 s . 6 d .
-DREIDENBACH'S WOOD perfume impossibility JL 3 VIOLET of the to Violet extract . —It has the and sweet , long indeed but been , it so is considered only very since delicate H an at BltKiDENBACH mospheric influences ' S special to which researches this flower on the is peculiar subject that eminent It is , it however has botanists become , doubted a practical but by H . process ny Breidknbach , and in even all its by details most most . all firmly his articles declares scented that ; his with Essence violet of are Wood prepared Violet direct , and and only with the sweet flower , . The undeniable superiority by a most of extensive H . B . ' s Violet and unprecedented has been amply patronage rewarded from Courts every of Europe quarter , which of the best world testifies , and e to spec its i excellence ally by the . —XS 7 E New Bond street .
CORDING'S Oriental Guinea Tourist Coats 231 STRAND , TEMPLE BAR .
GENUINE SELTZER celebrated WATER springs ( of fresh Nassau imported . Imperial ) , direct quarts from , 7 s . 6 the d . ; JOHN pints ss DUNN . per dozen and . Co . Delivered 151 Cannon free street eight , City miles , E . . C — . Vichy , 10 s . per dozen quarts , , or case of 50 , 36 s .
P OUT and RHEUMATISM . is VJT quickly _ The relieved excruciating and cured pain of in Gout a few or days Rheumatism by that celebrated MATIC PILLS Medicine . They . BLAIR require 'S GOUT no restraint and RHEU of diet - to or prevent confinement the disease during attacking their use any , vital and part are . certain Sold by Half all pence Medicine and Two Vendors Shilings , at One and Shilling Ninepcnce and Three per box , or obtained through alny Chemist . FI . RA SOAP FOR WASHING DOGS—NALDIRE'S nil TABLET smell , nnd destroys gives brilliancy fleas , cleanses to the the coat skin . Free , removes from poison . " Harmless to the clog , but fatal to the fleas " and — Agents I ' ran Iloldswortli k : Barclay Bucklnnd , nnd . and Sons Manufactured sold , F by .-irr all ingdon chemists only street by , pric ; Wright Savory e is . street nnd Moore Foster , New Old Bond Ilroad street street ; Sangcr London , 150 . Raimcs Oxford and nnd Co Co ; . . , Edinb Bomb , urg . h , York , nml Liverpool , . Trtjachcr , ay
ACCIDENTS WILL HAPagainst " ^^ Fer L £ 1 . them . Week PEN 000 IN ! 1 while Everyone CASE laid OF up should b DEATH y injury therefore , , caused OR £ provide 6 by MAY -.. „ . _ BE SECURED ACCIDENT BY O AN f AN ANNUAL / KIND PAYMENT , RAILWAY ^^ Me &^ rI " ASSURANCE 04 Commit , and Willi COMPANY 10 Regent am J street , . Vian , London , Secretary . . ^¦""^ T * O KJ /\ » T T \ -T-r A IN " » T T-v TITT 1 TI
spect k W _ J rj the PROOF K ^ Largest V SAFES * JJ Assortment -Jtl . A Before in the U you World Purchase r IJ b & y , Ej the in - - street most eminent West Londo makers . At GRIFFITHS * , 43 , Cannon , n .
URICOMUS the ly Harmless JHLfoR imparting astonishing as GOLDEN pure a power rich water of HAIR golden quick , has - - mA flaxen shade to hair of any Piccadilly UNWIN Ss . 6 d ., , 10 and Perfumers s . 6 d ALBERT ., and to sis . . the 94 93 Boulevard des Capuclnes Agent . for Paris . — T . JONES ,
THE BRIAR Price as . 6 d . ROSE bottle , prepared BOU only - by Walter " The 'T . J M Briar QUET . KonsoN Scott Rosa , . , fell 3 a Lawrence in Streamers per lane , Green CheapsWe . —a . ' -i ^ X
London Great : Windmill Printed street by M , ' Haymnrket GOWAN and , and DANKS PubUsneu , i < j September by J ohn G 7 . Walks 186 7 . , 30 Tavistock street , W . < - » ,
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Sept. 7, 1867, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_07091867/page/10/